Arrow Showdown Coming to The CW in February

An Arrow showdown is coming to The CW in February.
Oliver Queen and Dinah Drake continue what has been a running theme of this season — that the old and new members of Team Arrow can’t seem to get it together.
The synopsis has been released for this episode:
OLIVER AND DINAH FACE OFF — Oliver (Stephen Amell) continues his battle with Cayden James (guest star Michael Emerson). Dinah (Juliana Harkavy) and Oliver have a major disagreement that endangers the life of one of their own.
Arrow airs on Thursday nights at 9 p.m., following new episodes of Supernatural on The CW.
“All For Nothing” premieres February 1.
Source: Comicbook
Get Your Sh*t Together, Arrow

Are we watching Arrow or Desperate Housewives? Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference these days, especially when such a large portion of each episode is dedicated to Oliver setting off a chain-reaction that is destined to ruin his personal life (see: “Legends of Yesterday“). Seriously, after watching the latest Arrow episode (see: “Taken“) I found myself rolling my eyes so hard they almost fell out of my skull. I have loved Arrow since the beginning, and Felicity Smoak even more so (Emily Bett Rickards is flawless, no matter what material she’s given). Felicity once brought all kinds of light to Oliver’s darkness, including unstoppable verbal diarrhoea, mad skillz behind a computer screen, and a sort of naiveté that drew hard-bitten Oliver towards her. Recently, they’ve traded their yin/yang dynamic for manufactured relationship drama that no doubt sets the crazy Olicity fans on Tumblr barking. (These “fans” are so dangerously into Olicity that they feel entitled to it, at the cost of genuine character development and storylines. They have a history of harassing the executive producer on social media, demanding that the flames of their passionate shipping fire be met. Hell hath no fury like an Olicity shipper scorned, but not all of us are evil. Just the ones that take it too seriously). As someone who has loved the show and Felicity (and yes, Olicity) from the very start:
Please get your sh*t together. I will admit: Arrow has always been rife with relationship drama (is there a woman in Star City that Oliver hasn’t bedded?) with the innate understanding that Oliver has no idea what a happy, harmonious relationship is supposed to look like. (Remember the time he invited his then-girlfriend’s sister onto a yacht trip and lied to his then-girlfriend about it? Also, there was that time he slept with the woman that was obsessed with his father? Those are just two examples in a very long list of head-scratching decisions). But when that relationship drama takes over the show, and the introduction of an illegitimate child is less of a storyline and more of a plot point to drive a wedge between Oliver and Felicity, I wonder if I’m the only one unhappy with it.
I know, I know, Oliciters, you’re ready to come for me in the night and force me aboard your ship. In case there are any neutral parties out there, please note that Felicity is still a precious cinnamon roll. Oliver is still working on personal growth. But:
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