Legends of Tomorrow Scoop: A Legend Exits(?); Constantine Enters

The Season 3 finale of D.C.’s Legends of Tomorrow aired last night on The CW and it appears as if there’s an open seat on the Waverider.
Although Amaya Jiwe, played by Maisie Richardson-Sellers, decided it was finally time for her to fulfill her destiny and return to her village, EW reports that this won’t be the last time we see Richardson-Sellers. She will continue as a series regular in Season 4.
PRAISE BEEBO! #LegendsOfTomorrow pic.twitter.com/hPOfWjr7Pw
— Legends of Tomorrow (@TheCW_Legends) April 10, 2018
Prior to the insane fight between Mallus (pronounced “Malice”) and Beebo (view below), it does look like former Captain / Director Rip Hunter (Arthur Darvill) sacrificed himself in order to stall Mallus’ attack on the Legends. But as we sci-fi fans like to say, if we didn’t see the body, we can’t confirm the death.
At the end of the episode, (new Season 4 series regular) John Constantine (Matt Ryan) arrived in Aruba 2018 to inform the Legends that “You opened a door, love — and Mallus wasn’t only thing that got out.”
Executive Producer Phil Klemmer teased that Mallus was in fact but the “tip of the iceberg,” a preview of other fantastical, supernatural and/or monstrous beasts to be dealt with next season. “Everybody knows that Constantine is joining our show [for Season 4],” he said, “and he’s certainly the shape of things to come.”
Legends forever! Thanks for watching this season of DC’s #LegendsOfTomorrow! pic.twitter.com/xztmwjGoqG
— Legends of Tomorrow (@TheCW_Legends) April 10, 2018
REVIEW: Jessica Jones Season 2 Episode 7
Alright, time for Episode 7. After the shocking revelation from the last episode, will this episode continue to maintain the momentum or will this crash and burn?
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSvnepZS26s[/embedyt]
Warning: Spoilers Ahead! Turn back now if you haven’t seen the episode!
It’s a flashback episode!!

We start the episode just after the crash that happened with the Jones family. We then cut to Alisa Jones (Janet McTeer), at IGH where she wakes up to see that she looks like the monster that Jessica was having a nightmare about before. Alisa starts to freak out and go on a rampage before she runs into a young Jessica Jones and Dr. Karl Malus (Callum Keith Rennie), injects Alisa with a drug to put her into a coma. We then cut to 5 years later (Not stuck on a hellish island mind you), when Alisa wakes up to find Dr. Karl and Dr. Leslie Hansen (Renata Hinrichs), in a new hospital room. Dr. Karl tells Alisa that she has had special treatment and underwent DNA editing to give her a new look and powers. Karl also tells her about what happened to her family and Jessica, Jessica is, of course, alright and has powers but everyone else has died. We then cut to a few years later to the college years when Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter), is at a bar where they are premiering Trish Walker’s (Rachel Taylor), new music video, I Want Your Cray Cray.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hn85XmyMf8[/embedyt]
Jessica is not that happy about the whole video and event and tries to talks to Trish about how she is acting and Trish ignores her because she wants to have fun. Jessica grows more upset at Trish as she goes to the bathroom for drugs and wants to party at her house when she should be studying. Jessica and Trish fight outside and Jessica rips open an ATM to prove a point. Meanwhile, Alisa is stuck at IGH when she goes to Karl and tries to get him to tell her about Jessica. Karl tells Alisa that the experiments they did were illegal and she was presumed dead so Jessica could be adopted. Alisa starts to freak out at the news and she has to be drugged by Karl so she can calm down. Meanwhile, Jessica is making out with Sterling (Mat Vairo), he is the bartender who quit his job from earlier. It seems the two of them are in a relationship now and we learn that Jessica stole her famous Leather Jacket from a store. It also seems that it has been a month since Jessica last saw Trish and Jessica have been living with Sterling. Jessica goes to the same club from before where Trish is hanging with her friends and Jessica introduces Sterling to Trish. Sterling tells Trish about his business idea and gives her his card. Jessica is not too happy about this and she pulls Sterling aside, Sterling tells Jessica that it’s only business and asking Trish for a brand deal isn’t a handout.
Meanwhile, Alisa is still at IGH and we see two nurses, one of them being Inez Green (Leah Gibson). Green tells the other nurse that Alisa has been given her meds and they can release her. Little do they know, it was a lie and Alisa springs from her bed and attacks both the nurses. She throws Green into a glass cabinet and snaps the neck of the other nurse. Alisa grabs the key and escapes leaving Green on the ground with glass shards in her body (Now we know how she got those scars). We then cut to Jessica and Sterling returning back to their place with takeout, there is then a knock on the door. A group of guys comes in and demands money from Sterling. The one guy put money down on Sterling’s Club Alias idea as an investment and hasn’t gotten anything yet. This leads to Jessica stuffing him with food and kicking the thugs down, they run away from Jessica out of fear. Meanwhile, Alisa is out on the street and she bumps into Dorothy (Rebecca De Mornay), Alisa asks about Jessica and where she is and Dorothy doesn’t know until she decides to make a call. Alisa is able to track down Jessica as she helps out a group of kids looking for water on a hot summer day. Jessica kicks a fire hydrant and walks to the Pheonix Bar while Alisa follows from a distance.
Jessica is in the bar drinking and waiting for Sterling to come and meet her. Alisa is watching her and decides to take a seat. Jessica goes to the bathroom and Alisa follows her in. Jessica asks Alisa for a tampon and Jessica says that she owes Alisa a drink. Alisa walks out from the bathroom to find Sterling swarmed with the same guys from earlier and they all go to the alley out back. Sterling is asked by the guy if he can hire Jessica as muscle so he can wipe away the debt that Sterling owes and he agrees to it. Alisa is enraged by this and grabs Sterling by the head and smashes it against the wall multiple times. Jessica then comes looking for him and finds him bloody in the alleyway with Alisa watching from up top. Later on, Jessica goes back to the club looking for Trish and finds her in the bathroom on her knees and about to give the manager oral sex. Jessica stops this and threatens the manager when he calls her a bitch and she slams his face into the mirror.
