Everything You Need to Know About Iron Fist Season 2

The first season might not have gotten the greatest critic rating, but that hasn’t stopped the show from getting a second season. Here is everything you need to know about Iron Fist Season 2:
Release date?
The second season has only just started filming in December, around the same time as Daredevil season three, so we won’t be seeing Iron Fist season two in the same March slot as its first season. We may have to wait until March 2019 for Iron Fist season two.
The first-look photo confirmed that Danny (Finn Jones) and Colleen Wing (Jessica Henwick) would be back. Also returning will be Tom Pelphrey as Ward Meachum, Jessica Stroup as Joy Meachum and Sacha Dhawan as Davos, Danny’s best friend from K’un-Lun.
In early December, Star Trek: Into Darkness star Alice Eve was confirmed to be joining the cast in season two. However, we don’t yet know what her role will be other than the fact that there will be “an intrigue and danger to her character unlike anyone else,” according to Marvel’s head of television Jeph Loeb.

New showrunner?
EW reported that Scott Buck was stepping down as showrunner, with Raven Metzner taking over for season two. Metzner has previously worked on the likes of Sleepy Hollow, Falling Skies and Heroes Reborn, with his main movie role to date being the writer of Elektra.
As well as helping to defeat the Hand, Danny ended The Defenders by sitting on a rooftop in New York City, illuminated by his iron fist.
The assumption is that with Daredevil currently sidelined (depending on what happens in season three if it arrives before Iron Fist‘s second run), Danny will take over as the protector of Hell’s Kitchen, keeping it safe until Matt Murdock’s return.
Matt found himself in prison after his identity is revealed, leading to Danny ‘taking over’ as Daredevil to protect New York City and give Matt a cover story that he might not actually be Daredevil. When he was released from prison, a misunderstanding saw the two fight on a rooftop – as you do – before order was restored.
Source: Digital Spy
The Punisher Has Been Renewed for Season 2
A second season has been confirmed for Netflix’s The Punisher.
The announcement was made via a video on the show’s Facebook page, check it out below:
The series follows Daredevil adversary The Punisher, aka Frank Castle (played by Jon Bernthal), as he uncovers a conspiracy that runs far deeper than New York’s criminal underworld. The vigilante must discover the truth about injustices that affect more than just the family that he lost.
Source: TV Line
Filming Begins for Daredevil Season 3
Filming is underway for Daredevil Season 3.
Earlier this year, a report indicated that filming was set to start on October 15 and finish June 30, but thanks to public notice signs that were shared on Twitter, we know that filming is now up and running on the streets of New York.
The sign indicates that the project title is “Ringside S3” which, as Daredevil fans will remember, was the working title for the shows second season.
Rumour has it that Daredevil Season 3 will premiere on Netflix sometime in 2018.
Source: Comic Book
Iron Fist Season 2 Has Official Film Start Date
Iron Fist season 2 will begin filming on December 6 according to Spoiler TV.
After a rocky first season, it took a little longer for a second season to be confirmed for Iron Fist, unlike other shows such as Daredevil, Luke Cage and Jessica Jones.
Season 2 will be receiving some new updates including a new showrunner as well as Misty Knight (Simone Missick) being added as a recurring player in the show.
What’s interesting about the December start date is what it means for the premiere of the show. New seasons of Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Daredevil are all set to premiere in 2018, but it is unclear whether Iron Fist season 2 will be joining them.
Seems like there’s a lot of new seasons to look forward to next year! The question is will Iron Fist be one of them?
Source: Screen Rant
Marvel’s Daredevil Welcomes Back Vincent D’Onofrio; Erik Oleson Becomes New Showrunner for Season 3

Deadline reported today that Marvel’s Daredevil will be seeing the return of Vincent D’Onofrio as the reprise of Wilson Fisk for season three. D’Onofrio was the main villain in Season 1 of the Netflix Original and he also made an imprisoned appearance in Season 2 last year.
D’Onofrio teased his fans of his return with a banner photo of the Fisk character on his Twitter page.
Along with the return of D’Onofrio, Erik Oleson will be taking the role of showrunner for the third season. Douglas Petrie and Marco Ramirez were showrunners for Season 2 of Daredevil, however, both have moved on to handle the same duties on Marvel’s The Defenders.
In an interview with Deadline, EP and Marvel TV chief Jeph Loeb said, “We’re very excited how Marvel’s Daredevil develops through the creative lens and guidance of our new showrunner, Erik Oleson.”
Marvel and Netflix have yet to release a launch date for Daredevil’s Season 3.
Netflix’s The Punisher Finally Has a Release Date + New Trailer!
