Jennifer Morrison Comes Back to Once Upon a Time in New Promos for Episode 7.02
It looks like fans of Once Upon a Time won’t have to wait long before they get some closure on the Hook/Emma storyline.
As promised, Jennifer Morrison is returning for an episode this season, and that episode is next week’s “A Pirate’s Life.”
We now have two new promos where we can see Morrison’s Emma in both the past and the present, hinting at a full in-depth closure on Emma’s story.
Check them out:
REVIEW: Once Upon A Time, Episode 701
Once Upon A Time’s season seven finally kicked off last night with its first episode entitled “Hyperion Heights”. Even though this was a requel (reboot + sequel), it was, in my opinion, still very faithful to the first six years.
It was really great the episode started in a very similar way the pilot did: with the words “Once Upon A Time”. One of the goals of this new season is to bring in a new audience, letting them know they don’t have to watch the previous seasons and they will still understand what is going on, and this really showed that is possible. This, to me, also proved that the story really is about to begin (again), and that new adventures are coming.
In flashbacks, we saw Henry leaving Storybrooke to go find his own story. This makes all the sense in the world to me. Throughout the last six years, we heard Henry say a few times that he was tired of simply reading about heroes, that he wanted to find his story and be one, and that is what he finally decided to do. Years later, not long before he planned on going back home, Henry literally stumbled into Cinderella. I think we can all agree that, just like most couples on this show, these two hardly shared love at first sight, but that doesn’t mean their love story won’t be epic. As usual, this really isn’t the classic story we know, because Henry didn’t really save Cinderella, because she didn’t need to be saved. That’s right, Cinderella is a badass, who doesn’t need other people, especially not men, to protect her. And a great proof of this is the reason why she wanted to go to the ball in the first place: not to meet some prince, but to get revenge on him because of the fact he killed her father.
Because Cinderella is a part of this, Lady Tremaine couldn’t possibly be left behind. It appears the wicked stepmother isn’t only wicked to Cinderella, unlike in the original tale, because she isn’t that much nice to Drizella either. When we first met her, she killed Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother with her own wand, calling it a “teaching moment” to Drizella. Apart from this, unlike (I will say) all villains in this show, Tremaine doesn’t believe magic is the solution. She is mean and a bully, but she doesn’t usually use magic to get what she needs, because “magic can be taken”. She continued her evil deeds when she murdered the prince, after Cinderella failed to do it, simply because he rejected Drizella, while his younger brother didn’t. After fighting the guards with Henry’s help, she ran away to where they first met. After Henry got there too, he found nothing but her show, so he missed the portal home to go help her. The most amazing thing in this is that this is still a lot like Cinderella’s story, and the shoe was the biggest proof of this. It simply has a few twists Once Upon A Time is so well known for.
In one last reference to the past, I would now like to comment on Alice. It was a great twist she was working for Rumple, and it was really funny when she told Henry “Your grandfather knows everyone”, because that is usually what I also say about him. She left Henry with a warning: he must leave that land because that is not his story, and bad things happen when people mess in someone else’s story.
In present day, Henry is a swift driver, but he is an author when he is off duty. He published one book with the story of the first six season (not a very successful one, by the way), and now he has no inspiration to start another. That is, of course, until Lucy gets in his life and drags him to Hyperion Heights, where he meets Roni. It was great seeing these two interact, and even greater when he said: “Imagine if I walked through that door and told you I was tour son”.
We also got to see Jacinda’s hard life as a single mother and a step daughter of a powerful and mean woman, who wants to change everything in Hyperion Heights. She has a crappy job and a jerky boss, and right in the beginning of the episode she fired herself, showing that there is still a little bit of badass Cinderella inside. But as I said on my preview, this time she has a daughter to protect, so in the end of the episode she goes back to it.
It was great seeing Henry and Jacinda meet again. We were able to see they shared a little moment of connection, but it faded quickly. They really didn’t end up in good terms by the end of the episode, because Henry told the police where Cinderella might have been taking Lucy to.