We then cut to Jessica and Trish on a rooftop talking about what happened to Sterling. Jessica tells Trish that she has been trying to call her about 24 hours with no answer because she was high on drugs. Trish finally comes clean to Jessica about her being an addict and that she needs rehab. Jessica wants Trish to forget about her tour and go stay with her mom so she can get clean. Trish doesn’t want to but Jessica tells her that she will die and be more alone without her. The two of them then decide to stay on the rooftop for awhile so they can process their situations. Meanwhile, Alisa goes back to IGH so she can talk to Dr. Karl about what she did and about Jessica. Dr. Karl comes clean about what he did to Alisa and is able to get her to come back with him to IGH.

Now back in the present, we see that Alisa is telling all of this to Jessica and in the end, asks for her forgiveness. Jessica tells her no and sucker punches Alisa and knocks her back and knocks off her wig. Dr. Karl then drugs Jessica and knocks her out.
Wow, where to start with this. I will start by saying that I love origin/flashback stories so once I realized that it was a flashback episode, I got really excited. This episode was really good and it really does help shape Jessica and Trish’s relationship with each other and shows that not everything was right in the Walker family.
I really like how Jessica was able to show that she was able to live without Trish in her life and her money. It shows that Jessica can be dependent and shows that she tried to do it once on her own but it was her mother that threw a wrench in her plans when she killed her BF.
I would also like to point out how Sterling seemed to play a huge part in her backstory here. From the Leather Jacket that Jessica wears to the name of her company. Sterling may not have lived to see what Jessica did but it’s nice to see her honouring him by naming her company Alias and still wearing that Jacket that she stole from the store with Sterling.
Alisa in this episode was also very interesting and compelling. She just wanted to know what happened to her family and Jessica and when she finally got that, her anger got the best of her. She realized that she wasn’t ready for the truth and couldn’t handle the situation at hand so she felt that the only home she has was IGH.
The acting in this episode was awesome as well. Since it was a flashback, everyone got to play a younger version of themselves and it was really great to see. Rachel Taylor did a really great job of showing what the drugged out of her mind Trish was, Jessica was more of the same but happier then she is now and Alisa was a mother looking for her daughter.
The Verdict:
AKA I Want Your Cray Cray was an awesome flashback episode. In a season that is basically digging up the past, it’s nice to see that they have enough room and story for a flashback episode. I really like how Sterling played a huge part in shaping Jessica in her younger years and seeing Trish at her lowest was nice to see as well. Overall, this was a great flashback episode and it help set the stage for what we can expect to see happen in the next few episodes.
Next up, Episode 8.
New Details Revealed About Luke Cage Season Two Villains, “Heroes for Hire” and More

The first issue of Empire‘s Pilot magazine features several juicy sneak peeks of what’s to come on the second season of Marvel’s Luke Cage. The magazine interviews the Netflix series’ showrunner Cheo Hodari Coker, as well as stars Mike Colter and Simone Missick. They discuss season one’s shortcomings, a spinoff and what’s to come in the new season.
Here are the most interesting spoilery scoops:
This version of the villain is described as “bullet resistant” by Coker and he explains that “It’s not gonna bounce off, but he has his ways of healing. And he has very similar strength to Luke in terms of being able to take a punch and give a punch.”
“Jamaica has always been a country of resistance,” he says, touching on Bushmaster’s Carribean background. “They were the first to cast off their shackles and say, ‘We have our own government, this is how we’re doing things.’ We put a lot of that stuff into the character of Bushmaster.”
Misty Knight
“It’s her shooting hand, it’s her basketball hand, it’s her everything,” Missick says, referring to the character’s newfound disability and the impact it will have on her. “How does this person who is identified by her strength and her power as a cop do that job? She can’t. So we see Misty at the top of the season walking away from the thing that defined her.”
Missick adds: “I’ve got a lot more stunts this season.”
Danny Rand and “Heroes for Hire”
“Danny helps Luke channel his chi,” Coker says, which results “in a fight to end all fights that was just one of the most fun things we’ve done.”
“Me and Finn get along rather well, we’re pretty cool. I think our characters play well off each other,” Colter teased before making it clear that the chances of a Heroes for Hire show is “a question above my pay grade.”
Coker, on the other hand, is a little more positive. “It’s something that’s in the air. Internally at Marvel Television, everybody knows there’s a part of that combination that is inevitable, particularly when you watch them together in the way that we did it. If feels right. It feels good. It feels like, ‘I want to see more of this combination. Heroes for Hire is really not off the table.'”
Season One’s Shortcomings
“The standard conventional wisdom is that the show was great up until episode 7, and then went downhill because Diamondback wasn’t as good a villain as Cottonmouth,” Coker admits. “But as Jeph Loeb, the President of Marvel Television jokes, Mahershala couldn’t have followed Mahershala!”
“It was a great try,” Colter confesses when asked about that first run of episodes. “Some people enjoy the full season. Some really felt the second part was not as strong as the first. And I get both…but you’ve got to take a chance to make your series different, and I thought it was commendable. If people thought it was a miss, that’s fine. We have a different approach for the next season.”
The magazine confirms that Gabrielle Dennis will be playing Nightshade, a character from the comic books who was a biochemist with a strong interest in lycanthropy.
Season 2 of Marvel’s Luke Cage streams June 22 on Netflix.
H/T: ComicBookMovie
Legends of Tomorrow Co-Showrunner Discusses Season Finale: “The Good, The Bad and The Cuddly”

Monday’s season finale episode of Legends of Tomorrow is going to feature a major showdown, as the Legends face off against Mallus and a number of fan favorite characters return for the main event.
Legends co-showrunner Phil Klemmer was interviewed by TVLine, and he gave a preview of the season finale which includes a former team member’s return and some possible good-byes.
