REVIEW: Captain America: Civil War (Road to Infinity War)
Alright, let us continue The Papi Chulo RADIO Road to Infinity War (RTIW for short) review event with the thirteenth movie in the lineup, Captain America: Civil War.
After Ant-Man proved to be a success, it was finally time for Phase 3 to kick off and what better way to start then with Captain America: Civil War. Does the huge cast of Captain America: Civil War help make the movie a hit or should you pass on this?
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Before we get into it, it should be said that there will be spoilers if you haven’t seen it yet (Although since it’s 2 years old, you should have seen it already).
A lot happens in this movie so bare with me, this may be my longest recap I have to write. Ready?
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The story opens with a flashback to December 1991 when Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan), was still under Russian mind control as the Winter Soldier. We see him carry out an assassination mission in order to retrieve a briefcase with serum in it. We then cut to present day where the New Avengers in Lagos on a mission to stop Crossbones (Frank Grillo), and his team of rouge HYDRA from breaking into the Disease Centre and stealing a virus. Near the end of the fight, Crossbones sacrifices himself with a bomb but Wanda (Elizebeth Olsen), uses her Witch powers to contain the blast and she sends him towards the side of a building causing in an explosion that kills 13 people. Some of which who were from Wakanda (Wakanda Forever!). We then cut to Tony Stark (Robert Downey JR.), who shows off some impressive de-ageing CGI which is also supposed to be a simulation. After that, we learn that he is at an MIT conference talking to students when he tells them that he has made a new fund for them and grants all of their projects. After the presentation, we see Tony go to the elevator when a woman is standing there waiting to talk to him. The mother gives Tony a speech on how he killed her son manages to shake Tony to his core. Later we see King T’Chaka (John Kani), who makes a statement on TV about what happened in Lagos.
Everyone meets back at the New Avengers HQ where Tony brings along Secretary of State Thunderbolt Ross (William Hurt), who we haven’t seen since Incredible Hulk (I think there’s a good reason for that). Who tells the Avengers that they need to be put in check and he gives them the new Sokovia Accords. The Accords would put the Avengers and anyone who signs it under UN watch and it will only allow the Avengers to go if the UN tells them to go. This causes a lot of infighting between the team because not everyone is on board with the Accords. While this is going on, we get see that Zemo (Daniel Brühl), has tracked down the Russian general who lead the Winter Soldier program and tries to get information out of him with no luck. However, Zemo doesn’t leave empty handed, he is able to find files and a red booklet that gives the commands to control Bucky. We cut back to everyone still arguing over the Accords when Steve (Chris Evans), learns that his love Peggy Carter has finally passed on and he goes to London to help with the Funeral. While there, he discovers that his neighbour is related to Peggy, known as Sharon Carter (Emily VanCamp). After the Funeral, we cut to Vienna where a conference between the UN, Wakanda and most of the Avengers is supposed to take place. It’s here that we meet T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman), who came with his father to attend the conference. However, the UN building is bombed and T’Challa’s father is killed by the blast which makes T’Challa the new King of Wakanda. This bombing later sends everyone on a chase when the news shows that Bucky was the one who planted the bomb. With Bucky in Bucharest, Cap tries to warn him before everyone comes after him. This leads to an awesome chase scene where we get to see the Black Panther in action for the first time. Everything leads to a tunnel chase before everyone is stopped and arrested by the police and taken to Berlin where Bucky is put on lockdown in the basement and everyone else meets in the Task Force base.
Zemo then uses an EMP planted at a power plant to cut of the power to the building so he can use the red book to take control of the Winter Soldier. Once Bucky’s mind has been switched, he does on a rampage in the building and nearly escapes before Steve stops his helicopter from taking off and they both take a dive into the water below. Steve then takes Bucky out of the Water and they run off with Sam following them. This causes them to be on the run from the law and this is where we finally get both sides divided with Team Cap and Team Iron Man. Team Cap goes to an abandoned warehouse where Bucky tells Steve and Sam everything he knows about the Winter Soldier program. We learn that there are multiple Soldiers like Bucky but they were all put on ice. Later, we cut to Tony talking to Natasha (Scarlett Johansson), when he then tells her that he is going to bring in someone who can help Team Iron Man. We cut to Queens where we learn that Tony is recruiting Peter Parker (Tom Holland), to his team when he tells Peter that he knows about his Spider-Man powers and he wants to help him with an upgrade. We then cut back to the Avengers base where Vision (Paul Bettany), is watching Wanda and sees an explosion outside. We learn that this was a ruse so that Hawkeye (Jeremy Renier), can slip Wanda out and have her join Caps team. This leads to a fight where Wanda in the end, puts Vision six feet under (Quite Literally but she doesn’t kill him).
