REVIEW: Jessica Jones Season 2 Episode 4
Alright, time for Episode 4. After the last episode set a lot of things in motion, will this episode maintain the momentum or will this crash and burn?
Warning: Spoilers Ahead! Turn back now if you haven’t seen the episode!
The story opens with Jessica (Krysten Ritter), with her Anger Management group. She talks about herself while bouncing a ball and it starts to piss her off so much that she breaks the ball. After that, Jessica goes back to her office where Malcolm (Eka Darville) is there and Jessica shows him that he and Trish (Rachel Taylor), made front page on a magazine with the paparazzi claiming that they are now a couple. Jessica grills Malcolm for letting Trish leave and Jessica fires Malcolm (for like the 1000th time), but he will still work for her anyway. Later on, Trish and Griffin (Hal Ozsan) talk to the press and claim that they are still together and that what is being printed is fake news. Meanwhile, Jeri (Carrie-Anne Moss), gets a visit from Chang (Terry Chen). Chang is pissed that Jeri dropped the lawsuit without consulting him and they both go their separate ways. Meanwhile, Jessica and Trish visit a wig shop where they interrogate Sally who is the owner for information on Hansen. Sally tells them that Hansen comes with no paperwork and pays cash. Trish and Jessica then say they need more from Metro Hospital, which means they need to talk to Max again. Jessica and Trish drive to the movie set and find the lead actress for the movie and talk to her. Meanwhile, Malcolm is at Alias fixing a wall when Chang visits. Chang talks to Malcolm about his past and tries to bring Malcolm over to Chang Consulting so Chang can get intel on Jessica. Malcolm delines and Chang leaves with his offer still open.
Later on, Jeri is walking and sees a woman fall and stares in shock because she thinks that it would be her later on with her ALS. Meanwhile, Max is pissed that his lead actress dropped out the movie and is already gone when Trish and Jessica are waiting by his car to talk to him. Jessica is able to convince Max (After punching a hole through the front of his Tesla), to call Metro and demand all the files on IGH. Later that evening, Jessica is in her apartment bouncing a ball when she get’s a call from Jeri. Jeri is asking Jessica if she has anything on her partners when Jessica only finds expenses that lead nowhere. Jessica get’s a knock on her door, it turns out that Oscar (J.R. Ramirez), is there with a gift for Jessica, it’s Alcohol of course and Oscar also says that he is tearing up the eviction notice as a thank you for saving his son last episode. Before Oscar could leave, Jessica invites him inside so they can drink together. Meanwhile, Trish and Griffin are having intercourse when they two of them talk about how special Griffin is. When Trish wants to have a shower and Griffin gets a call from a mysterious person and Griffin shows that he has a shady side to him. Meanwhile, Jessica and Oscar talk to each other over drinks and it get’s personal when we learn more about Oscar and his wife. All of this leads to them kissing, Jessica tries to take off Oscar’s pants when he stops her and he leaves.
We cut to the next morning when Jessica is on the phone with Trish and she tells Jessica that Max came through with the info and before she could leave, Malcolm stops her at the elevator. Malcolm tries to tell Jessica that Chang visited and offer Malcolm a job. Jessica brushes it off and Malcolm finally tells Jessica that he wants Jessica to actually train him as a PI and he wants 25% of each cases payout. Jessica counters his offer with 20% and they both reach an agreement. Later on, Jeri goes to see her doctor without an appointment and they talk about alternative options for medication. Jeri wants a faster, painless and may be an illegal process to cure her ALS. The doctor doesn’t budge and Jeri walks out of the doctor’s office. Back at Trish’s apartment, Jessica and Trish are talking about the info they got and come across someone named Inez Green who was a nurse at IGH. Green is now homeless and they two set off to find her in an abandoned neighbourhood where the homeless are. They find a homeless man who tells them that Green is in a building nearby and to watch out because she sent someone to the ER just for looking at her wrong. Jessica and Trish go into the building and find someone who attacks Jessica on the upper level while Trish is below and uses the same inhaler that Simpson used. Trish goes upstairs and uses a taser on the woman and knocks her out. Meanwhile, Someone breaks into Alias and steals all of the IGH info and Malcolm walks in at the last minute to discover this. We cut too Jeri on a Russia website buying a cure that is worth a lot of money. Meanwhile, Jessica and Trish interrogate Green about IGH and they find out she was a nurse and Hansen scarred her and broke her physically. Meanwhile, The guy who stole all of Jessica’s files is about the go back to his van when we find out that it is someone from Chang who is trying to one-up Jessica on her case. Hansen jumps down and beats up the guy and Chang calls 911. We then cut to Jessica and Trish driving away with Green in the back when they reach the crime scene where we see what Hansen left behind and Jessica is then arrested right on the spot.
