Stranger Things Season 3 Get’s Production Date and Episode Count
Fans of the popular 80’s style hit show Stranger Things rejoice! We finally have some news on Season 3!
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Even though it isn’t much, according to TVLine, Netflix will produce eight episodes in total for Season 3 with production beginning in April.
Why only eight episodes? We don’t really have an answer for that question. However, we do know that Season 3 will include a time up to 1985. 1985 is the year that Back to the Future and Super Mario Bros. were released. Although that really isn’t saying much, we hope that those will make some appearances or get some references to those famous pieces of entertainment and pop culture.
Both Seasons of Stranger Things are available to stream on Netflix while you wait for Season 3 to come out.
Source: TVLine
Final Stranger Things Season 2 Trailer Teases Lots of Action
The marketing department over at Netflix deserves a round of applause.
The final trailer for season 2 of Stranger Things has dropped, and it looks epic!
The almost-three-minute trailer does a fantastic job revealing more information about the plot, while still being very secretive.
The trailer features Millie Bobby Brown’s Eleven showcasing more of her awesome set of powers (she has to get that nose-bleed under control though) and, hopefully, finding her way back to Finn Wolfhard’s Mike and his crew.
Check it out:
Millie Bobby Brown Rocks Some Serious 80s Hair in New Stranger Things Season 2 Cast Photos
Season 2 of Stranger Things is right around the corner, and Netflix is doing everything they can to get you excited.
Some new stills for the series have been released, alongside a bunch of new information about the upcoming season.
In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, the Duffer brothers revealed that the new threat during the season will be the “shadow monster,” a giant creature that connects the whole story together.
During the new season, viewers will be following several separate storylines that will be tied together. “It’s all connected to this singular threat, which is tied into this shape that Will sees in the sky,” said co-creator Ross Duffer.
Entertainment Weekly also released several new photos from the set of the show, check them out:

REVIEW: Stranger Things, Episode 108
It is now time to close up the reviews of Stranger Things’ first season with this eighth episode entitled “Chapter Eight: The Upside Down” and in it, the search for Will is as close to a finishing line as it will ever get.
In contrary to the previous episode, in this one the story divides back in three storylines. In Hawkins’ lab Joyce and Hopper were separated and questioned so that the Bad Men realized how much they knew about everything that was going on. After learning they know too much, the Bad Men were planning to kill them, and that was when Hopper made some sort of deal with them. We still don’t really know everything they agreed to. In the scene, Hopper said if they let him and Joyce go to the Upside Down he would tell them where Eleven is, but I wonder if that was all, because close to the end of the episode the Bad Men came to pick him up from the police station, and he acted like he was expecting them. So does Hopper work for them now? Looks like we will have to wait for season 2 to find out.
Whatever the deal was, the Bad Men let them both in to search for Will, probably expecting them to die there. When they finally found him, I was really afraid he was dead. It would have definitely been a horrible twist, all of this just so that he would die in the end. Fortunately he was alive. Can’t wait to see more of him in the next season, because we don’t really know a lot about him yet. Even though he was the center part of the entire season, he was only in a small number of scenes.
Meanwhile, Nancy and Jonathan make all the preparations in an attempt to trap and kill the Demogorgon. I already said this multiple times, but here it goes again: I was definitely not pleased with them doing this, but now that I saw the trap they prepared and the plan they had, I have to say that it was a good one. I didn’t expect to say this, but I was glad Steve showed up. When he did, I kept yelling him to go away, and also insulting him when he actually did go, but then he came back, and he was the one who managed to put the Demogorgon in the bear trap, so at least he did one good thing this season. Despite all this, the three were only able to hurt it, and not kill it as they planned.
At the same time, in the school, while Dustin and Lucas go steal chocolate pudding, Mike and Eleven had a heart to heart conversation. I am going to go as far as to say that that scene was the best of this episode. It was so cute Mike wanting Eleven to go live with him, making Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler her new parents, Nancy her new sister, but it wouldn’t make Mike her brother, since you are not supposed to go to the Snow Ball with one of your siblings. Of course the scene got even better when they kissed. Unfortunately, things only went downhill after this: the Bad Men arrived trying to find Eleven, and, because of the bloodshed, the Demogorgon arrived as well, killing every Bad Man in his way. Even though El was weak after the bathtub and killing some of the bad guys, she still managed to kill the Monster by shredding it into millions of pieces, but with it, she disappeared as well.