The long wait for Marvel’s The Punisher is almost over, and this time is official!
Marvel has finally released the premiere date for The Punisher, Nov. 17.
This reveal comes almost two weeks after Marvel decided to pull its violence-heavy content from New York Comic-Con in wake of the Las Vegas shooting on Oct. 1.
The first season of the series will consist of 13 episodes and will star Jon Bernthal as Frank Castle a.k.a. The Punisher.
Marvel has also released an action-packed trailer full of both emotion and thrill.
Check it out:
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMW_dPtm7Bo[/embedyt]
Final Stranger Things Season 2 Trailer Teases Lots of Action
The marketing department over at Netflix deserves a round of applause.
The final trailer for season 2 of Stranger Things has dropped, and it looks epic!
The almost-three-minute trailer does a fantastic job revealing more information about the plot, while still being very secretive.
The trailer features Millie Bobby Brown’s Eleven showcasing more of her awesome set of powers (she has to get that nose-bleed under control though) and, hopefully, finding her way back to Finn Wolfhard’s Mike and his crew.
Check it out:
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1ZXOOLMJ8s[/embedyt]
Millie Bobby Brown Rocks Some Serious 80s Hair in New Stranger Things Season 2 Cast Photos
Season 2 of Stranger Things is right around the corner, and Netflix is doing everything they can to get you excited.
Some new stills for the series have been released, alongside a bunch of new information about the upcoming season.
In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, the Duffer brothers revealed that the new threat during the season will be the “shadow monster,” a giant creature that connects the whole story together.
During the new season, viewers will be following several separate storylines that will be tied together. “It’s all connected to this singular threat, which is tied into this shape that Will sees in the sky,” said co-creator Ross Duffer.
Entertainment Weekly also released several new photos from the set of the show, check them out:

REVIEW: Stranger Things, Episode 108
It is now time to close up the reviews of Stranger Things’ first season with this eighth episode entitled “Chapter Eight: The Upside Down” and in it, the search for Will is as close to a finishing line as it will ever get.
In contrary to the previous episode, in this one the story divides back in three storylines. In Hawkins’ lab Joyce and Hopper were separated and questioned so that the Bad Men realized how much they knew about everything that was going on. After learning they know too much, the Bad Men were planning to kill them, and that was when Hopper made some sort of deal with them. We still don’t really know everything they agreed to. In the scene, Hopper said if they let him and Joyce go to the Upside Down he would tell them where Eleven is, but I wonder if that was all, because close to the end of the episode the Bad Men came to pick him up from the police station, and he acted like he was expecting them. So does Hopper work for them now? Looks like we will have to wait for season 2 to find out.
Whatever the deal was, the Bad Men let them both in to search for Will, probably expecting them to die there. When they finally found him, I was really afraid he was dead. It would have definitely been a horrible twist, all of this just so that he would die in the end. Fortunately he was alive. Can’t wait to see more of him in the next season, because we don’t really know a lot about him yet. Even though he was the center part of the entire season, he was only in a small number of scenes.
Meanwhile, Nancy and Jonathan make all the preparations in an attempt to trap and kill the Demogorgon. I already said this multiple times, but here it goes again: I was definitely not pleased with them doing this, but now that I saw the trap they prepared and the plan they had, I have to say that it was a good one. I didn’t expect to say this, but I was glad Steve showed up. When he did, I kept yelling him to go away, and also insulting him when he actually did go, but then he came back, and he was the one who managed to put the Demogorgon in the bear trap, so at least he did one good thing this season. Despite all this, the three were only able to hurt it, and not kill it as they planned.
At the same time, in the school, while Dustin and Lucas go steal chocolate pudding, Mike and Eleven had a heart to heart conversation. I am going to go as far as to say that that scene was the best of this episode. It was so cute Mike wanting Eleven to go live with him, making Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler her new parents, Nancy her new sister, but it wouldn’t make Mike her brother, since you are not supposed to go to the Snow Ball with one of your siblings. Of course the scene got even better when they kissed. Unfortunately, things only went downhill after this: the Bad Men arrived trying to find Eleven, and, because of the bloodshed, the Demogorgon arrived as well, killing every Bad Man in his way. Even though El was weak after the bathtub and killing some of the bad guys, she still managed to kill the Monster by shredding it into millions of pieces, but with it, she disappeared as well.
