DEADPOOL or: How R-Rated Superhero Movies Could Be a Blessing or a Curse


Deadpool has flipped the box office upside down. The comic book film starring the “Merc with a Mouth” brought in summer movie season style receipts during the cold of February. A little over 10 days into its box office run, and the film has already broken numerous records and has achieved critical acclaim.
Exactly which records did Deadpool break? It had a worldwide opening of $264.9 million from 62 markets, which is the biggest of 2016, the biggest for an R-rated film, and the second biggest for Fox, only behind Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith ($303.9 million). It had the biggest IMAX 2D worldwide opening of all time with $27.4 million from 606 IMAX theaters, eclipsing The Dark Knight Rises ($23.8 million). It made $12.7 million from its Thursday night previews from 2,975 theaters, setting records for the biggest R-rated and February previews, beating The Hangover Part II ($10.4 million) and Fifty Shades of Grey ($8.6 million), respectively. Of that, $2.3 million came from IMAX showings, for a per screen average of $6,200, which is the sixth biggest IMAX preview ever. This broke the record for the biggest February IMAX preview and the biggest R-rated IMAX preview. On opening day, the film earned $47.4 million, breaking the records for the biggest R-rated opening day and the biggest February opening day. It also became the biggest R-rated single day and the second-biggest opening and single day ever for a 20th Century Fox film. Earning a total of $132.4 million in its opening weekend, it broke the record for the biggest R-rated opening of all time, the biggest February opening, the biggest opening for Fox, and the biggest opening of headliner Ryan Reynolds’ career. It is also the earliest film in a year to open with over $100 million. For its 4-day President’s Day weekend, it earned $152.19 million, breaking records for the biggest 4-day President’s Day opening as well as single weekend gross. In just ten days, it became the highest-grossing X-Men film, as well as becoming the highest-grossing R-rated comic book film of all-time.
Phew… (more…)
Deadpool Review: The Best Part Of This Movie Was The Whole Thing

Holy sh*t! If you haven’t seen Deadpool, you really, really should. If you’re on the fence, wondering if it’s been overhyped and talked up to death: it hasn’t. The marketing campaign was aggressive— deservedly so— for this R-rated masterpiece, which has already broken box office records, pulling in over $140 million during its opening weekend.
The short of it is that Deadpool is a movie you need to make time to see— call in sick to work, duck out on a family dinner, do whatever you must to get your cute little butt into a movie theatre to witness this monumental film— it makes fun of Reynolds’ previous stint as a Green Lantern, gets frank about masturbation, and comes complete with a couple of sweet cameos.
The long of it is that Deadpool is everything it promised it would be and more. It’s wonderfully violent (including decapitation), fantastically foul-mouthed (lots of F-bombs), the nudity is delicious (particularly the shot of Ryan Reynolds’ finely-toned gluteus maximus), and the political incorrectness is so savage it gives us the warm and fuzzies. But this isn’t just a movie designed to your most crude, innate desires. It actually has a plot (you can check out the IMDB page for a summary).
The casting was spot-on for this movie. Ryan Reynolds was born to play Deadpool and Morena Baccarin as Vanessa is both the girl next door and the sensual sex bomb. She compliments Reynolds’ smart-mouthed, acerbic character perfectly; if there was ever a female lead worth a murdering spree, it’s Vanessa (given that the sequel has already been greenlit, hopefully, Baccarin will return).
Of course, no review of this movie would be complete without mentioning the performances that tied it together: sure, Wade and Vanessa made a perfectly screwed-up couple, but during their two-year-long separation, Leslie Uggams as sharp-tongued Blind Al and T.J. Miller as the painfully-honest Weasel kept Deadpool appropriately feisty. And let’s not forget Dopinder, the only man on the planet who takes Deadpool’s far-fetched romantic advice with more than a grain of salt (we hope he shows up in the sequel). Also, Colossus was amazing. And so was Negasonic Teenage Warhead, and… you know what? Everyone nailed it. The wild west has been won. Nobody felt miscast or awkward, and everyone who interacted with Deadpool only served to highlight the best and worst aspects of his character (sometimes simultaneously).
It’s an action movie, it’s an epic romance, it’s overtly sexy (spoiler ahoy, if you don’t want to know who makes an appearance where, skip to the end of the bracketed section: Stan Lee in a strip club gives me life), it’s a feel-good comedy fest, but most of all, it’s pure, unaltered, unhinged insanity.
There’s still plenty of debate over whether or not this is kiddo friendly, and after seeing the movie, we’re gonna go with a solid N-O. Not because kids are so impressionable, their heads will explode at the first hint of Wade and Vanessa having fun with a strap-on; the theatre will likely be packed with adults at the edge of their seats, waiting to lose themselves in a movie that has tipped the “superhero” genre on its self-righteous head. A crying baby or a kid running up and down the aisle or loudly talking completely breaks the movie’s immersion. As a sign of respect for everyone else, please either leave your child at home or, if Family Fun Night at the movies is a must-have, go see Kung-Fu Panda 3.
