Watch Lupita Nyong’o Hilariously Run Around Comic-Con Dressed as a Power Ranger
That’s right, freaking Academy Award Winner Lupita Nyong’o attended SDCC last weekend disguised as no less than the pink Power Ranger.
The actress was running, dancing and jumping around the con, leaving some attendees hilariously confused and attracting some weird glances.
The video, published on Nyong’0’s Facebook page, features the actress posing with fans and action figures as well as attending panels such as Thor: Ragnarok‘s.
Trust us, this will brighten your day:
Unbirthday Party’s Jess and Elisa Join Papi Chulo RADIO!
ABC’s Once Upon A Time – Singlebrooke Dating Service

The creators of Once Upon A Time shared with fans this fantastic video at Comic-Con over the summer that showed our favorite Storybrooke residents (Mary-Margaret, David Nolan, Emma, Regina, Henry, etc.) taking part in a dating service called “Singlebrooke”.
Here’s the official synopsis:
Living in a small town like Storybrooke can make it very hard to find your happily ever after. That’s why we created Singlebrooke, for people like us to find their fairytale ending. Maybe you can find that charming someone who can bring the magic back into your life.
Here’s the video:
Once Upon A Time premieres its second season on Sunday, September 30 @ 8pm ET on ABC.