This episode was another great episode and I’m starting to like Season 2 more than Season 1. Season 1 may have had Kilgrave but this Season is telling a more personal and focused story on Jessica that it’s very compelling to watch unfold.
The acting in this episode was also great and is on point with the rest of the episodes so far. The only downside is the stuff with Jeri. I know she is dying and we are supposed to feel bad for her but, it just feels like extra drama tacked on, and it just isn’t doing much or it just doesn’t feel compelling at all. I feel bad for Jeri but if the meds she bought works for her then yay.
I like how Trish used Simpsons Inhaler and this could be the point that Trish develops her own powers and maybe by the end of the season she will become Hellcat. I also really liked how Malcolm is finally stepping up and wanting to have a bigger role in this season. This is great for Malcolm’s character because I really like him and I want to see him do more. He isn’t just the annoying little brother (His exact words) to Jessica and he wants to prove he can be useful.
I also like how Hansen is the main villain of the season right now and she only shows up at the end to make Jessica’s day even worse. It goes to show that they are using her very sparingly but, I would like to see more of her and maybe a little more development so we can know what her true plans are.
A lot happens in this episode and it really does feel like everything is coming together and it feels like something is about to go down and I can’t wait to watch more episodes.
The Verdict:
AKA God Help the Hobo is another great episode of this Season and it really does help put things into perspective. Jessica and Trish are getting closer to solving the whole IGH thing, Malcolm lays down his plans for Jessica and Chang shows just how far he is willing to go to screw over Jessica. I really like where the season is going and I can’t wait to watch more.
Next up, Episode 5
REVIEW: Jessica Jones Season 2 Episode 3
Alright, time for Episode 3. Will this episode maintain the momentum or will this crash and burn?
Warning: Spoilers Ahead! Turn back now if you haven’t seen the episode!
The story picks up where Jessica (Krysten Ritter), and Trish (Rachel Taylor), are on the beach disposing of Simpson body. Simpson also had a car with a bag full of weapons which Trish decides to take as protection. Later on, Trish brings in a shrink at her apartment in order to help Jessica with her memories. Of course with Jessica, it goes nowhere and she leaves Trish’s apartment where Griffin (Hal Ozsan), comes knocking on the door. Meanwhile, Jeri (Carrie-Anne Moss), gets a surprise visit from her board. They discuss the fact that Jeri hasn’t disclosed her illness and the board wants to kick her out. Later on, Jessica gets back to her office where Malcolm (Eka Darville), hands Jessica an eviction notice. Jessica is rightfully pissed and goes to Oscar (J.R. Ramirez), to talk about it. Oscar tells Jessica that she has 30 days to move out and he is afraid of her after what happened with Wizzer. Meanwhile, Trish and Griffin have a fight about what Trish did and they decide to take a break from their relationship because of everything going on. Jessica does more investigating on IGH and her past. She later goes to bed that night and has a nightmare about the meat faced man and there is also tints of Purple surrounding the area (Will Purple Man come back?). Malcolm is able to find dirt on Oscar and Jessica wants him to go question the landlord about it.
Meanwhile, Jessica heads back to IGH search for some clues and she finds a door with the name Dr. Leslie Hansen. Trish picks up Jessica and the two of them talk about what Jessica found and what happened with Griffin. Trish and Jessica head to Hansen’s apartment where they find the place cleaned out. An old man comes to tell them that someone came and moved everything down to the basement of the building. Trish and Jessica head down to the basement where they find a furnace with a burned head inside. Meanwhile, Malcolm goes to the house of the landlord and tries to get him to do something about Oscar when he refuses and slams the door on Malcolm. Later on, Jessica and Trish go to the morgue and plan the head in the storage and put it into the system without anyone noticing. They get one of the employees named Maury and Trish wants him to call her when the ID comes in, in exchange for a favour of course. Later on, Jessica plans to get Oscar out by clogging her toilet as a distraction so she can snoop around his apartment. She runs into his son and when Oscar gets back, he is understandably pissed about Jessica breaking in. Jessica and Oscar talk and Oscar says that he is the one who painted a picture of the landlord’s boyfriend and has done nothing wrong.