Even though season 1 ended in a good way, or so it may seem like it at first sight, there are still a few things left unexplained, and the Dungeons and Dragons game we saw the Stranger Kids play near the end of the episode was, in my perspective, a way of telling us that. In it, Mike finishes the game, but apparently there were still a few things left unexplained and Will, Lucas and Dustin made sure to point that out. In the end, what matters is that they won, but there are more games coming our way. Like the fact that Will still seems connected to the Upside Down, even though he is in the real world now. Like the fact Nancy is with Steve, when she should be with Jonathan. And there was also something I missed the first time I watched, but I noticed it now: While Joyce and Hopper were in the Upside Down, close to the “Castle Byers”, the sheriff saw a really big egg. That egg (or a similar one) is featured in one of the posters for next season, so maybe it will be another thing featured in it. Looks like we will have to wait and see.
This was really an awesome episode. Will was finally found and is now back home, Eleven is missing/dead (whatever the case, she will definitely be back for season 2 somehow). I am really looking forward to see all 5 Stranger Kids together, because we didn’t get to see that yet. I am giving this episode a 9.7/10.
With this, I now conclude my reviews of this first season. We still have to wait some time for season 2, but not that much, because stranger things than these will available in Netflix on October 27th. The good news is that season 2 will have 9 episodes, instead of the 8 in this season. Really looking forward to watching it, because I hear that it will somehow be much better than this one (not sure if that is possible, but we will see).
REVIEW: Stranger Things, Episode 107
Stranger Things is now dangerously close to the end of this first season, since this is the seventh episode, entitled “Chapter Seven: The Bathtub” and in it, everyone finally comes together to try to rescue Will.
The episode started with a really amazing scene in which Lucas tells the others the Bad Men are coming. The 3 friends get out of Mike’s house and later meet with Lucas, which means the Stranger Kids are back together. With Eleven’s help they manage to outrun the Bad Men, in the most amazing way imaginable, and they go hide. In what I thought was a new low, the people of the “Power Company” went to Mike’s house and asked for his parent’s help.
What I liked most about this episode was the fact that the 3 storylines we have been seeing in the last few episode (The stranger kids; Hopper and Joyce; Nancy and Jonathan) finally came together. Early in the episode Hopper and Joyce went to the station where they found Jonathan and Nancy. The police had gone through his car and showed the sheriff everything they found in there. Jonathan came clean and told them what he and Nancy were planning on doing: hunt the Monster. Right after this, Troy went to the station and told Hopper about Eleven, which he recognized to be the kid from Benny’s diner, and that she is friends with the Stranger Kids.
When they all get together, they tell each other everything they know. Eleven tries to contact Will through the walkie-talkie and when she fails she tells them how she can go to the Upside Down with the proper equipment. It is when they are preparing the “bathtub” that the best scenes of the episode happen. I don’t really know why, but it seems that for some reason I forget most of the time Eleven is a kid just like any other. Maybe because she has powers, or because she doesn’t talk much; maybe because we never saw her with her parents, or because she is so badass sometimes. But whatever the reason was, I totally did not forget that in this episode and all thanks to Joyce. I loved the connection they made, and they definitely proved it when Joyce was the one who managed to calm Eleven when she was in the bathtub. It really does seem like a childless mother and a motherless child are the perfect fit.
Another scene I also liked was the one between Mike and Nancy, when they promised each other there will be no more secrets. I think this was the only scene so far that we saw these two actually being brother and sister. Sure we saw them in the same scene a few times, but they were usually arguing with each other. I also loved how they immediately lied to each other after they promised not to. Mike asked Nancy if she likes Jonathan to which she replied no, even though it is definitely not true. But the best reaction was totally Mike’s when Nancy asked him if he likes Eleven: “WHAT? No. Ew! Gross!” I laughed so much when he said this.
In the bathtub, Eleven managed to see the Upside Down, where she found what I think was Barb’s body (even though it didn’t really seem like her). She kept searching and later she found Will. She told him to wait, they were coming to get him.
After this, Hopper, with Joyce tagging along, went to the Lab. I really have no idea what he is trying to do, because I am sure he knew he couldn’t just get there and walk straight to the Gate without being stopped. Meanwhile, Nancy realized she can’t just let Hopper and Joyce do this alone, because if the monster finds them, he will kill them, since they aren’t really prepared to take it down. She and Jonathan sneak into the police station and steal back their things, ready to go back to monster hunting.
This was definitely an amazing episode and we can totally see things are coming to an end. Hopper and Joyce are now coming for Will and Nancy and Jonathan prepare to hunt down the Monster. But don’t worry because obviously the Stranger Kids are not going to sit back and do nothing. I am giving this episode a 9.5/10.
Next episode, the eight, is entitled “Chapter Eight: The Upside Down” and, as a season finale, it promises to get very intense and full of stranger things, so don’t miss my review.