5 Signs You’re Going Through Supergirl Withdrawal
[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WV5sOc0Gj0w[/embedyt]
Captain’s Log 001: There was no Supergirl this week. That’s not news, anyone with a TV and/or internet access figured that one out. But as I sit here with my eyes glazed over, flipping through Netflix Canada’s selection, I fear it has begun. I’m showing signs of Supergirl withdrawal, a condition I thought I was immune to after putting up with Afterlife With Archie‘s irregular releases and the weird scheduling pattern of Dick Wolf’s Chicago shows. I now see that this was a silly and naive hope: not only have I come down with classic signs and symptoms of Supergirl withdrawal, I fear this contagious affliction will spread to my co-hosts and friends on The National City Tribune. But for real, though, if your life feels a little emptier without your weekly visit to National City, here are the top 5 signs that you’re probably going through Supergirl withdrawals and need a fix (or a time machine so you can teleport yourself to the exact date and time of the next episode) stat:
Stage 1: Denial
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You’re pretty sure you won’t miss it that much. After all, it’s not like it’s one of your favourite shows or anything. It’s fine. You’re fine. Everything is fine.
Stage 2: Pondering
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You could be eating breakfast or brushing your teeth and jamming out to “Everybody (Backstreet’s Back)” and all of a sudden, your mind starts… wondering. About that adorable closing scene from The Girl Who Has Everything— that closing scene was just too perfect, and totally emphasised the friendship between the core four characters. James has great chemistry with Kara when he’s being there for her as a rock-solid friend, and not a dude who’s caught between her and his girlfriend— speaking of, how did Bizzaro Supergirl know that Kara was in love with James? It was pretty cool of him, talking her down like that. Has he considered a career as a life-coach? When he breaks up with Lucy for Kara, is it going to be amicable, or is she going to throw his weird obsession with Kryptonians in his face? Lucy did point out that she feels threatened by Supergirl. Will Kara develop a crush on Barry? Can they please have at least a flirtationship? Is Adam coming back?! Next thing you know, you’ve dropped your overpriced iPhone in the sink and the screen has what looks to be irresistable water damage (R.I.P iPhone). But seriously, is Adam coming back?
Stage 3: Desperate Measures
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So maybe… maybe someone leaked the next episode. A week is too long to wait! Maybe someone on the deep web can hand it over!
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Stage 4: Binge Re-watching
So what if you’ve seen these episodes before? So what if you’ve cancelled all your plans and slipped on your comfiest sweat pants to spend 13 hours— give or take— reliving Kara’s journey from the very beginning? Supergirl is too good to be ignored!
Stage 5: Admitting You Have a Problem
So you might be a teensy-weensie too invested in Supergirl. Hey, everyone’s obsessed with something: once you’ve reached this stage, it’s okay to admit to yourself that maybe, just maybe, Supergirl is one of your favourite TV shows after all.
If you too, find yourself in this awful predicament, you should probably consult a medical professional (disclaimer: no you should not), but the saner and more super option is to tune in to The National City Tribune on Thursdays at 9:00 PM eastern.
Make sure you watch the next Supergirl episode Truth, Justice, And The American Way on CBS on Monday at 8/7 central.
[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tN_6xNjfho[/embedyt]
Deadpool Review: The Best Part Of This Movie Was The Whole Thing

Holy sh*t! If you haven’t seen Deadpool, you really, really should. If you’re on the fence, wondering if it’s been overhyped and talked up to death: it hasn’t. The marketing campaign was aggressive— deservedly so— for this R-rated masterpiece, which has already broken box office records, pulling in over $140 million during its opening weekend.
The short of it is that Deadpool is a movie you need to make time to see— call in sick to work, duck out on a family dinner, do whatever you must to get your cute little butt into a movie theatre to witness this monumental film— it makes fun of Reynolds’ previous stint as a Green Lantern, gets frank about masturbation, and comes complete with a couple of sweet cameos.
The long of it is that Deadpool is everything it promised it would be and more. It’s wonderfully violent (including decapitation), fantastically foul-mouthed (lots of F-bombs), the nudity is delicious (particularly the shot of Ryan Reynolds’ finely-toned gluteus maximus), and the political incorrectness is so savage it gives us the warm and fuzzies. But this isn’t just a movie designed to your most crude, innate desires. It actually has a plot (you can check out the IMDB page for a summary).
The casting was spot-on for this movie. Ryan Reynolds was born to play Deadpool and Morena Baccarin as Vanessa is both the girl next door and the sensual sex bomb. She compliments Reynolds’ smart-mouthed, acerbic character perfectly; if there was ever a female lead worth a murdering spree, it’s Vanessa (given that the sequel has already been greenlit, hopefully, Baccarin will return).