Meanwhile, Trish is watching the videos that the Wizzer made when Griffin comes back and scares Trish. The two of them talk things out and Griffin sneaks a USB drive onto the computer. The next day, Jessica wakes up to find Jeri at her door and she hands Jessica a notice that Chang is looking to sue. However, Jeri rips up the notice and instead, she wants Jessica to look into her board partners so Jeri can stay in the company. Jeri then reveals that she has ALS, and wants Jessica to help her before she dies. Later on, Trish wraps up an episode of Trish talk and she gets a call from Hansen herself, asking her to meet her alone later on that night. Jessica wants Trish to not go to her because Jessica thinks it dangerous and she will go instead. Trish insists on going but Jessica sends TMZ a tip that she is dating Griffin and will leave the paparazzi all over her and she also sends Malcolm to block Trish from leaving. Later that night, Jessica goes to Ruddy’s and Hansen comes and the two of them sit and talk. Hansen reveals that she did work for IGH and she was one of the doctors that gave people powers, including Jessica. Meanwhile, Malcolm makes it to Trish’s apartment where she gets a call from Maury saying that the skull was in-fact Hansens. This causes Trish to freak out, her and Malcolm then plan to go to Jessica to tell her what’s going on. They devise a plan that Malcolm will lead the Paparazzi away so they can sneak past. Jessica and Hansen are still talking with Jessica saying that she is going to stop her from making any more super-powered people. The is leads to a mini fight and then a chase where Jessica meets up with Trish and Malcolm outside the building. A lone Paparazzi is grilling Trish when Jessica takes his camera and finds that he got a shot of Hansen before she lept away.
This episode really does raise the stakes tenfold and this episode is like a non-stop bombshell drop after another. After watching this, everything is starting to come together and the conflict is starting to move along at a nice pace. So far this season is able to achieve a steady momentum and has not been boring at all.
The acting in this episode also keeps up with the other episodes and is really great. Even Maury is a great addition to the cast being the Mourge worker and Hansen proves to be scary and also intimidating.
The only downside is the whole Trish and Griffin stuff. I just can’t seem to latch on to what is going on between the two of them. However, it seems that Griffin is hiding something and maybe he is working for someone who is planning to take down Trish or Jessica.
The Verdict:
AKA Sole Survivor is another step in the right direction and really does pick up the momentum this season started out with and brings it to a whole new level. This episode raised the stakes for our Alias crew and I can’t wait to see what happens next.
Next up, let us see how Episode 4 will play out.
REVIEW: Jessica Jones Season 2 Episode 2
Alright, time for Episode 2. Will this episode maintain the momentum or will this crash and burn?
Warning: Spoilers Ahead! Turn back now if you haven’t seen the episode!
We pick up with Jessica (Krysten Ritter), at a bar doing her favourite thing in the world, drinking. While there, Jess meets up with a stranger who tells her she a has a nice ass before the two of them go to the bathroom to have sex. The next day, Jess goes to a funeral home to investigate more on Dr. Kozlov. She later finds out that Kozlov is actually dead and when she snoops around the house. We then cut to Trish (Rachael Taylor), who is out to brunch with her new boyfriend when her mother, Dorothy (Rebecca De Mornay), drops by and drives the boyfriend away. It then turns into an awkward mother-daughter brunch where Trish asks her mother for contact info of a former director Trish used to work with, Max. Dorothy gives it to her and they both exchange some hateful comments to each other. While this is happening, Jeri (Carrie-Anne Moss), picks up a hooker. We cut back to Jess who is still snooping when she is attacked by a guy in a wheelchair. Jessica then learns that the man who killed Kozlov is none other than Will Simpson (Wil Traval). Will was presumed dead but Kozlov took him in and tried to fix him after he lost it last season and now Kozlov is dead. Jessica is furious after learning this and tries to call Trish with no answer. Jessica goes back to her home and does more digging on Wizzer and Will when she finds keys in Wizzers bag, keys to Wizzers apartment. Jessica then gets a visit from the police, they are looking to bring her in for questioning about what happened to Wizzer. Jess tells them to go away because she is working and they don’t have a case against her. Meanwhile, Trish calls Malcolm (Eka Darville), for help with a task she is planning to do. Jessica goes to Wizzers apartment and finds a laptop with videos of Wizzer talking on them. She also finds a mongoose in the apartment that got loose and is hiding in the bathroom.
