Game of Thrones Actor Reveals When Season 8 Will Start Filming
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau revealed in an interview with Collider that season 8 of the hit HBO series Game of Thrones will start filming in October.
Here’s what Coster-Waldau had to say:
“I knew what was going to happen for the first three seasons. After that, it’s been a season at a time. You get the scripts a month before we start shooting, or six weeks, and then you know what’s going to happen that season. But, I don’t know what’s going to happen next season. We go back in October, so maybe in the next few weeks, we’ll get the scripts and I’ll find out. I’m very curious.”
This October start is a later date than usual, but it’s still good considering the rumours that we might not get season 8 until 2019.
However, Game of Thrones season finale is expected to have a lengthy post-production stage, which means that if filming were to wrap up sometime in February, we might not be able to watch Season 8 until September 2018… maybe even longer, considering the amount of battles, white walkers, dragons and direwolves we might be seeing during the last season.
For now, we’re gonna have to just wait for HBO to confirm a premiere date.
REVIEW: Big Little Lies, Episode 106
Big Little Lies continued with episode 6, “Burning Love”, and in it we saw that tensions continue to rise, getting into a whole new level of high.
With only one more episode to go, it was to realize that in this one some arcs were closed, like the one involving Madeline’s play. Opening night finally arrived and everyone seemed to like it. In the end of the play, we find out a shocking truth: Madeline cheated on Ed with Joseph the previous year. After thinking about it a bit I realized that this wasn’t so shocking after all: Ed and Madeline don’t seem to have a lot of love and sweet moments in their relationship. Even Perry and Celeste have more sweet moments than they do. But there was finally something in this episode that I really enjoyed. After arguing a bit, Ed told his wife: “Madeline, I’m the lucky one. I get to wake up every day next to the girl of my dreams”. This may not look like much just reading it like I put it here, maybe just something anyone would say in order to stop arguing, but what really made it sweet was how Ed said it, like it was the most natural thing in the entire world. Even though there aren’t many sweet moments to compare this one to, it was definitely the sweetest this couple shared (so far) in my opinion.
Something else that was wrapped up was The Dinner (which was turned into a Lunch). It is inevitable to talk about Abigail’s project while talking about The Lunch. We learned last episode that Madeline’s oldest daughter was working on a secret project. I honestly didn’t give it a lot of thought because it didn’t seem very important at the time, but I was absolutely shocked when I heard what it actually was. Sure it is for a noble cause, sure Abigail is trying to fight sex slavery, but what she tried to do is beyond wrong. One of the first things I thought about when I learned about this was how Madeline would react, and that did not disappoint, in the funniest way possible. But it was really cute to see the heart-to-heart conversation that mother and daughter had after The Lunch.
Jane’s storyline began in the most unfair way possible: there was a petition going around and gathering signatures to get Ziggy suspended. There is only one word for whoever created this petition: they are an asshole. At first it seemed like it was Renata, but closer to the end we were made to believe that it was someone else. It was also nice seeing Jane go apologize to Renata. We had seen all the women in this show being venerable, and in this one we also got to see Renata do the same. She is of course just trying to protect her daughter, same as everyone else. She is simply doing it in her own unique way, just as we all do.
Celeste’s journey in this episode was, as usual, really great. Nicole continues with her amazing work, and that totally reflects on the character. As it always does, the couple begins the episode with some romantic moments, but things escalated very quickly in this episode. Celeste goes back to the therapist and she provides her with some advice on what she should do: rent an apartment and tell a friend about the abuse. It was great seeing how professional and convincing this therapist is, trying to convince Celeste of all this, by using reason. Celeste doesn’t really believe what the therapist told her, she still edto want to try to make things work, but the last drop was when, after they fought and came from the hospital, Perry said that Celeste is lucky he didn’t kill her. This made Celeste start looking for apartments for her and the kids, making it now one step closer for her to leave her husband.
It was nice that in this episode none of the 3 main mothers were sidelined, they all seemed to have about the same amount of screen time. One thing that is really unique about this show is how the episodes end. Usually episodes of most other shows end with a plot twist, or a badass line that really makes you want to watch more, and that is great, but Big Little Lies ends really naturally, making you wonder if the episode did really end. This show doesn’t need a plot twist in the end of each episode to make people keep watching it, because each episode is already a plot twist in itself.
This was, as always, a really great episode. This show is really getting better and better and so I am giving it a 9.0/10.
Only one more episode left, and it promises to be a really great and mind-blowing one. We will finally find out who is dead, we will see Ed and Nathan go on a singing battle, we will find out who is the bully, find out what Celeste will do with her life… Next episode really seems like it will overcome all the other previous ones combined. The episode is entitled “You Get What You Need”, so don’t miss it, along with my review.
REVIEW: Big Little Lies, Episode 104
Big Little Lies continued with the fourth episode of the season entitled “Push Comes to Shove” and the mothers definitely found all kinds of trouble in this episode.
Madeline did definitely not start the episode with the right foot because she is proposed, by Nathan, to have a couple’s dinner, which means, of course, Madeline and Ed, Nathan and Bonnie. I am not sure if Madeline could hate the idea of this dinner any more than what she already did. But it was really nice seeing her blow off some steam when she got home and found Ed singing for her dressed as Elvis Presley.