Deadpool has earned every bit of praise heaped upon it before, during and after its release, and it was worth the wait. We cannot recommend this highly enough, everything was driven by the details and by an honest love for the character and his source material. If you’re looking to be awed by something close to perfection (or if you want to see Ryan Reynolds’ butt) go see this movie. Seriously. Drop what you’re doing and go, you’ll be glad you did.
Rating: 5/5 stars.
Five Pieces of Must-Have Merch for the Deadpool Fanboy

At this point, everyone in the world has heard and rejoiced about Deadpool’s big-screen debut (except for all of the people who have signed this petition. They’d rather we get a family-friendly version of the Merc With A Mouth… we’re not sure if they’ve ever read a Deadpool book, or if they just want to police everyone else’s joy). With the movie on its way, we’ve composed a list of must-have merchandise for the Deadpool fangirl in all of us, so it’s only natural we spread the love to the fanboys as well! Below are five pieces of Deadpool memorabilia that you need in your life (okay, maybe that’s a stretch. You don’t necessarily need things outside of food, water, oxygen and shelter… but you might want these things. So… you’re welcome):
Hot Topic is probably the first place fans will stampede to in the search for goodies plastered with the antihero’s likeness. But come on— it’s hard to resist the temptation of eau de Deadpool, even if you have to stand in line with a bunch of sullen-looking teenagers to get it. And buying the fragrance from the store (or online) is cheaper than hunting through EBay listings for it. We have no idea what sort of aroma genie is contained in that awesome-looking bottle— a review of the product reports that it “…smells like sweet leather, not floral. Maybe a little bit of vanilla?”— but the chance to find out is well worth the price-tag. If you get it, let us know, we’ll come over and take a good, long, lingering sniff.
You know what feels good after sitting in tepid water that’s awash (ba dum tss) with your own filth? Stepping out of that muck and slipping on a warm-and-snuggly fleece robe that makes you look 1000% more badass than you actually are. It’s polyester (that’s comfy), it’s flammable (that’s fun), and it has pockets (for all your personal storage needs. Now you can stuff little doughnuts in your pockets and enjoy them in the bath!) And it’s not like wearing this beauty is exclusive to post-bath/shower time— it’s good for all occasions (except maybe a wedding. But that’s kind of a given— unless it’s your wedding, then you can wear whatever the heck you want. As long as you’re not some sort of fire-eater. As we’ve already mentioned, flame and this stupendous robe do not mix).
We’re not saying you should spend over $100 on converse shoes— that would be insane!— we’re suggesting you drop over $100 on custom-made Deadpool converse shoes. Sure, the cost is a little steep, but isn’t that what blackmail and extortion is for? We’re kidding, don’t do that. The police will show up at your door, and they won’t let you keep your hard-earned shoes. If you don’t like the design, as per the product description, you can always request a truly customized pair of kicks from the seller.
“Mouthy Canadian” Deadpool Shirt
It’s fair to say that a lot of fans will be wearing their Deadpool gear with pride up to, during, and after the film’s anticipated release. But how many of those people will be boasting a shirt that, at once represents the mind-boggling antihero and resembles a beer logo? Not many, we’re guessing. And unlike the previously-featured shoes, this shirt won’t leave a gaping hole in your bank account (we hope not, anyway). When you wear this shirt, you might as well crack the tab on a cold can of beer, blast some Marianas Trench, and declare: “I. Am. Canadian.”
Sure, we’ve already sung this collection’s praises, but it’s a must-have for fangirls and fanboys, regardless of whether you’ve just jumped onto the Deadpool Xpress, or you’re an old-timer who’s been through multiple reboots/revamps/relaunches. We’ve already discussed the pros of having this heavyweight classic in your life and on your shelf. But in case you need more reasons to click the “BUY NOW,” button:
You should have this. Not only is Joe Kelly’s storytelling superb, his grasp of Deadpool as a character is smart and spot-on.
2) You deserve this. If you’re new to Deadpool, this is a great introduction to sink your teeth into, so you can experience the depths of Wade Wilson’s insanity for the first time.
3) You want this. Life’s too short to stare longingly at something on a shelf and have some weird, reverse buyer’s remorse because you didn’t purchase this book.
In the end, it’s your dollar and your decision. But everyone’s personal space— whether you’re living in a cramped little apartment, an unassuming house in suburbia, or couch-hopping— will get a lot better with a little Deadpool. Or you can just go see the movie, since it comes out on February 12th, and ignore the temptation to add a bunch of stuff to your life. But where’s the fun in that?