Speaking of police, we met Officer Rogers, who eventually became Detective Rogers, because of how he helped Victoria. He has Lucy’s book now, and for the sake of all Captain Swan shippers out there, he took a special interest in a certain character. His new partner is now going to be Detective Weaver, previously known as Rumpelstiltskin, a cop who seems to be into some very interesting hobbies. In fact, just like in the old days, it seems, Tilly is still working for him.
The end of the episode was also pretty incredible. Usually season premieres (and pilots, since that is what this episode felt like in a way), have a twist in the end, but just like the original pilot, this episode simply ends with hope spreading around Hyperion Heights. This time, instead of the clock tower moving, hyacinths (Cinderella’s lucky flower) started growing in a garden where nothing grew anymore, Henry found some inspiration to start writing, and Roni decided to raise her middle finger to Victoria and keep HER bar.
Overall, this was a pretty good start for the season. There is really something about this new story that feels real. Sure the other seasons were about fairy tales in the real world, but they were isolated from everything and everyone. This time, they really are all in the real world, in a bigger city, and that is really great to watch. I am giving this premiere an 8.3/10.
Next week’s episode is entitled “A Pirate’s Life”, and it will be a Hook/Rogers centric episode. It is also during this hour that Emma’s story will come to an end, so don’t miss it, because I sure as hell won’t.
PREVIEW: Once Upon A Time, Season 7
After a really amazing season (the best one yet, in my opinion), Once Upon A Time is almost back with its seventh season. A lot of things are changing, and there is a lot of misconception out there, which is why I decided to make this preview.
First things first: Once Upon A Time isn’t erasing these last 6 years, and these new characters aren’t recasts. To make the plan for season 7 simpler, we can look at it like Disney movies (or marvel ones too). There are many versions of the same story: there is the original Cinderella movie from 1950; in 1997 a musical adaptation of this same story was made; and now more recently, in 2015, we had another remake. We had a Cinderella in the first season (and also in one episode of season 6), but the one we will see now is a parallel version of her. With Cinderella, some other characters will be rebooted as well, so we will see them “again”.
Now that this is out of the way, there is much more to talk about. To make things less confusing and more organized, I will divide the rest of the preview by topics.
Not everyone we have been seeing in the past few years will remain as show regulars: Jennifer Morrison (Emma Swan), Jared Gilmore (Henry Mills), Josh Dallas (Prince Charming/David), Ginnifer Goodwin (Snow White/Mary Margaret), Rebecca Mader (Zelena) and Emilie de Ravin (Belle); are all leaving the main cast. But, of course, this doesn’t mean they aren’t coming back. Jennifer Morrison is returning for the second episode, Jared Gilmore is coming back for at least the first two (and maybe some more), Emilie de Ravin is going to be back for the forth episode and Rebecca Mader is also returning for multiple episodes (possibly a little later in the season).
This isn’t official, but I really think (and hope) Josh Dallas and Ginnifer Goodwin will also return for at least one episode. With this, we will have all our old cast back.
Continuing as regulars we have: Lana Parrilla (Regina Mills/Evil Queen), Robert Carlyle (Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold) and Colin O’Donoghue (Captain Hook/Killian Jones). But even as awesome as these actors/characters are, they could never make a season by themselves. Joining the regular cast, we have: Andrew J. West (older Henry), Gabrielle Anwar (Lady Tremaine/Victoria Belfrey), Dania Ramirez (Cinderella/Jacinda), Alison Fernandez (Lucy). Later, Mekia Cox joined the regular cast, and she will be playing Princess Tiana/Sabine.
With a new curse, comes a new city. The next Once Upon A Time locale will be Hyperion Heights. This new city really is very different from Storybrooke. First, because it isn’t a small town anymore, this is really a big city. Second, and I find this bit quite interesting, not everyone in Hyperion Heights will be a fairy tale character, since this seems to be a city created before the new curse. Third, because bad things don’t happen if people try to leave. Out of the contrary actually, since Tremaine would be quite pleased if they did (more on that later). This means that Hyperion Heights is definitely not lost in time, so we will start seeing some up to date technology.