Here are some of the most important questions asked / answered:
In his true form, what are Mallus’ powers besides looking damn intimidating? Does he breathe fire…?
He’s, like, a fire-hurling, flying demon. His greatest power, though, is chewing through visual effects money. His one superpower is that every moment he’s on screen, you can imagine a pile of cash turning into smoke.
What is his agenda? What does he “want” most in the world?
He is a sort of bellwether of bad guys to come in Season 4. Up until this point, we’ve been dealing with earthly and historical bad guys, and we certainly had fun with all of that, but this year we dabbled in the world of the occult, through Damien Darhk and his enterprises. But you know that Constantine is coming onto the show [as a regular] next season, so we want to go deeper, we want Mallus to be used as “the tip of the iceberg.” He is not human, and we want to start playing with the idea that Earth hasn’t always belonged just to our kind.
We want to get into the world of fantastic myths and monsters a bit more. It’s kind of presumptuous for anybody to think they have ownership of this Earth or any part of it. Not to get deep into immigration metaphors, but Mallus is an ancient evil, he doesn’t understand humans and doesn’t understand why we have any claim to controlling this world of ours.

New photos reveal that Franz Drameh is back for the finale, as Jax. What do you want to say about that encore?
You might have noticed that we’ve included a number of family members of our regular cast on the show as guest stars — like Brandon Routh’s wife Courtney Ford in the role of Nora Darhk, and the guest appearance of Maisie Richardson-Sellers’ mother Joy Richardson as Amaya’s vision quest ancestor. So if you look very closely, you’ll notice that the finale doesn’t just include Franz Drameh but a brief cameo of someone related to him.
The Jax we meet in the finale isn’t the same one who left our team a matter of months ago — he has been inspired by what he learned from his friend and mentor Martin Stein. Being a time traveler is like living in Neverland, where you never have to grow up, and having Jax return to our show after a stint in the real world is a bittersweet reminder of what his friends and former teammates are missing. When we started this show three years ago, we never would have guessed that the youngest Legend would be the first to “grow up,” or that the guy that had to be tricked into joining the team would be the one to answer the Legends’ call in their hour of need.
OK, the big question I have been building up to: Will we see Beebo again? The finale title does have the word “cuddly” in it.
And he is a very cuddly guy. I will say this: Once you’ve invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in CGI assets, it’s a shame to only use them once. That’s why you see Grodd [on a recurring basis] — we finally figured out how to do this really well, so we have to do it again! So keep your eye open for Beebo, for sure.
Because you’ve promoted both Matt Ryan (Constantine) and Jes Macallan (Ava) as regulars for next season, does the finale pave way for any exits?
It does, it does. There’s heartbreak in the finale. A Legend leaves.
It could be argued that Amaya’s story, for one, has come full circle.
As far as her and Nate, I don’t know if love is made to last in the world of the Legends.
But at least one seat will be freed up aboard the Waverider itself…?
Yeah, yeah.
D.C.’s Legends of Tomorrow airs its Season 3 finale on Monday @ 8pm ET on The CW.
H/T: TVLine
Arrow Showrunner Discusses [SPOILER]’s Exit

This past Thursday, The CW’s Arrow said farewell to OG castmember Willa Holland. Speedy sped away in a red car with Roy Harper and Nyssa al Ghul to track down / destroy three Lazarus Pits that her father, Malcolm Merlyn, had discovered at some point prior to his death.
Arrow showrunner Marc Guggenheim sat down with TVLine to discuss Holland’s exit. Here are a few excerpts from the interview.
How long has this been in motion, the plan to write out Willa?
By the end of Season 4, Willa had expressed a desire to reduce her episodic commitment to the show and that was sort of done in sort of conjunction with an indication that it was likely that she wouldn’t want to renew her contract past Season 6. So, we’ve kind of known for a while that this was in the offing. We revisited it with Willa at the beginning of Season 6, and she indicated that she hadn’t changed her mind, that she was still interested in moving on.
We talked about some requests she had for us in terms of how her episodes would be utilized and grouped, and at what point in the season she would be written out, and we accommodated her on all those fronts because, look, at the end of the day we love Willa and we love working with her. She’s done right by us and so we wanted to do right by her.
It’s my understanding that part of what made it difficult for you, in considering her wish, was removing this important part of Oliver’s family.
That’s the thing. Apart from not getting a chance to work with Willa, that was probably the most painful aspect of it, because when we adapted the Green Arrow comic to live-action, one of the earliest and the biggest changes we made from the comic was to give Oliver a family. In the comic, he didn’t have siblings and his parents were both dead. This was a significant relationship for him and also, I think, one of the most effective elements of the show. The relationship between Stephen and Willa on camera was wonderful. But though we went into the season knowing that he’d be losing this relationship, we also knew he’d be—
Gaining a wife, gaining a son.
He’d be gaining a wife. He’d be gaining a son. And while we would do our best not to replace the relationship with Thea, we wanted to maintain a family element in his life.
Was it all that Colton Haynes needed to hear, that he was coming back for Willa’s sendoff, to get him to sign on for another encore?
Actually, it’s funny — no. I had bumped into Colton on the Fox lot months earlier and we started talking and he expressed a desire to come back to the show, because he had a window of free time. I was like, “Actually, that works out great!” It worked out really, really well because we always knew that in a perfect world, Thea’s departure from the show would involve Roy in some way. Roy’s been such a big part of her story that [Colton’s return] was a fortuitous circumstance.
Arrow airs Thursdays @ 9pm ET on The CW.
H/T: TVLine
First Impressions: Far Cry 5
I just got Far Cry 5 last night and I have been able to play it for almost 10 hours now. I am going to give you my first impressions of the game so far. This will be aimed more towards someone who is thinking about getting the game or for those who are curious.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KRnOXQswrk[/embedyt]
Minor Spoilers Ahead! Proceed With Caution!