Five Pieces of Must-Have Merchandise For The Deadpool Fangirl

With arguably the coolest superhero movie ever made steam-rolling into theatres in February, even non-believers are getting that Deadpool itch. But with an over-saturation of superhero merch on the market (everyone will be lining up to raid Hot Topic’s licensed loot), it can be hard to find something (for yourself or your sweetie) that’s unique in the Deadpool department— especially if you’re a lady. Never fear, though, there’s tons of great ‘Pool propaganda out there. In case you need help looking, we’ve compiled a list of the top five pieces of must-have merch for the Deadpool fangirl in everyone.
If you want to make one of the three rings in your marriage a Deadpool-inspired beauty, well, no one can stop you! These antiheroic rings are a little on the pricey side (psst: they’re on sale!) But if your commitment to Wade Wilson— err, the love of your life— includes a matching set of engraved Thorsten Deadpool rings, these are a must-have. With bling this fine perched on your ring finger, nobody will confuse your relationship status. Plus, they’ve got a lifetime warranty, to (hopefully) match the finite eternity of your wedded bliss. You may now kiss the bride. (Or the groom. Or the taco. Whatever, love is love. But hey, if you’re serious about paying homage to Wade Wilson on your wedding day, you should check out this Deadpool lingerie. At current, it’s sold-out, but you can always wait for it to come back in or ask the seller to custom-make something for you).
Is your BFF your Valentine this year? Great idea! Why not show them you care by spicing up an old gift idea with a new twist? This Spideypool necklace set is the perfect present to complement two different (yet enduring) personalities. These two characters may not always get along, but, well, Marvel thinks it’s a good idea to jam them together, so their bond is an inescapable product of forces beyond their control— just like you and your bestie! No one will be able to resist either one of you with these cool charms around your necks.
Wanna show your ears some lovin’? Nothing says, “Thanks for eavesdropping for me,” like stabbing through your own flesh with these handmade studs. They look cool, they’re affordable, and you can’t tell if the Deadpool design is squinting at a taco truck in the distance or warding off an enemy (or your hug-happy great aunt Mildred) with an evil glare— either way, his heated gaze has got you covered.
Holy sh*t! Do you know how freakin’ frigid it is in some parts of the world right now? Do you know how many people are cursing the cold with chattering teeth, and wishing they had something other than a scratchy wool blanket to keep them warm? If you’re one of those people, you’re in luck! Nothing warms your frostbitten toesies and stokes the dying fires of your frozen soul quite like a fleece blanket— and this one’s got Deadpool extolling the virtues of tacos on it! If getting cozy underneath the world’s most famous fictional mercenary sounds like a delight to you, you’d better hurry and grab one of these suckers, before some snot-nosed kid gets it first.
Whether you’ve been reading Deadpool from the start or you’ve just boarded the insane train, or you’re somewhere in between, this is the perfect addition to any Deadpool fan’s collection. Joe Kelly has been praised around the world (wide web) as one of Deadpool’s definitive writers (or maybe we just have a soft spot for his run, and how brilliantly-crafted and funny and awesome it is). He captures the character— in all his ultraviolent, self-loathing, utterly unhinged glory— perfectly. If you have Joe Kelly’s Deadpool omnibus on your shelf, we hope you display this whopping 1,000+ page title with pride.
If you’ve managed to stick with us this whole time (undeterred by the need to pull out your credit card and treat yourself), we commend you. The truth is, we had a robot write the outro to this article because the author got lost in the swirling vortex of Etsy’s Deadpool offerings. You can’t force your employees to be productive— but you can make the choice to go see Deadpool in style. The R-rated masterpiece hits theatres everywhere February 12th.
Cirque du Soleil and James Cameron Partnering for Avatar-themed Arena Show
Oscar-winning director James Cameron has partnered with Cirque du Soleil to produce an Avatar-inspired arena show. The show is set to premiere shortly before the first of three new Avatar films is expected to hit theaters.
The Cirque show will tour the globe in late 2015, while the next installment in Cameron’s alien action-adventure saga is tentatively scheduled for a December 2016 debut. All three films are currently in pre-production. The Avatar project marks Cirque du Soleil’s first show inspired by a film.
James Camerson said this in a statement:
Over the years, I have discovered the extraordinary talents and imaginations of both the artists and the creative forces behind Cirque du Soleil. I know we share the common goal of bringing audiences to another level of entertainment experiences. I look forward to doing just that on this project.
Cameron previously collaborated with the performance company on the 2012 3-D documentary Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away. Twentieth Century Fox is distributing and financing the Avatar sequels and is a partner on the touring event.
H/T: Inside Movies @ EW