Meanwhile, Trish and Malcolm arrive on a movie set where Trish goes to Max and she wants to talk to him. We cut to Jessica coming back to her office where she digs more into Wizzers computer and finds a connection that he was trying to get a hold of Trish so he can tell her his story. Jessica starts to panic when she tries to call Trish again and she doesn’t answer. Trish is waiting in Max’s trailer when she puts her plan into action, asking Max for access to Hospital records through Max’s connections or she would blackmail him with stories about them sleeping together. While they are talking, Malcolm is recording the exchange so Trish can use it against him. Jessica get’s fed up and goes to Trish’s apartment where she only finds Griffin (Hal Ozsan), who is also freaking out about not being able to find Trish. Griffin tells Jessica that she met with her mother at lunch and wanted information from her. Malcolm finds Max who is leaving the set and punches him in the face to scare him. Trish is still on the set when she finds Will is there and she shoots him in the leg. Jessica goes to Dorothy and she interrogates her on what Trish wanted and Jessica finds out where Trish is. Jessica finally makes her way to the set and finds Trish has Will tied up. They both start to question Will and he tells them that someone is after him and he only wanted to protect Trish from IGH. After spilling the beans, the lights cut out and someone comes kills Will.
This episode continues the momentum of the new season and creates a really interesting new villain. I thought that Will Simpson was going to be the main bad but with him presumably dead, he is off the table. I didn’t mention that when Jeri picked up the hooker, it led to one big orgy with 2 other girls as well. This was the least interesting part of the episode because it didn’t really advance the plot and it was just purely eye candy for the viewer.
The acting in this episode was very well done with everyone on point, even including the Mongoose. There was a lot more emotional scene in this episode with Trish revisiting her past and it clearly didn’t sit well with her. It really shows the lengths that Trish is willing to go too for Jessica and you can tell she really wants to help her discover her past.
Only 2 episodes in and I really like where the season is headed. The writing is great and it really does set up the whole mystery with IGH very well and I can’t wait to see what will unfold out of all this.
The Verdict:
AKA Freak Accident is another great episode for the new season of Jessica Jones. We got to learn more about the true motivations of both Wizzer and Simpson and this really helps their characters become less forgettable in the end. Also, we got to see a lot more emotion from Trish and Jessica in this episode and it really helps sell what the characters are going through. I am really excited to watch more and things are really heating up.
REVIEW: Jessica Jones Season 2 Episode 1
It’s finally here! Season 2 of Netflix’s Jessica Jones. After an explosive and intense first season, Season 2 decides to go for a more personal story about Jessica and her true origins. Does the first episode help set the tone?
Warning: Spoilers Ahead! Turn back now if you haven’t seen the episode!
Season 2 takes place after Season 1 and The Defenders, Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter), is now a well-known PI and along with her assistant Malcolm (Eka Darville), they are both running Alias Investigations. Jessica is on a case where a pizza lady wants to know what one of her co-workers is doing and why it takes so long for him to do his job. Jessica finds out the delivery boy is sleeping with his clients (Classic). Jessica goes to receive the payment and show the evidence when the manager wants her to kill the guy and she goes into a whole spiel about how she is not a murder. Next, we cut to Trish Walker (Rachael Taylor), who is at a party playing her Patsy character in order to get information for Jessica about her past. She gets the evidence and shows it to Jessica later that night when Jessica scolds her for bringing up the past. The next morning, Jessica and Malcolm open up for business and hear a bunch of cases. One about Lizard People (Classic), one about a missing person and the last one is about a guy who calls himself the Wizzer because he has speedster powers when he is scared. Jessica doesn’t take any of them and then we are introduced to Chang (Terry Chen), who comes to their office with an offer to buy out Alias because Chang is also a successful PI. Chang doesn’t want Jess to steal his customers away and the two get into an argument.
