Legends of Tomorrow Scoop: A Legend Exits(?); Constantine Enters

The Season 3 finale of D.C.’s Legends of Tomorrow aired last night on The CW and it appears as if there’s an open seat on the Waverider.
Although Amaya Jiwe, played by Maisie Richardson-Sellers, decided it was finally time for her to fulfill her destiny and return to her village, EW reports that this won’t be the last time we see Richardson-Sellers. She will continue as a series regular in Season 4.
PRAISE BEEBO! #LegendsOfTomorrow pic.twitter.com/hPOfWjr7Pw
— Legends of Tomorrow (@TheCW_Legends) April 10, 2018
Prior to the insane fight between Mallus (pronounced “Malice”) and Beebo (view below), it does look like former Captain / Director Rip Hunter (Arthur Darvill) sacrificed himself in order to stall Mallus’ attack on the Legends. But as we sci-fi fans like to say, if we didn’t see the body, we can’t confirm the death.
At the end of the episode, (new Season 4 series regular) John Constantine (Matt Ryan) arrived in Aruba 2018 to inform the Legends that “You opened a door, love — and Mallus wasn’t only thing that got out.”
Executive Producer Phil Klemmer teased that Mallus was in fact but the “tip of the iceberg,” a preview of other fantastical, supernatural and/or monstrous beasts to be dealt with next season. “Everybody knows that Constantine is joining our show [for Season 4],” he said, “and he’s certainly the shape of things to come.”
Legends forever! Thanks for watching this season of DC’s #LegendsOfTomorrow! pic.twitter.com/xztmwjGoqG
— Legends of Tomorrow (@TheCW_Legends) April 10, 2018
Legends‘ Jes Macallan Bumped Up to Series Regular

Send in the clones!
Legends of Tomorrow has promoted Jes Macallan, who recurs as Ava Sharpe, to series regular for Season 4.
Macallan joined the superhero series in Season 3 as a Time Bureau agent who eventually went on to lead the organization and become romantically involved with Waverider captain Sara. During last week’s episode, Ava learned that she was a clone from the future.
Last month, it was announced that Matt Ryan (aka John Constantine) would be a series regular in Season 4 — if the show got renewed, which it did (just yesterday)!
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow airs its season 3 finale on Monday @ 8pm ET on The CW.