The beginning mission of the game puts you right into the conflict. You are a rookie who is in a helicopter with the Sheriff of Hope County, the Deputy to Hope County and the US Marshal. You four are sent in with an arrest warrant for Joseph Seed, the “Father” and leader of a doomsday cult who has taken over Hope County. You arrive and cuff the Father to take him in but are stopped when your helicopter crashes down. You are then forced to flee for your life from the cult until you are captured by a man named Dutch. Dutch saves you from the cult and gives you a fresh change of clothes along with one mission, Destroy Eden’s Gate and the Father so you can reclaim Hope County.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ANjqeoSuV0[/embedyt]
Hope County is split up into four sections with each member of the Seed family having their own territory. I am halfway through John’s part and I really can’t wait to finish reclaiming his section as well as fight him. Each member of the Seed family is in charge of their own business of Eden’s Gate.
Those are the only story details I will share, now it’s time to talk about gameplay mechanics and improvements that Far Cry 5 brings to the table.
Gameplay Features:
Far Cry 5 looks to continue using the formula that the last games have established the series. You get an open world and story-driven game that also comes with loads of extra side missions, collectables, enemies to hunt and a vast land to explore. One thing that this game pushes is that you can explore everything this game at your own pace. You can stick with the story missions or go exploring the vast open world. You are the player and the game gives you the freedom to choose what you do with your time. It’s this type of non-linear gameplay that sets this apart from the other games on the market.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TngaSOi5234[/embedyt]
The graphics are amazing. I am playing this on the PC with everything set on Ultra and it is visually stunning to look at. The detail in the grass. fur, building, water and so many more things are just so life-like and beautiful to see. The cutscenes in the game are also amazing to look at.
Far Cry 5 gives you what you expect from the series but with some added new features as well. You have your guns, cars, wildlife to hunt and bad guys to kill as well. You can also bring along a companion with you no matter where you go. This can be either a member of the Resistance or you can bring along one of the three new animal companions. You can choose from Boomer The Dog, Cheeseburger The Bear or Peaches the Cougar. I have only gotten Boomer at this point but he is an awesome companion and Doggo of course.
Boomer can help you take down enemies, scout ahead and look around or steal weapons from the enemies to disarm them.

The biggest difference is the setting. Instead of taking place in foreign lands, Far Cry 5 decides to take it’s brand of chaos to the USA. Hope County is located in Montana and with the new setting comes along some new bosses and enemies. You will be fighting a Doomsday Cult known as Eden’s Gate.
Eden’s Gate is lead by Joseph ‘Father’ Seed, along with his siblings John, Faith and Jacob. They have taken over the place and are not going to let out go without a fight. I have only really encountered John in his territory and the Seed family is really crazy, you can’t help but want to watch them and learn more about them. The cutscenes for this game are so interesting and you can’t take your eyes off of what is happening on screen.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J695Yz33TY4[/embedyt]
Now getting back to gameplay, The shooting and driving mechanics are the same from Far Cry 4 so no big difference. The enemies act the same way as in Far Cry 4 and the AI from them hasn’t really changed that much.
You can say that Far Cry 5 is kinda like Far Cry 4 but with added mechanics and new villains. You wouldn’t be wrong for thinking this, the gameplay does feel like Far Cry 4 with a new paint job. However, Far Cry 4 lost me after while because the story wasn’t really interesting and the villain was fun but not enough to keep my interest.

However, Far Cry 5 is a lot more interesting because the story is engaging and the villains are scary and interesting. Far Cry 5 also decides to ditch the radio tower mechanic that older games used as well. No more having to climb up towers to see what’s around you like 500 times. Dutch has you only climb one and he helps you out from there. This was a much-needed upgrade because climbing Radio Towers is only fun 2-3 times before you start to feel it drag and hate it.
Arcade is another new feature that Far Cry 5 has to shake things up and keep you playing. Arcade is a mode where you can either make your own levels or play others from the online community.
That’s right folks! We have a mode where you can make anything you want! It’s a feature that I last saw in Far Cry 2 but it’s even bigger. I haven’t had much time to play this yet but I have played a few levels and I can say that it is really fun.
Modes like these always seem to be a big win for gamers and can guarantee that you will have people playing months after launch. I will make sure to play more and maybe even make some levels myself but so far, this seems to bring a lot of new ways to play with friends online.
The Verdict:
For just about 10 hours, Far Cry 5 has me hooked. With its intriguing story and world, I want to see what happens to the people of Hope County and I want to take down the cult that has taken over. The Arcade mode also a nice addition and I will make sure to go more in-depth with it later on. Right now, I’m very impressed with Far Cry 5 it has managed to outshine both Far Cry 4 and Far Cry Primal. Far Cry 5 has a lot more intriguing elements and for those who skipped out on the other games, you should really pick this one up.
Review: Suicide Squad: Hell To Pay
Suicide Squad: Hell To Pay is the latest DCAU movie to come out and you can bet that it looks like one hell of a ride. Does the movie live up to the hype? Or should it just be terminated?
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IV7_tOeOf7Q[/embedyt]
What makes this movie different from the rest is that it is a 100% brand new story. Suicide Squad: Hell To Pay doesn’t base itself on any previous Suicide Squad arc or comic. It goes to show that DC Animation can craft their own stories and they can be entertaining as hell.
Another thing I want to address is that this is an R-rated movie. While you may be thinking that it doesn’t hold much significance, DC has been giving most of their Animated Movies R ratings nowadays. While most of them don’t really feel like an R, this one is the first true DC Animated movie that actually earns its R rating. There is plenty of blood, violence, partial nudity and swearing that it makes it entertaining and not safe for kids.