Even though season 1 ended in a good way, or so it may seem like it at first sight, there are still a few things left unexplained, and the Dungeons and Dragons game we saw the Stranger Kids play near the end of the episode was, in my perspective, a way of telling us that. In it, Mike finishes the game, but apparently there were still a few things left unexplained and Will, Lucas and Dustin made sure to point that out. In the end, what matters is that they won, but there are more games coming our way. Like the fact that Will still seems connected to the Upside Down, even though he is in the real world now. Like the fact Nancy is with Steve, when she should be with Jonathan. And there was also something I missed the first time I watched, but I noticed it now: While Joyce and Hopper were in the Upside Down, close to the “Castle Byers”, the sheriff saw a really big egg. That egg (or a similar one) is featured in one of the posters for next season, so maybe it will be another thing featured in it. Looks like we will have to wait and see.
This was really an awesome episode. Will was finally found and is now back home, Eleven is missing/dead (whatever the case, she will definitely be back for season 2 somehow). I am really looking forward to see all 5 Stranger Kids together, because we didn’t get to see that yet. I am giving this episode a 9.7/10.
With this, I now conclude my reviews of this first season. We still have to wait some time for season 2, but not that much, because stranger things than these will available in Netflix on October 27th. The good news is that season 2 will have 9 episodes, instead of the 8 in this season. Really looking forward to watching it, because I hear that it will somehow be much better than this one (not sure if that is possible, but we will see).
REVIEW: Stranger Things, Episode 107
Stranger Things is now dangerously close to the end of this first season, since this is the seventh episode, entitled “Chapter Seven: The Bathtub” and in it, everyone finally comes together to try to rescue Will.
The episode started with a really amazing scene in which Lucas tells the others the Bad Men are coming. The 3 friends get out of Mike’s house and later meet with Lucas, which means the Stranger Kids are back together. With Eleven’s help they manage to outrun the Bad Men, in the most amazing way imaginable, and they go hide. In what I thought was a new low, the people of the “Power Company” went to Mike’s house and asked for his parent’s help.
What I liked most about this episode was the fact that the 3 storylines we have been seeing in the last few episode (The stranger kids; Hopper and Joyce; Nancy and Jonathan) finally came together. Early in the episode Hopper and Joyce went to the station where they found Jonathan and Nancy. The police had gone through his car and showed the sheriff everything they found in there. Jonathan came clean and told them what he and Nancy were planning on doing: hunt the Monster. Right after this, Troy went to the station and told Hopper about Eleven, which he recognized to be the kid from Benny’s diner, and that she is friends with the Stranger Kids.
When they all get together, they tell each other everything they know. Eleven tries to contact Will through the walkie-talkie and when she fails she tells them how she can go to the Upside Down with the proper equipment. It is when they are preparing the “bathtub” that the best scenes of the episode happen. I don’t really know why, but it seems that for some reason I forget most of the time Eleven is a kid just like any other. Maybe because she has powers, or because she doesn’t talk much; maybe because we never saw her with her parents, or because she is so badass sometimes. But whatever the reason was, I totally did not forget that in this episode and all thanks to Joyce. I loved the connection they made, and they definitely proved it when Joyce was the one who managed to calm Eleven when she was in the bathtub. It really does seem like a childless mother and a motherless child are the perfect fit.
Another scene I also liked was the one between Mike and Nancy, when they promised each other there will be no more secrets. I think this was the only scene so far that we saw these two actually being brother and sister. Sure we saw them in the same scene a few times, but they were usually arguing with each other. I also loved how they immediately lied to each other after they promised not to. Mike asked Nancy if she likes Jonathan to which she replied no, even though it is definitely not true. But the best reaction was totally Mike’s when Nancy asked him if he likes Eleven: “WHAT? No. Ew! Gross!” I laughed so much when he said this.
