ANNOUNCEMENT: Road to Infinity War Review Challenge
After the smash hit that is Black Panther slashed the box office last weekend, it got us thinking. The next movie in the MCU is gonna be the biggest of them all, you know which one I’m talking about…
Now with all the buzz surrounding Infinity War, Papi Chulo RADIO would like to announce that we will be doing the Road to Infinity War challenge!
This means that we will be going back and watching all the MCU movies (Including The Incredible Hulk) and doing reviews for every single one of them. Starting of course with, Iron Man, the famous start to the MCU. Be sure to look out for that and all the other reviews coming soon!!
For now, here is the Infinity War trailer to help hype you up!
Marshmallow Peeps Mystery Flavors 2016
Marshmallow Peeps are an Easter season staple. Peeps are certainly one of the best Easter candies of all time. The ooey gooey sugar-coated marshmallow confections have also made their presence known in several holidays throughout the year.
In recent years, Peeps Brand has been releasing “Mystery Flavors”. This year the company released 3 mystery flavors. They are basically white peeps that showcase a mystery flavor that the company doesn’t already market. The peeps may be color-less (so you can’t cheat and guess by the coloring), their aroma and taste sure do allow for the fun of guessing what the actual flavor could be.
I bit the bullet and decided to perform a Peep taste-test. In the name of science and whatnot… you know? So here are my results.
Mystery Flavor #1The instant smell, once I opened the package, of Mystery Flavor #1 was chocolate. It smelled of delicious chocolate. Knowing that the Peeps Brand already has a chocolate flavored Peep, I knew that there had to be more to this mystery flavor.
Upon actually biting into the Peep, I could tell the taste was a complex version of chocolate. My guess is mocha.
Actual Flavor: Chocolate Milk
Mystery Flavor #2When I opened the package of Mystery Flavor #2, the smell was immediately known. It’s weird. I always find it odd when a savory item is turned into a sugary confection. So the first aroma that I smelled was sweet. Then came the flavor… popcorn!
It’s been a long time since I’ve had the popcorn flavored jellybean, so I can’t compare it to that. But when I bit into the Peep, the flavor of sweet popcorn filled my mouth. My guess is popcorn.
Actual Flavor: Buttered Popcorn
Mystery Flavor #3Mystery Flavor #3 smelled very fruity when I opened the package. There wasn’t really a discernible fruit smell. Once I bit into it, I could taste the cherry flavor. But it was a strong cherry flavor. So it had to be a more complex version of cherry. My guess is black cherry.
Actual Flavor: Sour Cherry
Visit your local Walmart during the holiday season to grab your very own Marshmallow Peeps Mystery Flavor. Heck… grab them all and have your very own taste test!