The story follows the Suicide Squad as they go out on a mission to find a literal “Get out of Hell” card. Amanda Waller (Vanessa Williams), wants this mystical card so she can use it on herself, either today or maybe a couple of years down the line. This mission sees the squad go on a road trip in an RV (To keep things lowkey), to track down Maxum Steel (Greg Grunberg), who is a previous host for Doctor Fate. Steel lost the card after it was stolen from him by two women who he was looking to score with. These ladies were Scandal Savage (Dania Ramirez), and Knockout (Cissy Jones). Scandal wants to give the card to her Dad, Vandal Savage (Jim Pirri), so he can use it to finally die and go to heaven. Halfway through the mission, Waller calls up Deadshot (Christian Slader), and she tells him that if he can deliver the card to her personally, she will let him walk a free man. This doesn’t go as planned because we learn that Eobard Thawne (C. Thomas Howell), who we last saw got shot in the head in the Flashpoint Paradox, is somehow alive and he is also after the card. Thawne is barely still alive and is running on borrowed time (Sorry, not sorry). This all leads to a battle at the end in Vandal’s HQ where we see that Vandal used Professor Pyg (James Urbaniak), to surgically put the card into him. This guarantees that anyone who tries to take the card from Vandal will kill him and the card will be used up. This leads to a bloody battle with only Deadshot and Captain Boomerang (Liam McIntyre), left standing. Before Waller arrives, Deadshot gives the card to the dying Bronze Tiger (Billy Brown), and is able to let him use the card so he can die in peace. Deadshot gives Waller the card, doesn’t tell her that Tiger used it and he is now a free man, Deadshot is now able to see his daughter for the first time in a long time.
The voice acting in this movie is awesome. Christian Slader voices Deadshot and he does an amazing job. Slader brings his own uniqueness to the character and it helps him stand out from the rest. C. Thomas Howell is amazing as Thawne and I didn’t think he would be in this movie so it’s truly a surprise. Howell voiced Thawne in Flashpoint Paradox as well and he is truly a standout villain in this movie. I also loved Vanessa Williams as Waller. No matter what version I see, I have never heard a bad Waller before and Williams is able to continue this streak. I really do love Amanda Waller as a character in general and she is both fierce and manipulative at the same time. Everyone else did an awesome job in this movie.
One thing I can say about this movie is that it is filled with dark humour and is wildly entertaining. I love how the squad just travels around in an RV and they keep getting into trouble and screwing up. Along the way, we see various people get shot, frozen, taken over by mind control and also have their explosives go off.
This movie doesn’t hold back when it comes to the main characters. By the end of the movie, half of the cast is dead. The only ones left standing are Deadshot, Harley Quinn and Captain Boomerang. While this isn’t a bad thing, you think they would keep some of the members alive for future movies but no. It really does show that the writers knew what kind of movie they were writing and that on the Suicide Squad, everyone is replaceable (Except for the three mentioned above, they are the money makers after all).
The Verdict:
Suicide Squad: Hell To Pay is a dark, bloody, entertaining and funny animated movie. I wasn’t expecting to walk away loving this movie so much. The movie isn’t perfect by any means. However, if you are looking for a bloody good time, look no further then Suicide Squad: Hell To Pay. Just don’t try and look for any connections to past stories, you won’t find any here.
REVIEW: Jessica Jones Season 2 Episode 6
Alright, time for Episode 6. We are halfway through Season 2, will this episode continue to maintain the momentum or will this crash and burn?
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSvnepZS26s[/embedyt]
Warning: Spoilers Ahead! Turn back now if you haven’t seen the episode!
We start the episode with Jessica (Krysten Ritter), running from the aquarium all wet when she sees Dr. Karl and Hansen making their escape in a car. She tries to take a picture with her phone but it won’t turn on because it’s full of water.
If I can take a second to rant about this. This part really bugged me because it looks like she is using an iPhone 7 and last time I checked, those are waterproof. So why would she have trouble and have to put her phone in a bag of rice so she can fix it? If the phone is waterproof, she would have no trouble using it. Why would they try this stunt if someone like me is going to notice this and make a rant about it?

Anyways, rant over. She get’s a bag of rice to put her “Waterproof” phone in and she grabs a magazine and sees that it printed a headline detailing that Trish (Rachel Taylor), and Griffin (Hal Ozsan), are done. Jessica is able to get her phone working and prints some of the pictures from it. She is distracted by Oscar (J.R. Ramirez), who is playing loud music from his apartment when Jessica goes to tell him to turn it down. Jessica talks to Oscar over drinks and things start to get personal when Oscar talks about his past. Jessica tries to leave but Oscar wants her to stay because Jessica tells him that she doesn’t want to be alone. This causes the two to kiss and have sex on top of paint that they spilt onto paper on the floor (I hope they realize that paint is hard to wash off your clothes). Meanwhile, Trish is walking around in a bad neighbourhood when she starts to follow a man. She thinks the man has a gun and follows him onto a bus. She stares him down until he finally pulls out the object he was hiding, a book about positive thinking. Trish then back’s off and when the bus stops, we hear people arguing in the back. It sounds like someone won’t get off at their stop so Trish uses her new enhanced strength from the inhaler to kick the guy out. We then cut to the next morning, Jessica wakes up in Oscar’s bed and Oscar has been up painting/drawing a picture of Jessica sleeping. Jessica leaves and goes back to her office when Malcolm (Eka Darville), is there and starts to grill Jessica about what she did. Malcolm examined the photo and found that Dr. Karl is wearing a University Class Ring that is from the same university that Malcolm got kicked out off. Jessica wants Malcolm to go back to the university to dig up info on Dr. Karl. Meanwhile, Jeri (Carrie-Anne Moss), comes back from shopping for clothes and conditioner that Inez Green (Leah Gibson), wanted. Jeri then tells Green to spill the beans on IGH and it turns out that Green doesn’t really have much valuable info. Meanwhile, Trish and Jessica meet up at to speak to the owner of a shop near the aquarium. The convince the owner to look at security cam footage and find that Dr. Karl is actually keeping Hansen drugged up on something.