Next, we cut to Jeri Hogarth (Carrie-Anne Moss), accepting an award and her board scolds her. Next, we see Trish finishing up her show and her boss comes down to tell her that the ratings are tanking and that Trish should go back to talking about superheroes or do more clickbait like articles. Trish talks to her boss and says that she won’t get Jess on the show because she doesn’t want to exploit her. Next, we cut to Jess trying to get dirt on Chang so she can knock him down a peg. Chang sees her outside and Jess flips him the bird. Jess goes back to her place where Trish and Malcolm are their and Trish brought with her a box with Jessica’s family member ashes. This causes Jess and Trish to fight about Jessica’s past and why she doesn’t want to go back and investigate it. Later that night, Jess sits in silence and finally gets the courage to look at the contents of the box and finally agrees to digging up the past and investigate it. Later the next day, Jess is finally able to get something on Chang by looking at a website of one of Chang’s clients and is able to get a dog back for them. This causes Jess and Change tension which leads Jess to beat on Chang. Jess is arrested at the scene and is bailed out by Trish. Chang later goes to Jeri and tells her she wants to sue Jess for what she did. Later on, the Wizzer comes back to Jess’s office scared out of his mind. This causes Wizzer to finally show Jess he actually has speedster powers and he knocks over Jess’s brother’s ashes and this leads to a chase outside the building that leads to the Wizzers death when part of a construction scaffold collapses on top of him. This is the final push that Jess needs to actually start investigating her past. Jess goes to IGH (Industrial Garments & Handling), which looks abandoned and she starts to have flashbacks to when she was brought in. She slowly realizes that this is the place she got her powers, along with Wizzer and we see that someone else was created there as well but aren’t sure who it is.
Right off the bat, Jessica Jones maintains the momentum that the first season set and decides to go a different direction. This time around, instead of looking for someone to kill because they were bad, Jessica is finally deciding to get answers to her mysterious past and this will lead her to finally discover who made her super.
The acting in this episode was great, everyone is on point and even the newcomers make a great first impression. Chang feels like he is going to be a thorn in Jessica’s side and I can’t wait to see how that is going to unravel. Kristen Ritter also does a great job of showing us a more emotional and vulnerable Jessica now that her investigation is more personal this time around.
The Verdict:
AKA Start at the Beginning is a great first episode to this new season. It sets up the conflict and the main plot for the season nicely and it’s great to see the hard edge Jessica back again for another season. If you watched the first season already, you are probably gonna watch season 2 anyways but, for those who haven’t, I highly recommend you to catch up on what you have missed.
Next up, Episode 2 of course.
Jessica Jones Gets a New Trailer for Season 2
After seeing set photos and waiting for so long, we finally got our first trailer for Season 2 of Jessica Jones. You can watch the trailer down below.
Season 2 will be available to stream on March 8th.
Here is the synopsis for Season 2:
“Jessica Jones is back as New York City’s tough-as-nails private investigator. Although this time, the case is even more personal than ever before. Fueled by a myriad of questions and lies, she will do whatever it takes to uncover the truth”
Source: Netflix & Youtube
David Tennant Will Return as Kilgrave for Jessica Jones Season 2
Entertainment Weekly has confirmed that our favourite villain, Kilgrave will return to haunt Jessica Jones.
In the article, EW shared a photo of David Tennant and Krysten Ritter on the set of the second season of Jessica Jones.
No further details have been revealed about Kilgrave’s appearance in the show.
Jessica Jones Season 2 Casts Arrow Actor as Recurring Guest Star

Arrow‘s J.R. Ramirez has joined the cast of Netflix’s Jessica Jones season 2.
Ramirez will play Oscar, who’s described in an article by Marvel as, “a devoted single father who moves into Jessica’s building as the new superintendent.”
In the article, it is said that while the character’s son is captivated by Jones’ powers, Oscar himself is very skeptical and worries about the trouble she might bring.
Showrunner Melissa Rosenberg said, “J.R. is an incredible addition to our cast, bringing complex and subtle emotion and humor. He exudes warmth, edge and intelligence, and blends perfectly with our tone.”
It’s already been speculated that Ramirez might be playing a potential love interest for Jones, but we’ll have to wait and see.