But this is far from being everything Madeline did in this episode. The play situation was finally more discussed and we learned both the name of the play, Avenue Q, and why so many people think it is inappropriate: there is a sex scene between puppets. When I heard this is why they wanted to stop the play I was surprised, because I thought it would be something more drastic. Renata defended why she wanted the play to be cancelled by totally avoiding the subject and suggesting a whole new play, saying that what their kids need is nostalgia. I think this statement of hers made it completely official that she only went after the play because Madeline supports it and she wanted to win against her. She made such a big deal about this just because of one sex scene. There are plays which you are advised to take your children with you, others where your children should stay home. And just trying to shut down a play based on this, seems very childish. Fortunately, Celeste was there and she kicked a lot of ass. I think this was the first time Celeste shined (I don’t mean Nicole, she has been shinning from the beginning, but Celeste hasn’t, at least not in a good way). As we found out later, Celeste loved that moment as much as we did.
Last about Madeline: I definitely did not enjoy her kiss with Joseph. I really like seeing her and Ed together, and I hope she doesn’t leave him for Joseph (which I don’t think she will).
Celeste and Perry seemed to have taken a break from the violence, and they had a few sweet moments in this episode (like the one in which Perry tells Celeste he would like to have a daughter). But it didn’t take long for them to start arguing and then returning to violence closer to the end. Celeste told Perry she was having a meeting with the mayor, and he did not like that very much. Don’t get me wrong, Perry doesn’t have an excuse for beating Celeste, and I am not taking anyone’s side in this, but this time Perry is right. It seems that Celeste never tells him anything. He overreacted a bit when he said she was going back to work (which she at least wasn’t when she started), but this is totally something one would share with their significant other, long before the meeting actually took place. And it is not just this meeting: in the first or second episode Perry stayed one more day to take the twins to their first day of school and he wanted to meet the teachers but that had happened the day before, and Celeste just went on her own, without even telling him what they were doing. When the highest stage of a couple’s relationship is when they are miles away from each other, there is definitely something very wrong.
It was nice seeing that Celeste doesn’t want to settle with just being a mom. Of course it is great but she doesn’t really do anything all day (and still has a baby-sitter, which is beyond weird and ridiculous). She loved going to the meeting with Madeline and she loved the feeling she got from being there and being a badass. She wants to go back to work, but she is afraid of Perry, as the couple’s therapist found out.
Lastly, Jane also found some trouble of her own: she said in this episode she wanted to move away, but then she seemed to put it aside. The teacher was nice enough to go talk to her about Ziggy, but she mistook the signs she got from class, because maybe both Amabella and Ziggy are both being bullied. This makes the fact that Amabella told everyone Ziggy was the bully look very strange. If they are both being bullied, why point at him? Maybe this is all part of the bully’s sick game.
Jane took Ziggy to a child psychologist and she said that is Ziggy is most likely not the bully, and finally understood that he himself might also be suffering from bulling. This show really deals with a lot of great subjects and it keeps adding and that is really incredible.
This episode was a great one as usual. I hope that Jane starts getting more screen time, because I think for the past 2 episode (3 and 4, I mean) it seems she is being sidelined by the other two moms. I am giving this episode an 8.3.
This show is definitely too small, and there are only 3 more episodes left, so don’t miss my review of episode 5, “Once Bitten”.
Sorry, Game of Thrones Fans, but Those Spinoffs Won’t Air Anytime Soon
HBO chief Casey Bloys has confirmed that the Game of Thrones spinoffs currently in development will not hit the network anytime close to the series finale.
Bloys spoke to the press on Wednesday at the Television Critics Association’s summer press tour.
He told reporters:
The No. 1 priority in all of this is the final season of Game of Thrones. I don’t want to do anything with a spinoff or anything that detracts or distracts from that.
That season will happen, and my guess is it would be at least a year before you saw anything else. What I don’t want is the attention to be drawn from the final season, which I think is going to be epic and amazing, and somehow have the distraction of a new Game of Thrones airing right after that. It’s best to separate it and that’s what we’ll do.
If season 8 of the highly acclaimed show does indeed come out in 2019, that would mean we won’t get a spinoff until at least 2020!
For now, at least we can just relax as we watch our favorite characters die while watching the current season.
Big Little Lies Season 2 In Early Development

Our girls are getting ready for an encore!
HBO is close to officially announcing a Season 2 for Big Little Lies. The premium cabler’s programming president Casey Bloys confirmed during the Television Critics Association’s summer press tour on Wednesday that he has asked author Liane Moriarity to “take a crack at” coming up with a story for a potential second season. “I’ll be very curious to see what she comes up with,” he added.
Emmy Award nominees Nicole Kidman and Reese Witherspoon have both expressed interested in continuing the story. But, executive producer / director Jean-Marc Vallée, who directed all seven Season 1 episodes, has been the sole naysayer.
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Vallée: “There is no way; there’s no reason to make a Season 2. That was meant to be a one-time deal, and it’s finishing in a way where it’s for the audience to imagine what can happen.”
Bloys is a bit more positive that Vallée can be swayed. “I know [Jean-Marc] said that… but Nicole and Reese can be very persuasive. First we have to see the material and see if it’s worth everyone’s time. And if it is, [we’ll have a] conversation about directors.”
Maybe those 16 Emmy Award nominations and the boffo ratings Season 1 received might make for a convincing argument?
H/T: TVLine