Meanwhile, Malcolm takes a trip to the University and meets up with an old friend of his. The two of them talk and hug things out when she leaves, we see that Malcolm has swiped her student card. Meanwhile, Jeri is on the phone with Jessica and is starting to lose her patience with Green and wants her out of her safe house/apartment. Green was eavesdropping and uses this as a means to start stealing a bunch of jewellery and pills. We then cut back to Jessica’s office where Malcolm was able to confirm that Dr. Karl was in the 1978 class at the university. Trish starts to encourage and complement Malcolm on his work and Jessica tells him to punch out for the day. Jessica is able to find out that someone has been paying all of Dr. Karl’s bills for the past decade. That person is Justin Ambrose, the owner of Ambrhose and who has a membership to a private men’s only golf club. Jessica and Trish go their and Trish causes a scene so that Jessica and sneak off and find Ambrose. Jessica finds Ambrose and the two of them talk about what Dr. Karl did for him. Dr. Karl saved his son who was born with a defect and is now perfectly fine. Meanwhile, Trish is still talking to the guys at the entrance when she starts to not feel well and actually vomits, causing her to leave in a hurry. Trish tries to look for the inhaler but can’t find it. Meanwhile, Ambrose and Jessica are still talking and Jessica wants him to tell her where Dr. Karl is. Ambrose refuses and Jessica breaks one of his putters. Meanwhile, Dr. Karl is on the phone and making syringes when he wakes up Hansen. Dr. Karl then tells her that Jessica is coming and that she should know the truth. Meanwhile, Jessica takes Trish back to her apartment and puts her to bed. Jessica wants to stick around but Trish says she will be fine. This turns into a cover up for Trish to look for the inhaler. The same inhaler that Malcolm finds back at Alias and Malcolm calls up Trish.
We then cut to Jeri in bed reading some papers when Green walks in with the bag full of Jewellery and Meds. Jeri is pissed and Green talks to her about Jeri’s condition and her ALS. Jeri wants Green to leave but she tells Jeri about another patient she didn’t talk about, someone with the power to heal people. Meanwhile, Jessica finds a package at her door. It’s the painting that Oscar did of her and she put’s it near her bookshelf with her booze on it. We then cut to Trish waiting by the door for Malcolm. Malcolm brings her jacket and the inhaler and Malcolm starts to talk about how Trish is struggling and life problems. Trish goes to the bathroom to use the inhaler and when she comes out, Malcolm is about to leave but Trish goes to him and kisses him. The two make out and then they have sex. The next day, Jessica is waiting outside a building. She is waiting for Eric, Ambrose’s son. Jessica grabs him and facetime’s his dad asking for information again and promises to leave them alone. Jessica get’s the address to Dr. Karl’s house and takes a Taxi there. She get’s to the house and we see that it’s the same house from a few episodes back. Jessica goes through the house and when she gets to the basement, she finds out the truth. She finds out that Hansen is actually her mother, Alisa Jones (Janet McTeer).
WOW! The ending reveal was such a great ending. I love the fact that this whole time, Jessica was chasing after her mom who is more powerful then her. This adds a whole new level of questions that I can’t wait to get the answers for later on. I love the makeup of Alisa’s backside of her head. It just looks gnarly and it makes you see why she has to wear a wig.
I also love the fact that we are learning more about Malcolm and seeing him evolve even more throughout this episode. He really does show that he is willing to learn and work for Jessica by digging up the past to obtain information on a present case. I wonder how pissed his EX will be to find that he stole her Student Card? Malcolm may have sober up but he has learned a lot of new tricks.
The only bad thing I can say is that Trish is really starting to bother me. Ever since she started using the inhaler, she has become a mess. Now she is willing to do anything to get more of it and she even decided to have sex with Malcolm after breaking up with Griffin (Is that too soon?). I guess you can say that this is how she develops her powers but I don’t want her to turn into Malcolm from season 1. Trish is slowly going down the path of drug use and it will really hurt her character and her career.
The Verdict:
AKA FaceTime signals the end of the first half of the season. It feels like this episode wrapped up all the IGH and Dr. Karl stuff so that now we can shift gears to what comes next. I really liked the ending reveal and the stuff with Malcolm. I can’t wait to see what happens now throughout the rest of the season.
Next up, Episode 7.
REVIEW: Jessica Jones Season 2 Episode 5
Alright, time for Episode 5. After the last episode ended with Jessica in cuffs, will this episode maintain the momentum or will this crash and burn?
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSvnepZS26s[/embedyt]
Warning: Spoilers Ahead! Turn back now if you haven’t seen the episode!
We start the episode with Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter), in a cell. Meanwhile, Hansen is in front of a firepit, where she throws all the files she stole and her clothes in it to cover up. We then cut to Jessica in holding where Jeri (Carrie-Anne Moss), is there talking to Jessica. Jeri wants Jessica to spill the beans on what she is doing so she can clear her name. Jessica refuses and Jeri decides to leave her on her own. Meanwhile, Trish (Rachel Taylor), is vomiting up in the toilet when Dorothy (Rebecca De Mornay), comes in and helps her out. We learn that Dorothy has been taking care of Trish who was asleep for 26 hours after what happened and Trish wants to call Jessica. Dorothy tells Trish that she has landed a Job interview with the local news station and has an interview today. Trish get’s excited and runs to the shower to get ready. Meanwhile, Jessica is on the phone with Malcolm (Eka Darville), and Jessica tells him that he is in charge of Alias while she is in jail. Jessica then tasks Malcolm with talking to Inez Green (Leah Gibson) and finding out what she knows about IGH. Meanwhile, we learn that Hansen is at her safe house (At least I would call it that), and she is practising the Piano when her neighbour knocks on her door and wants to come in to hear her play the Piano because it calmed her baby down. Hansen lets them in and she plays the Piano when the baby starts to distract her, this causes her to start missing notes and the neighbour starts to get scared and runs out of the house with her baby. This then leads to Hansen destroying the Piano in a fit of rage. We then cut to Jessica and Jeri sitting in the interrogation room, two cops come in and Jessica agrees to tell them everything she knows about Hansen and IGH. Meanwhile, Malcolm is talking to Green and he digs up info about one of the nurses Green use to work with. Hansen was the one that killed the Nurse but it doesn’t add up when her body was found in someone else’s apartment and they are serving time for it. Green finally agrees to sit down and start from the beginning. Meanwhile, Jessica and Jeri are waiting for the cops to come back and clear everything so Jessica can go. The cops show up and bring a set of photos of Hansen before she jumped the crook and they set Jessica free. One of the officers wants Jessica to let him know if she finds anything else and he tells her about the nightmares he had when Kilgrave made him put a gun to his head back in Season 1.