In the bathtub, Eleven managed to see the Upside Down, where she found what I think was Barb’s body (even though it didn’t really seem like her). She kept searching and later she found Will. She told him to wait, they were coming to get him.
After this, Hopper, with Joyce tagging along, went to the Lab. I really have no idea what he is trying to do, because I am sure he knew he couldn’t just get there and walk straight to the Gate without being stopped. Meanwhile, Nancy realized she can’t just let Hopper and Joyce do this alone, because if the monster finds them, he will kill them, since they aren’t really prepared to take it down. She and Jonathan sneak into the police station and steal back their things, ready to go back to monster hunting.
This was definitely an amazing episode and we can totally see things are coming to an end. Hopper and Joyce are now coming for Will and Nancy and Jonathan prepare to hunt down the Monster. But don’t worry because obviously the Stranger Kids are not going to sit back and do nothing. I am giving this episode a 9.5/10.
Next episode, the eight, is entitled “Chapter Eight: The Upside Down” and, as a season finale, it promises to get very intense and full of stranger things, so don’t miss my review.
REVIEW: Stranger Things, Episode 106
Stranger Things is back with the sixth episode of the season entitled “Chapter Six: The Monster” and in this episode we unexpectedly found out a few things about Eleven.
In the aftermath of Nancy’s arrival in the Upside Down and after she sees the Demogorgon, this young girl fears for her life. I really did like this first scene of the episode. I don’t know why, but it was cool watching Nancy and Jonathan in different dimensions but still hear each other calling. I was really glad Nancy turned out to be OK. After they headed home, Steve finally realized he was an asshole and decided to sneak into Nancy’s room to apologies, and that is when he saw her with Jonathan. I was actually really glad this happened. Even though I prefer Steve rather than his annoying friends, I still don’t like him at all. On the other hand, Nancy and Jonathan really do make a very nice match and they totally seem to have a lot more in common than Nancy and Steve.
Having no idea Steve saw them, Nancy and Jonathan realize the Monster is drawn to blood, so they intend to make a trap to try to catch it, which I must still say that it seems like a bad idea, but let’s wait and see how it turns out. Unfortunately, the trap had to wait, because these two crossed paths with Steve and his friends writing bad things about them on walls. When they were about to leave, Steve starts insulting the entire Byers family, so he and Jonathan started fighting and I am very happy to say that Jonathan kicked Steve’s ass. Of course there is usually a downside when amazing things like these happen and this time was no different: Jonathan was caught by the police while Steve, the Chicken, ran away. Hope it doesn’t take long for Jonathan to be released, so that he and Nancy can go back to monster hunting.
After realizing Will might still be alive and after going to Joyce’s to tell her this, Hopper describes exactly what he saw in the Lab. Together the two of them find out the kid whose room Hopper saw isn’t probably Will, making Hopper realize he was chasing another child the whole time. Hopper then remembers a woman, Terry Hives, who used to say the lab took her child, so they both go speak to her. When they got there, they became disappointed because she doesn’t talk at all, so they spoke to her sister instead. And this was definitely a big moment of realization. When she was younger, Terry volunteered for some study in which the people involved wanted to “expand the boundaries of the mind”. This study really did have some crazy parts and Terry didn’t know she was pregnant at the time, but this totally affected her child. This was when we found out Terry is Eleven’s mother, and these experiments on the mother are the reason why she has powers. The official story is that the baby died, but we, Hopper and Joyce know better. It was great seeing, in the end, right before leaving, Joyce giving Terry a long look. I think in that moment Joyce saw herself a few years from then, in case Will never shows up, just like Terry’s daughter didn’t.
Meanwhile, Dustin convinces Mike to shake Lucas’ hand, but this last one refuses to do so, unless they stop wasting their time on Eleven. The two friends don’t agree with him, so they split up. I really don’t like seeing the Stranger Kids (yes, that is what I call them) apart. Plus, I think Dustin and Mike are right, and not just because I like Eleven nor because I like seeing her and Mike together. Eleven has powers, so she is definitely their best weapon to help them fight the monster and get Will. But I also kind of understand Lucas’ position. As Dustin said, Mike and Lucas are best friends, so Lucas, even though he will never admit it, is a bit jealous of El.