Like in season 1, we will see different versions of each character. They will all be up to something, so here is a little summary of each character.
Regina is now Roni, a bar owner (kind of like Granny’s but with a lot more alcohol). Even though she doesn’t remember her former self, Regina is still going to lead the front against Lady Tremaine’s evil acts. She is saying goodbye to pantsuits and perfect hair, so it seems she will be a little freer of the responsibility of being a hero.
Hook is going to be Rogers, or better, Officer Rogers, since he will be a part of the police department. In the beginning of the new season he will be very focused on finding answers to a case, and that might just mean he will ask for Rumple’s help.
Knowing Rumple is going to help Rogers, is pretty much all we know about him, which means he continues to be very mysterious. We don’t even know his new name. Some people say he will be the next “Godfather” but we really don’t know. We are definitely going to have to wait until Friday to find out.
We will also meet an older version of Henry. We know that a few years after the ending of season 6, Henry left to a parallel universe to find his own story, and it seems he did, with Cinderella. Years later they have Lucy, and the curse is casted. In our world, after writing a failing book which tells the story of the first 6 seasons of the show, Henry became a Swift driver (kind of like Uber), until Lucy came knocking on his door, dragging him to Hyperion Heights.
Lucy’s job in this new season seems to be very similar to Henry’s, back in season 1. Her father lost belief, so it is now her job to get that back, to make him believe in hope, faith, Happy Endings (or beginnings) and fairy tales. In other words, Lucy will be the new crazy kid of the show.
Like most of the women in Once Upon A Time, Cinderella isn’t a damsel in distress, out of the contrary, she is a very badass princess who really doesn’t need anyone to protect her. This means that, as usual, the epic romance between her and Henry will definitely not start with the right foot, but they will warm their way to each other. In Hyperion Heights, Jacinda apparently won’t be very different from her original self, except for the fact she will have a daughter to protect this time.
As rebellious as Cinderella may be, Lady Tremaine seems to be the one who puts her in her place. She is that kind of woman who was wanted by every man in happier years, but as she got older, she ends up alone. We don’t know who casted the curse, but she does seem to be a good candidate. In present day, Victoria is a woman of power, and her goal is to push the fairy tale characters out of Hyperion Heights and into the real world so that they live on the rest of their days miserable, not knowing who they really are.
Now introducing the main character from The Princess and the Frog, Tiana is also popping up in the new season. We don’t know a lot about her, other than the fact her centric episode will be the fifth, and in it we will meet her mother. In Hyperion Heights, Sabine is Jacinda’s roommate, and we can totally expect to see the two of them bond.
Aside from these, Drizella and Alice are going to guest start in some episodes. We really know nothing about Alice, other than the fact her cursed name is Tilly, but we can totally expect some wickedness coming from Drizella. She is definitely going to help her mother make Cinderella’s life a living hell.
With all this said, now we simply have to wait. Hope this preview made the plans for season 7 a bit clearer, and also made you guys excited for it. The season premiere of the show is entitled “Hyperion Heights” and it will air next Friday, October 6th, at 8 pm, so don’t miss it.
Episode Title 7.09 of Once Upon a Time Revealed

Adam Horowitz has taken to Twitter one more time to announce an episode title for season 7 of Once Upon a Time.
This time, the screenwriter went ahead and revealed the title for episode 7.09, “One Little Tear.”
The title could very well be a reference to Rapunzel’s origin story, where her tears have magical healing powers. We’ll have to wait and see.
Here's another #OnceUponATime #titlespoiler — hope to see ya 10/6!
— Adam Horowitz (@AdamHorowitzLA) October 1, 2017
Rebecca Mader to Return to Once Upon a Time for Multiple Episodes

A wicked return is on the way to Once Upon a Time season 7!
