10 Fictional Characters That Would Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

The threat of a zombie invasion has been a popular theme to entertain (and terrify) the masses since 1932’s White Zombie came out, shocking audiences. In recent years, the idea of humanity’s downfall at the hands of reanimated corpses has taken hold of entertainment media as more than just a seasonal horror flick for people who love being scared to sleep at night; from The Walking Dead to the cutesy Plants vs. Zombies franchise, the peculiar possibilities of what one would actually do if one was trapped in a zombie apocalypse both fascinates and disturbs. Since the entire scenario is based on fiction, here’s a list of 10 fictional characters who stand a fighting chance of surviving the reign of the undead.
10) Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games)
[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1bNTJjiCHU[/embedyt]
Suzanne Collins’s girl on fire is no stranger to the game of survival (remember when she dug through a baker’s garbage to scrounge for food? And when she illegally traded some of her meats at The Hob? And also when she was bold enough to sell strawberries to the mayor of District 12, even though that was illegal too?) After making it through two televised fights to the death and assassinating a district president all before she hit the legal drinking age, Katniss would probably be desensitized to the blood and gore that comes with the territory of a zombie apocalypse. While she was unwittingly turned into a symbol of hope and the face of a cross-district revolution, Katniss is happier in solitude, where she can hunt for food with her bow-and-arrow, sleep in a tree, steal a quick bath in a stream and enjoy her own personal model of streamlined survival success. Her one weakness would be coming across parentless children (and Peeta, who’s basically in the same boat, with how naive he can be), but she’d take them under her wing, form a ragtag little family of outcasts, and kick undead kiester to protect them.
Though she’d probably be elated to avoid other human beings all together, Peeta would most likely convince her to use her superb archery skills to fight through the zombie hoards and save people who can’t save themselves. We imagine she would enjoy letting an arrow fly through a zombie’s eye or hacking one into bits with a knife. Don’t mess with this mama bear’s cubs (biological or otherwise) or she’ll kill you. (more…)