Like I said on my review of the pilot, this show is inspired on some of Stephen King’s works and that was totally present in this episode, and not just because Terry’s sister mentioned this author to Hopper and Joyce. Firstly we can totally see the parallels between Eleven and Carrie, two young girls with powers they don’t really understand (let’s hope Eleven’s end is different from Carrie’s). Secondly, because Troy’s stupidity and ruthlessness can only be compared to Henry Bowers, especially in this episode, because seeing him running after Mike and Dustin with a knife in his hand definitely brought back some memories. The only difference is that Mike had a little help from Eleven. I really have to say that she was so amazing in that scene alongside the ravine, even more amazing than in the fourth episode when she made Troy piss his pants. And that group hug in the end was so satisfying. Of course that it would have been even more if at least Lucas (I am not going to ask for Will too) was there. Hope they make amends real soon, because the Stranger Kids’ team isn’t complete without him.
Lastly, we found out how the portal inside the Lab was created. Continuing the experiment we saw in the previous episode, they sent Eleven to “along the side of the rope” like Mr. Clark put it in last episode, which means she was between dimensions, so she could see both the Upside Down and the world we know. Eleven saw the Demogorgon and when she touched it the portal to this other dimension was created. As I said on my last review, this is exactly what happens when people mess with things they don’t understand.
This episode was really amazing as usual. The most frustrating thing is that every one of the main characters now knows there is something wrong going on, and if they started working together, and telling each other what they found out, they would definitely be able to find Will much faster. But as viewers, we only have the power to stand by and watch. I am giving this episode a 9.3/10.
There are only two more episodes left in this season, and the seventh episode is entitled “Chapter Seven: The Bathtub”, so don’t miss my review.
REVIEW: Stranger Things, Episode 105
Stranger Things continues to get stranger with episode 5 entitled “Chapter Five: “The Flea and the Acrobat”, and in it, we finally find out where Will is.
With the arrival of Lonnie in the last episode, things take a break from crazy at Joyce’s house, and they start arranging the funeral. But of course that no one really likes Lonnie, especially Jonathan who is very far from happy that he is back, probably knowing that he is preparing something. From what I understand, Lonnie was never really around, especially not in the last few years, and when he was he used to take the kids to do whatever he wanted, instead of actually trying to do something they like. Bottom-line: he sucks as a father, but I was a bit happy to find out that he doesn’t suck as much as to miss his own son’s funeral. But then of course he was able to disappoint again. Lonnie came back, not really for Will’s funeral, but to get his hands in the insurance money they will receive. After finding this, Joyce immediately kicks him out of the house, while Lonnie says she is also far from being the perfect mother. Of course that this is true, Joyce is obviously not perfect, no one is, but at least she is around and she cares and she tries her best, which is a lot more than Lonnie can say for himself.
What is worse about all this, is that Lonnie actually made Joyce think she is crazy, and that she imagined the monster, the lights, seeing Will, everything. Fortunately, there is now another person who knows what is going on. Or better, Hopper doesn’t really know what is going on, but at least he knows that Joyce was right: Will’s body was fake, which means that he might still be alive. And this is exactly what he told Joyce.
Meanwhile, Mike, Dustin and Lucas start to understand where Will is, because of something Eleven said in a previous episode. Will is exactly in the same place where they all are, in Hawkins, but not the Hawkins they live in. That is when they realize that he is in another dimension. Like home, but dark and empty. Will is in the Upside Down. They decide to ask their teacher how they could enter that dimension, and he says they would have to create a huge amount of energy, an amount so big, that it can’t be created. Even though he seemed to be right about everything else, Mr. Clark is wrong about that last part because we know that there is a portal in the Hawkins Lab. The gang proved to be smart, maybe smarter than Mr. Clark, and realized that the compasses aren’t showing the actual north, but they are pointing at the gate, because of the electromagnetic energy that is creates. But Eleven doesn’t like this idea at all, because she knows there is a monster in the other dimension, so she messes with the compasses and they can’t find it. Lucas gets really upset and eventually leaves the group. After him, Eleven disappears too.