Later we cut under a bridge were Sharon was able to steal all of Team Caps gear to help them with there fight. This means that Agent 13 is of course on Team Cap and she seals the deal with a kiss for Cap. Later on, Team Cap goes to an airport parking garage where we meet the final recruit of Team Cap, Ant-Man (Paul Rudd). This all leads to the big smackdown of Avengers V Avengers when Cap tries to take Bucky to Moscow to finally find out more about the Winter Soldier program. This all leads to the huge Airport Battle of Team Cap VS Team Iron Man. I won’t go into detail on it but I will say that it is worth the price of admission alone. After the battle is done, Only Steve and Bucky manage to make it out with the rest of Team Cap getting arrested and put into an underwater prison. Tony is able to find out where Steve and Bucky were going and he goes there right after Steve and Bucky manage to get into the old Russian Building. The three of them go deeper into the building and find Zemo is there behind a protective Bunker and he shows the three heroes the footage of Bucky killing Tony’s parents. This causes Tony to lose it and attacks his friends and they all end up in a giant three-way brawl across the building. Zemo escapes and is sitting outside in the snow where Black Panther finds him and stops him from killing himself, forcing Zemo to pay for his crimes because the living isn’t done with him yet. While everyone is still fighting, Tony manages to destroy Bucky’s metal arm and then it becomes Steve V Tony. They beat each other senseless and in the end, nobody wins. Tony’s armour is damaged, Bucky lost his arm and Steve officially goes rogue and ditches the sheild after Tony tells him that it isn’t his. After everything is said and done, Tony goes back to his house and get’s a package from Cap with a letter and a phone. Tony reads the letter it basically says that Steve is sorry for what happened but is still Tony’s friend and will be there if he needs him. We then later see that Bucky is taken to Wakanda and put on ice until Bucky can be free of the Russian brainwashing.
Alright, I am finally done with the story recap, let’s get into the other aspects, shall we?
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The acting is on par with Avengers. Everyone shines and even the newcomers Tom Holland and Chadwick Boseman really bring their roles to life and make us want solo movies of their own (Spoiler Alert: They already got them). Daniel Brühl does a good job as the villain and we finally get another MCU villain who doesn’t die this time. However, I feel they should have done more with Zemo because after everything is said and done, he can come off as forgettable.
The CGI is absolutely amazing in this movie. From Spider-Man’s suit and webs to Giant Ant-Man, you can tell that a lot of work was put into getting them right and it pays off with those being the most memorable part of the movie. The fact that we got more Ant-Man after his awesome movie and to see him become Giant-Man is a treat to see on screen.
I really did enjoy the whole splitting the Avengers up but even when you see both sides of the argument, I still find myself agreeing with Team Cap. You can disagree with me on this but Superheroes should be able to operate without the government because as Cap put it in the movie, “Governments have agendas and agendas change”. Team Iron Man isn’t wrong but in the end, they sure ain’t what’s right for the people.
One last thing I want to mention is that Captain America: Civil War doesn’t feel like Caps third movie and more like Avengers 2.5. This movie serves as a better sequel to the first Avengers than Age of Ultron. If we got this as the second Avengers movie, it would have been so much better and it would have stuck out more.
The Verdict:
Much like Winter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War gave us some big changes to the MCU as a whole. There were a lot of characters in this movie to the point where it doesn’t feel like a Captain America movie anymore. However, Captain America: Civil War is still a fantastic movie. Splitting up the Avengers and introducing new characters really help grow the MCU even more and open it up to a lot of new movie ideas. Captain America: Civil War is a great popcorn flick and is one worth checking out.
Next up, it’s time to warp reality, space and time with this trippy origin story of the Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Strange.
Marvel’s Phase Three Announced: Black Panther! Civil War! Captain Marvel!

The Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Phase 3 has been announced! And it’s everything — everything you could ever want. Black Panther! Captain Marvel! Inhumans! And most importantly, a two-part Avengers: Infinity War!!!
Confirmed films include:
— Captain America: Civil War (2016)
— Doctor Strange (2016)
— Guardians of the Galaxy 2 (2017)
— Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
— Black Panther (2017)
— Avengers: Infinity War Part I (2018)
— Captain Marvel (2018)
— Inhumans (2018)
— Avengers: Infinity War Part II (2019)

Actor Chadwick Boseman has been confirmed as playing Black Panther. Captain America 3 has been subtitled Civil War and will feature Robert Downey, Jr. as Iron Man. Boseman will also co-star as Black Panther.

H/T: Marvel