REVIEW: Dead of Summer, Episode 109
Dead of Summer continues with the ninth episode entitled “Home Sweet Home” another Amy’s centric episode, and this was a very shocking one.
Maybe we thought we knew everything (or at least the most important parts) about Amy’s past, but this episode didn’t just prove we knew very little, but also that the little we knew was wrong. We realized in the previous episode and also in this one, that this was definitely not the first attempt to raise Malphas and put him in a human body, but it was the first time it was successful, and everyone thought it was because Amy is very pure. What they don’t realize is that they couldn’t be more wrong. The real reason why Amy accepted Malphas is because they are somehow alike, since Amy is a psychopath. Malphas didn’t want someone pure, he wanted the exact opposite.
In flashbacks we saw some scenes of Amy as a child and we found out her brother was a bit mean to her, but that is surprisingly the reason why she is still alive. After her entire family died, she moved from house to house but she never found a home. At least not until Camp Stillwater. Before the camp opened, Amy paid a visit and talked to Deb, who said she was fully staffed, but if someone dropped out, Amy would be the replacement. After this we see some of the flashbacks we had seen back in the pilot, and realize we missed a big part of it: Margo didn’t fall accidently, Amy simply let go of her hand so she would go to the camp. The reason why I think Amy liked Stillwater so much is because when she went there she felt something good (at least to her) and she knew she had to stay there. That something was Malphas.
In present day, Holyoke tries to call out to the spirits of light only to find out the piano was tempered with, so it brought spirits of darkness instead, making him disappear. Garrett, Alex and Jessie were then alone with a purification ritual they had no idea how to perform. At least we can say they gave it their best shot. After trying and failing to purify Amy, Jessie told Malphas to go to her, and then Alex threw her into the last of Stillwater’s pure water. It was said the water was so pure, that there was no one who could survive it. No one until Jessie.
When we met Amy in the pilot, she was (or seemed to be) that really sweet girl, so pure and innocent, while Jessie seemed to be the Camp bitch who will do anything to get what she wants. But we started to understand in the last episode this isn’t exactly right (at least the part about Jessie), but in this one we totally realize we got it all wrong. And the proof to this was when Jessie survived after being thrown in the water. The bad news is that so did Malphas, who went back to Amy, but no one knows this yet.
In this episode we also found out that Amy was the masked figure all along. She was the one who killed Dave (the gardener), Blotter and Cricket. She probably started talking to Malphas ever since she arrived at the camp, becoming the inside (wo)man Damon and his mates didn’t know they had.
Meanwhile, there were also a few problems when trying to go home and, after the bus driver was killed and Deb was forced to leave the bus, Blair and Drew managed to take the kids out of the camp. But Deb paid the ultimate price for this because, after she was almost killed by the ghost of her friend Keith, she went back to the camp where she was murdered by Amy, after she found out she was hiding something.
This was really an amazing episode, my favorite one of this entire show. Amy being evil was a really big twist I did not see coming. In most horror movies/shows, a demon chooses someone who is very pure as their vessel, and I thought this would be one of those cases, but I was really happy it wasn’t. I am giving this episode a 9.7/10.
Next episode, the tenth, is entitled “She Talks to Angels” and it will definitely close the story, since, even though the show was cancelled, it was supposed to be an anthology so this story would end in the next episode anyway. Don’t miss it, along with my review, because there is a lot more death coming our way.