There really seems to be a lot of myths about very strange things invented by both Americans and Russians during the cold war, and we learn in this episode that the Upside Down was one of them. Well, actually, no one created that dimension, it simply exists, what the scientists created was a portal to enter it, allowing them to spy on the Russians, since someone in the Upside Down can see the real world, but the people in the real world can’t see them. Of course every time people mess with something they don’t understand, eventually things get out of control, so welcome to Stranger Things.
After finding out about the monster in the last episode, Jonathan and Nancy go to the woods to try to find it, which seems like a terrible idea. Even though they have a gun, they don’t know how to use it, but even if they did, what if a bullet isn’t enough to take it down? I guess it is safe to say they didn’t think this through, but it was still nice to see them bond. I will say that Jonathan seems like a much nicer match to Nancy, than moron Steve. In the end of the episode it seemed like the portal in the Lab isn’t the only one in Hawkins, because Nancy entered the Upside Down through a tree.
This was another great episode. It was very satisfying seeing Joyce kick Lonnie out, seeing her realize she was right and also seeing Nancy and Jonathan bond. It was also great to see the gang split up. It was hard, because they make a great team, but what I mean is that it was great seeing once again that these young actors are really talented. I am giving this episode an 8.9/10.
Next episode is entitled “Chapter Six: The Monster”, so we should expect to see the Demogorgon a lot more.
REVIEW: Stranger Things, Episode 104
Stranger Things continues with episode four, entitled “Chapter Four: The Body” but I think that “The Puppet” would probably be a more worthy name, since in the end that is what it was, but more on that later.
The episode started with a pretty amazing scene with Sheriff Hopper telling Joyce that they found Will’s body. It was really great to see that throughout that entire scene Hopper was really calm and just trying to comfort Joyce in the best way he could. Of course he didn’t believe anything she was saying about the monsters, and Will talking through the lights, but he still listened to it and tried to make sense of it. Hopper told Joyce she should go see the body, because he thought that making her see that Will was dead would make her stop talking crazy. But of course that nothing prepared him for what actually happened, because after seeing the body Joyce seemed to be even more convinced that Will is still alive somewhere, so she is now more than ever eager to find him.
Meanwhile, even though Mike is still hiding Eleven in his house, he isn’t talking to her anymore, which is of course understandable. But these two make amends early in the episode when Eleven catches Will singing in the Walkie-talkie, but they soon lose him again. Mike calls Dustin and Lucas and the team makes a plan to go to the school and try to contact him on the big transmitter. But of course that for this, they had to dress up Eleven, and it was so funny seeing three little boys dressing her up. While trying to sneak in, Mr. Clarke found them and said he would only let them near it, if they went to a meeting to honor Will. I have to say that this meeting thing seemed like a totally realistic and stupid thing at the same time. This is definitely the kind of thing any school would do to any student: gather everyone to say how great that person was, even if that person wasn’t great at all. The only thing schools try to show is that they care, but guess what? Now, it’s too late to care. Well, actually it isn’t in this case, since Will is still alive, but it definitely is too late in most cases. Without any doubt, the best thing about this meeting was the end, when Mike finally faced Troy and his stupid friend. Mike pushed Troy, and Eleven gave the final touch by making him pee himself in front of everyone. Who’s the loser now, Troy?
After that really satisfying scene, the gang makes their way to the room where the transmitter is and they were finally able to hear Will again, but Will couldn’t hear them, because at the same time we saw that he was talking to Joyce. This was definitely an amazing scene, and seeing four of the people who care most about Will finding out he is really alive at the same time, was great. Joyce was actually even able to see him through the wall, but it was just for a few moments, because then Will had to run away from the Demogorgon.
Meanwhile, Nancy continued to try to find Barb, and in this episode she officially became missing. But of course that the case is very different from Will’s, because I think Barb isn’t underage, so the police looks at it from a whole different perspective. Another thing really satisfying was seeing that Nancy finally started to realize that Steve is a jackass, because he would rather lie to the police about some things that happened at the party to save his own ass, than to tell the truth, since that would help Barb a lot more. Nancy noticed something weird in a photo Jonathan had taken, so she goes to him and together they realize that the thing in the picture is the monster Joyce said she saw trying to come out of the wall.