Of course, no review of this movie would be complete without mentioning the performances that tied it together: sure, Wade and Vanessa made a perfectly screwed-up couple, but during their two-year-long separation, Leslie Uggams as sharp-tongued Blind Al and T.J. Miller as the painfully-honest Weasel kept Deadpool appropriately feisty. And let’s not forget Dopinder, the only man on the planet who takes Deadpool’s far-fetched romantic advice with more than a grain of salt (we hope he shows up in the sequel). Also, Colossus was amazing. And so was Negasonic Teenage Warhead, and… you know what? Everyone nailed it. The wild west has been won. Nobody felt miscast or awkward, and everyone who interacted with Deadpool only served to highlight the best and worst aspects of his character (sometimes simultaneously).
It’s an action movie, it’s an epic romance, it’s overtly sexy (spoiler ahoy, if you don’t want to know who makes an appearance where, skip to the end of the bracketed section: Stan Lee in a strip club gives me life), it’s a feel-good comedy fest, but most of all, it’s pure, unaltered, unhinged insanity.
There’s still plenty of debate over whether or not this is kiddo friendly, and after seeing the movie, we’re gonna go with a solid N-O. Not because kids are so impressionable, their heads will explode at the first hint of Wade and Vanessa having fun with a strap-on; the theatre will likely be packed with adults at the edge of their seats, waiting to lose themselves in a movie that has tipped the “superhero” genre on its self-righteous head. A crying baby or a kid running up and down the aisle or loudly talking completely breaks the movie’s immersion. As a sign of respect for everyone else, please either leave your child at home or, if Family Fun Night at the movies is a must-have, go see Kung-Fu Panda 3.
Deadpool has earned every bit of praise heaped upon it before, during and after its release, and it was worth the wait. We cannot recommend this highly enough, everything was driven by the details and by an honest love for the character and his source material. If you’re looking to be awed by something close to perfection (or if you want to see Ryan Reynolds’ butt) go see this movie. Seriously. Drop what you’re doing and go, you’ll be glad you did.
Rating: 5/5 stars.
Five Most Dateable (and Doable) Fictional Men

Have you ever snuggled up to watch a show, thinking you’re going to have a good time, and emerged from your bed an emotional wreck because of that one fictional guy on your screen? Falling for a fictitious dude is pretty much inevitable with the rise and staying power of the almighty fandom culture— especially with adorable things like endless types of fanfic— amounts of soul-crushing despair, puke-worthy fluff, or even shameless smut may vary— fanart, and even painstakingly-made gifsets to stoke the roaring fires of your one-sided love. Hey, there’s no shame in preferring fantasy over reality— and with that in mind, we’ve put together a list of five of the most scrumptiously dateable fictional men.
1) Peeta Mellark (The Hunger Games)
[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aU0OjgPRVc[/embedyt]
The baker boy from Suzanne Collins’ award-winning young adult dystopian trilogy is perfect on paper. At once articulately charming enough to win the favour of the audience rooting for his imminent death in a twisted version of reality TV (The Hunger Games makes Keeping Up With the Kardashians seem tasteful), and vulnerable enough to capture the hearts of readers everywhere, it’s hard to imagine anyone turning their nose up at Peeta (or his fresh buns). It doesn’t hurt that he is completely and unashamedly in love with series protagonist, Katniss Everdeen, more than willing to die so that she can go home to her sister, the only person she truly loves. When the books were turned into films, actor Josh Hutcherson had his work cut out for him— and even though he had to dye his hair blonde, we think he did a pretty spiffy job encapsulating and personifying the reliably lovestruck Peeta alongside Jennifer Lawrence’s world-weary Katniss. Even when he’s captured by the Capitol and tortured, irrevocably damaged, and turned into a Katniss-hating machine with the single directive to search for and destroy her… he’s still pretty hot. And aside from the obvious bonus that Hutcherson looks like a miniature version of Gabriel Macht (you marinate with that), who doesn’t want their very own Peeta Mellark to love them unconditionally? You’ll never yearn for bakery-fresh cupcakes again, and hey, he’s a good cuddler! The final film in The Hunger Games franchise, Mockingjay, Part 2 hit theatres on November 5th, 2015, giving Peeta fans everywhere a bittersweet farewell. We ask you: is your love for the strong-jawed, big-hearted Peeta Mellark real or not real?
Welcome to the OFFICIAL Papi Chulo RADIO BLOG!
Welcome to the official blog of Papi Chulo RADIO!
Hello listeners (and readers):
I just wanted to formally welcome you to the official blog of Papi Chulo RADIO! I know you’re probably saying to yourself: “Hasn’t there been a blog tab of some sort since the site first launched?” You are absolutely correct. The blog tab was basically designated as the spot to view when interviews or upcoming programs will air. It also served as a place to put some station updates and schedule changes. You can expect those same posts here as well. BUT, what you can ALSO expect from the blog tab (starting today) is the latest (and most interesting stories) from the world of pop culture news. We will tackle everything that revolves around the sphere of pop culture: film, television, music, celebrity, etc.
Fortunately since the station has grown, you won’t just be reading posts written by me (Papi Chulo). Several of our on-air personalities will take part in writing on the blog.
We thank you so much for coming along with us on this amazing journey… And we hope that you enjoy the various topics that we will be writing about to fill up the webpages of this brand-new blog.