TV Line revealed earlier today that Rebecca Mader will be returning for the upcoming season of the show.
Mader, who has played Regina’s sister, Zelena a.k.a. the Wicked Witch since season 3, revealed the news during an interview with TV Line. “I am beyond thrilled to be returning to make magic with my beloved Once Upon a Time family,” said the actress.
No further details have been revealed about her role during season 4, or whether or not she’ll reprise her wicked character.
Once Upon a Time premieres October 6 on ABC.
Once Upon a Time Episode 7.01 Promos Feature Regina v. Lady Tremaine
ABC released a bunch of new photos for the season seven premiere of Once Upon a Time.
The images feature returning favorite Lana Parrilla as Regina (or her alter-ego, Roni) and Gabrielle Anwar as Lady Tremaine in what seems to be a not-so-friendly conversation.
The images feature a closer look at Rose Reynolds as Alice and Adelaide Kane as Ivy/Drizella.
We also get to see Andrew J. West as Henry Mills and Dania Ramirez as Cinderella sharing some candid moments.
The seventh season of Once Upon a Time is set to premiere October 6 on ABC.
Check out the images below:

Once Upon a Time is Going to Reboot Yet Another Character

Thanks to TV Line, we now know Cinderella and Alice are not the only ones to get “reboted” during season 7 of Once Upon a Time.
Meegan Warner (Turn: Washington’s Spies) has been cast as the new Rapunzel in the upcoming season of OUAT.
According to the article, Warner’s Rapunzel will magically find herself in a tower and will do whatever it takes to free herself and make the sorceress who imprisoned her pay for what she did.
Rapunzel was played by Alexandra Metz back during season 3.
Here’s Some New Information About Tiana in Once Upon a Time Season 7

TV Line released an article revealing some interesting details about Mekia Cox’s Tiana in the upcoming season of Once Upon a Time.
In the article, we learn that Tiana will make her first appearance in episode three “The Garden of Forking Paths,” where she meets Henry, Hook and the Evil Queen under not-too-good circumstances.
Tiana seems to have joined forces with Dania Ramirez’s Cinderella. According to showrunner Adam Horowitz and Eddy Kitsis, we meet Cox’s character “in a fairy tale realm in turmoil,” adding that she’s set on a mission to “restore freedom to her people.”
OUAT creators also explained Tiana’s personality, describing her as a strong person who has a lot of enemies. “She’s been through a lot when we meet her, but she never wavers even when doubting oneself would seem to be the most logical, and safe, course of action,” said Kitsis and Horowitz.
The seventh season of Once Upon a Time is set to premiere October 6, 2017.
Emma, Hook and Henry Reunite on Once Upon a Time‘s New Stills
As we know, Jennifer Morrison exited OUAT, but she did agree to return for one episode during season 7, and Entertainment Weekly has shared with the world some pictures and extra information we can hold on to.
Morrison will appear in episode two, called “A Pirate’s Life.” Details about the episode are a still a mystery, but Adam Horowitz did say, “We get to find out what has happened with Emma and Hook [Colin O’Donoghue] since our happy ending we showed last year.” He also said that Emma’s story will have what they consider a satisfying closure.
Edward Kitsis added they’re not doing flashbacks to the sixth season. “We’re moving forward past the end of season 6, seeing what happened with Emma and Hook, and how it relates to the events in Hyperion Heights,” said Kitsis, “it’s an emotional curtain call.”
Check out the stills:

Episode Title 7.06 of Once Upon a Time Revealed
Adam Horowitz has taken to Twitter once again to announce an episode title for the upcoming season of Once Upon a Time.
The sixth episode of season 7 will be called “Wake Up Call.”
It’s been previously revealed that this episode will focus on Roni/Regina, and fans are already speculating she’ll recover her memory during this episode.
Here's another #OnceUponATime #titlespoiler — hope to see ya 10/6!
— Adam Horowitz (@AdamHorowitzLA) August 26, 2017