Finally, even though the investigation into Will’s disappearance is officially closed, Hopper continued to investigate, and asked some questions to the guy who found the body. Hopper soon realized that the place Will turned up in doesn’t belong to the state, but to a private company, so it is extremely weird the state handled the case. He broke into the place where Will’s body lies, opened it, and found nothing but cotton inside. There is definitely something very wrong happening in Hawkins, and in this episode everyone (or at least the characters who matter the most) finally started to realize it.
This was really an amazing episode, full of great badass scenes, but also some sad and shocking ones. Stranger Things is really a great show, and I am sure this is just the beginning, and stranger things are coming our way. I am giving this episode a 9.2/10.
The fifth episode is entitled “Chapter Five: The Flea and the Acrobat”, and everyone will start understanding a bit better what is going on, so don’t miss my review.
REVIEW: Stranger Things, Episode 103
Stranger Things continues with episode 3 of this first season, entitled “Chapter Three: Holly Jolly”, in which the search for Will Byers continues.
After finding a piece of clothing that could be Will’s (but that we know it isn’t) in a pipe that leads to the Hawkins National Laboratory, Sheriff Hopper and two other police officers go to this place to investigate. Hopper isn’t very hopeful they will find Will in there, but he wants to be sure. After knowing that there is a camera which is filming the other end of the pipe, he asks to see the recordings, but Hopper isn’t at all satisfied with what they showed him because he knows those recordings aren’t from the night of Will’s disappearance. What is most frustrating about this, is that we know they seem to be wasting their time going there and talking to those people, because one: they’re not going to tell them anything; and two: what they are hiding isn’t Will, but the fact that Eleven disappeared on that same night. Unfortunately, Hopper doesn’t know neither of these things, so he goes to the library to try to learn a bit of this lab’s history, finding out that the facility is rumored to make experiments on children.
Meanwhile, we continue to watch Joyce’s struggle not to go crazy, but that seems to be a mission which failed, at least that is what most people think, but we know better. After realizing last episode that Will can make the lights flicker, Joyce buys lots and lots of Christmas lights and hangs them around most rooms of the house. Joyce spoke to her son for a few moments, learning that he is alive but not safe. However, she quickly realized that wasn’t going to work, because to find him she would have to ask more than yes or no questions. That is when she hangs the lights in a wall and draws letter near each lamp, just like an Ouija board, but a lot more ready for Christmas. When she puts her “board” to work, Will just tells her to RUN, and that is when, for the second time, the wall seems to want to give birth to a monster, making Joyce start running for her life.
At the same time, in the aftermath of the previous episode, Nancy looks for Barb, at first not all too concerned, but getting more and more worried as time passes. Even though they don’t care at all about her friend, Nancy continues to hang out with Steve’s friends, and I have to say that they really piss me off. I really don’t know why she continues with them, or better, yes I do, it is because of Steve but, even though he is not as irritating as the other two, he is just as much of a jerk. I am glad Nancy finally realized this, closer to the end of the episode, when she just gets up and walks away from them.
Lastly, after Eleven said she knows where Will is, Mike, Lucas and Dustin ready themselves for an adventure after school: they are all going to Mirkwood to finally reunite with their friend. As I have been saying, I really love the chemistry between Mike and Eleven, and I totally ship Meleven (not sure of this is the official name, but I like it), so I don’t have to say that I loved the scene in which Mike gave Eleven his watch so that she would know what time to meet them. After school (and also after another session of bullying: I really hate those two annoying bullies), the gang prepared to find Will. While on the way, my Meleven heart continued to beat really fast, because Eleven saw an injury Mike had, thanks to the bullies, and it was really cute that Mike didn’t want Eleven to think he “was such a wastoid”. Shortly after, the gang reached their destination, everyone was surprised that they stopped at Will’s house, not having any idea what was going on. While there, they heard the sirens of the police not far away, so they chased after them. I think it is safe to say that everyone was surprised with what they found at the lake: Will’s body. After this, we saw what is, in my opinion, the best scene from this show so far: Mike yelling at Eleven, and then getting home and starting to cry.