Jessica met’s Jeri outside the building where she tells Jeri about Green. Jessica wants Jeri to offer a safe house for her so she doesn’t get hurt and she wants her to be protected. While talking, Pryce Chang (Terry Chen), ambushes them as they are about to leave. Chang rips on Jeri and Jessica and still thinks Jessica is the killer. Jessica get’s in Chang’s face and sets things straight. After that, Jessica goes back to her office and Malcolm shows Jessica what he found and tells her what Green said. Malcolm wants Green to go wait in his apartment for further instructions and Jessica gives Malcolm another task, take Green to a safe house that Jeri has given the address for. Malcolm then goes to his apartment and finds that Green has stolen his TV. Malcolm then finds Green trying to sell the TV to a shop in order to make some money so she can escape the city. Malcolm talks her out of this with him saying that he will post her address and make her a target. Meanwhile, Jessica goes to visit Oscar (J.R. Ramirez), and he wants him to make her a fake ID so she can sneak into an asylum to find the false killer. Later on, Trish and Dorothy are at an outdoor restaurant and when they walk in, Trish finds out that there was no interview and she finds friends and family around. Trish thinks this is an intervention but it turns out that Griffin (Hal Ozsan), is there to give her something. This turns out to be a proposal with Griffin getting on one knee and asking Trish to marry him. This shocks both Trish and Jessica who makes it thereafter Griffin called her and Trish doesn’t actually say yes but she does kiss him which means yes (At least I think so). Jessica then goes to talk to Griffin who admits that this took some careful planning and some sneaking around but he did this all to make Trish happy. Meanwhile, Malcolm and Green go to the location that Jeri set up and Malcolm delivers Green to Jeri so she can be safe. We then cut to Jessica at Oscar’s place with his son and mother there. They both want Jessica to stay for dinner but Oscar gives her the ID. Oscar then insists that she stay for dinner as well but Jessica says no and she goes.
We then cut to Green inside the safehouse with Jeri and they are having coffee. Green wants Jeri to cut the act and tell her why she is really there, and Jeri tells her that she wants to know everything about IGH. Meanwhile, Jessica is at the Asylum and goes to use her ID which works. She then goes to a room where guards bring in the killer David Kawecki, so Jessica can talk to him. Jessica asks Dave about what happened that night with the nurse and he tells her that he strangled her until she stopped screaming. Jessica doesn’t buy any of that and starts to question his story even more. This upsets Dave to the point of him going into the corner of his cage. Jessica is able to calm him down when she sees Dave drawing a picture of an Octopus. Dave then starts to tell her some facts about Octopuses, when Jessica asks how he knows all of this, Dave says that a Dr. Carl told him all about Octopuses. Dave then tells Jessica that he and Dr. Carl would go the aquarium every day and sit by the Octopus tank. Jessica then asks Dave to draw her a picture of Dave and Dr. Carl sitting by the Octopus tank. Meanwhile, Trish is sitting down on her couch when Dorothy bursts in and yells at Trish for saying no and breaking up with Griffin. The two of them fight and Trish slaps her mother in the face. Dorothy leaves and Trish takes another hit of the Inhaler. Meanwhile, Jessica takes a trip to the aquarium to find Dr. Carl. He doesn’t show up for a bit and Jessica is left to wander around and look at the fish. It takes awhile but he finally shows up to look at the Octopus tank and Dr. Carl is then joined by a woman, we find out that this woman is Hansen. Dr. Carl and Hansen are together on a date and they kiss with Jessica taking pictures from above. Dr. Carl notices her and calls her out, Hansen then punches one of the fish tanks and the alarm goes off. Sending everyone into a frenzy and before Jessica could leave, the tanks glass shatters and water comes pouring out.
Ok, let me start from the beginning. This was another great episode and the first half of this season has been really great so far. I’m glad that this episode raises the stakes even more with the reveal at the end. The only thing I didn’t like in this episode was the whole marriage proposal reveal. This came out of nowhere and it felt kinda forced so that we could get Griffin out of the picture.
The acting in this episode is also great and is standard with each of the episodes. There wasn’t anyone in this episode that I didn’t like so that is a great sign.
I also want to point out that Malcolm was awesome this episode because he was able to get a promotion and also help Green out of throwing her life away. It really does feel like they are giving Malcolm a lot more to do and he has become a central character for this new season.
I’m also glad that Jessica didn’t spend long in jail. This could have at least lasted a few episodes but instead, they decided not to and I am glad for it. I also like how Jessica was able to sneak into the asylum without anyone pointing out who she is. I mean, she has been all over the news so you think someone would be able to spot her but I guess not.
The Verdict:
AKA The Octopus is another great episode and we are almost halfway through the season at this point. This episode was able to keep the momentum moving and was very exciting. However, the whole Marriage Plot was the only bad thing this episode. This came out of nowhere and the fact that Trish said No really makes it feel like it was just for drama sake. However, if you can look past that, another great episode is what you can look forward too.
Next up, we hit the halfway point of the season with Episode 6.
REVIEW: Jessica Jones Season 2 Episode 4
Alright, time for Episode 4. After the last episode set a lot of things in motion, will this episode maintain the momentum or will this crash and burn?
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSvnepZS26s[/embedyt]
Warning: Spoilers Ahead! Turn back now if you haven’t seen the episode!
The story opens with Jessica (Krysten Ritter), with her Anger Management group. She talks about herself while bouncing a ball and it starts to piss her off so much that she breaks the ball. After that, Jessica goes back to her office where Malcolm (Eka Darville) is there and Jessica shows him that he and Trish (Rachel Taylor), made front page on a magazine with the paparazzi claiming that they are now a couple. Jessica grills Malcolm for letting Trish leave and Jessica fires Malcolm (for like the 1000th time), but he will still work for her anyway. Later on, Trish and Griffin (Hal Ozsan) talk to the press and claim that they are still together and that what is being printed is fake news. Meanwhile, Jeri (Carrie-Anne Moss), gets a visit from Chang (Terry Chen). Chang is pissed that Jeri dropped the lawsuit without consulting him and they both go their separate ways. Meanwhile, Jessica and Trish visit a wig shop where they interrogate Sally who is the owner for information on Hansen. Sally tells them that Hansen comes with no paperwork and pays cash. Trish and Jessica then say they need more from Metro Hospital, which means they need to talk to Max again. Jessica and Trish drive to the movie set and find the lead actress for the movie and talk to her. Meanwhile, Malcolm is at Alias fixing a wall when Chang visits. Chang talks to Malcolm about his past and tries to bring Malcolm over to Chang Consulting so Chang can get intel on Jessica. Malcolm delines and Chang leaves with his offer still open.
Later on, Jeri is walking and sees a woman fall and stares in shock because she thinks that it would be her later on with her ALS. Meanwhile, Max is pissed that his lead actress dropped out the movie and is already gone when Trish and Jessica are waiting by his car to talk to him. Jessica is able to convince Max (After punching a hole through the front of his Tesla), to call Metro and demand all the files on IGH. Later that evening, Jessica is in her apartment bouncing a ball when she get’s a call from Jeri. Jeri is asking Jessica if she has anything on her partners when Jessica only finds expenses that lead nowhere. Jessica get’s a knock on her door, it turns out that Oscar (J.R. Ramirez), is there with a gift for Jessica, it’s Alcohol of course and Oscar also says that he is tearing up the eviction notice as a thank you for saving his son last episode. Before Oscar could leave, Jessica invites him inside so they can drink together. Meanwhile, Trish and Griffin are having intercourse when they two of them talk about how special Griffin is. When Trish wants to have a shower and Griffin gets a call from a mysterious person and Griffin shows that he has a shady side to him. Meanwhile, Jessica and Oscar talk to each other over drinks and it get’s personal when we learn more about Oscar and his wife. All of this leads to them kissing, Jessica tries to take off Oscar’s pants when he stops her and he leaves.
We cut to the next morning when Jessica is on the phone with Trish and she tells Jessica that Max came through with the info and before she could leave, Malcolm stops her at the elevator. Malcolm tries to tell Jessica that Chang visited and offer Malcolm a job. Jessica brushes it off and Malcolm finally tells Jessica that he wants Jessica to actually train him as a PI and he wants 25% of each cases payout. Jessica counters his offer with 20% and they both reach an agreement. Later on, Jeri goes to see her doctor without an appointment and they talk about alternative options for medication. Jeri wants a faster, painless and may be an illegal process to cure her ALS. The doctor doesn’t budge and Jeri walks out of the doctor’s office. Back at Trish’s apartment, Jessica and Trish are talking about the info they got and come across someone named Inez Green who was a nurse at IGH. Green is now homeless and they two set off to find her in an abandoned neighbourhood where the homeless are. They find a homeless man who tells them that Green is in a building nearby and to watch out because she sent someone to the ER just for looking at her wrong. Jessica and Trish go into the building and find someone who attacks Jessica on the upper level while Trish is below and uses the same inhaler that Simpson used. Trish goes upstairs and uses a taser on the woman and knocks her out. Meanwhile, Someone breaks into Alias and steals all of the IGH info and Malcolm walks in at the last minute to discover this. We cut too Jeri on a Russia website buying a cure that is worth a lot of money. Meanwhile, Jessica and Trish interrogate Green about IGH and they find out she was a nurse and Hansen scarred her and broke her physically. Meanwhile, The guy who stole all of Jessica’s files is about the go back to his van when we find out that it is someone from Chang who is trying to one-up Jessica on her case. Hansen jumps down and beats up the guy and Chang calls 911. We then cut to Jessica and Trish driving away with Green in the back when they reach the crime scene where we see what Hansen left behind and Jessica is then arrested right on the spot.
This episode was another great episode and I’m starting to like Season 2 more than Season 1. Season 1 may have had Kilgrave but this Season is telling a more personal and focused story on Jessica that it’s very compelling to watch unfold.
The acting in this episode was also great and is on point with the rest of the episodes so far. The only downside is the stuff with Jeri. I know she is dying and we are supposed to feel bad for her but, it just feels like extra drama tacked on, and it just isn’t doing much or it just doesn’t feel compelling at all. I feel bad for Jeri but if the meds she bought works for her then yay.
I like how Trish used Simpsons Inhaler and this could be the point that Trish develops her own powers and maybe by the end of the season she will become Hellcat. I also really liked how Malcolm is finally stepping up and wanting to have a bigger role in this season. This is great for Malcolm’s character because I really like him and I want to see him do more. He isn’t just the annoying little brother (His exact words) to Jessica and he wants to prove he can be useful.
I also like how Hansen is the main villain of the season right now and she only shows up at the end to make Jessica’s day even worse. It goes to show that they are using her very sparingly but, I would like to see more of her and maybe a little more development so we can know what her true plans are.
A lot happens in this episode and it really does feel like everything is coming together and it feels like something is about to go down and I can’t wait to watch more episodes.
The Verdict:
AKA God Help the Hobo is another great episode of this Season and it really does help put things into perspective. Jessica and Trish are getting closer to solving the whole IGH thing, Malcolm lays down his plans for Jessica and Chang shows just how far he is willing to go to screw over Jessica. I really like where the season is going and I can’t wait to watch more.
Next up, Episode 5