This episode was, as usual, a really great one. Lots of great scenes from Joyce, just like last episode, and then that amazing scene in the end made this episode the best one so far. But that is what Stranger Things does, it only escalates, so ready yourselves for what is to come. I am giving this episode a 9.0/10.
The forth episode is entitled “Chapter Four: The Body”, and maybe Will isn’t quite as dead as it seems, so don’t miss it.
REVIEW: Stranger Things, Episode 102
The second episode of Stranger Things is entitled “Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street” and while everyone continues to look for Will, Mike and the others seem to find clues to his whereabouts through Eleven.
The episode begins with Mike, Dustin and Lucas trying to find out what they are going to do with Eleven. Mike really wants to help her, but Dustin and Lucas, especially Lucas, don’t like her very much and they just want to tell their parents about her so they can go back to look for Will. But Eleven doesn’t want any parents knowing about her, so that plan goes to the trash. Even though they didn’t actually start with the right foot, this was the beginning of a great friendship and we start to see that in this episode, especially the friendship between Mike and Eleven, and I have to say that I love them all. These kids are really talented and definitely bring some great things to these characters.
In this episode, we also started to understand Will’s situation a lit bit better, but not too much of course. Eleven recognized Will from a photo, so everyone became eager to found out how she knew him. When asked where he was, Eleven turned the Dungeons and Dragons board upside down and said that that’s where he is, adding that Will is hiding from the Demogorgon. This obviously didn’t make much sense for the gang, but it was enough to freak them out, but of course not enough to make them give up. They will do whatever they have to in order to find Will, no matter how many Demogorgons they have to face. And that is exactly the strength of their friendship.
Meanwhile we got to continue to see Joyce’s struggle with everything and everyone. Of course that seeing your child dead must be a horrible experience, but just losing sight of him, not having any idea where he is or what happened to him must be worse. Winona Ryder does a really amazing job portraying Joyce and even though we started to see that in the pilot, it is much clearer now that she is an amazing actress. A desperate mother will do anything she can to find her lost son, so that is exactly what we are going to see her do this season.
It is obvious from the beginning of the episode that Joyce is devastated and that is even clearer in that amazing scene at the supermarket when she goes to buy a new phone. This scene was really incredible to watch, because it really made me feel the despair and misery that Joyce was experiencing. After waiting all day by the phone, Will called again, and this time he even spoke, only one word, “Mom”, but that was enough to make Joyce a lit bit happier. But it was only after the phone fried again that stranger things started happening. The lights flickered, Will’s radio started turning on and off by itself and something started to come out of the walls. Stranger Things really started to welcome the audience to all kinds of weird in just this one scene.
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But it became clear that Hawking’s inhabitants aren’t the only ones trying to find Will, because those weird scientists(?) are too. When Joyce left to the supermarket they started scanning her house and it seemed like they found something in the same place Will disappeared. We also found out in a shocking revelation that a man who seems to be one of the bosses is Eleven’s father. That I really didn’t see coming. Usually parents chicken out when it comes to making their children lad rats (even parents who usually do that to other children), but this one clearly didn’t get the memo.
Lastly, we also saw Nancy and her “friends” at Steve’s party. In this night Steve finally got what he wanted from the beginning, he simply didn’t know that Jonathan was taking pictures (which definitely crosses the line of weirdness). It was also in this party that a smaller character made major, Barb, disappeared, being this the beginning of a controversial subject. Not controversial in Stranger Thing’s world, but in ours, and all because of Jimmy Fallon.
This episode was really amazing, as all episodes of this show will be. All scenes were great, but as I said, I especially loved the scenes with Joyce. It is really incredible to watch her struggle not to go crazy while trying to find her son. I am giving this episode an 8.8/10.
But if you think this episode was full of strange thing get ready because in the next episode (“Chapter Three: Holly, Jolly”) things will get even stranger.