Deadpool 2 Drops New Trailer
Better get yourself ready, we got another trailer for Deadpool 2. Now, the other trailers have focused more on gimmicks and not showing much footage. However, today’s trailer features no gimmicks and give us loads of footage from the movie.
You can watch the trailer down below:
Deadpool 2 is looking to go bigger and bolder than the first movie, and Cable looks awesome.
Deadpool 2 will be playing in theatres on May 18th.
Source: YouTube
Empire Magazine Releases New Avengers: Infinity War Covers
After getting the Subscriber-Only cover leaked yesterday, Empire Magazine has officially released all of their Avengers: Infinity War covers for the May 2018 edition.
You can check out the covers down below:

Empire also released a Hi-Res version of their Subscriber-Only cover we reported on yesterday:

These covers look awesome and the Subscriber-Only cover looks stunning. It makes me want it and I hope that it will have a holo-foil to it because it would make it even more awesome.
If you haven’t seen it yet, here is the new trailer:
Source: Empire Magazine’s Facebook
Thanos Gets His Own Avengers: Infinity War Empire Magazine Cover
The Mad Titan will be getting his own subscriber-only cover on Empire Magazine for Avengers: Infinity War. The cover has surfaced online and will be featured on the May 2018 edition of the UK based Magazine. The cover was created by artist Orlando Arocena and shows Thanos with a fully loaded Infinity Gauntlet with all the Infinity Stones.

The picture surfaced on Twitter earlier today and hasn’t been taken down yet. You can view the tweet down below:
— Daniel Alter (@DAlter007) March 19, 2018
If you missed the latest trailer, you can watch it down below:
Avengers: Infinity War Gets New Trailer
Marvel has blessed us with a new trailer for Avengers: Infinity War. We get more Thanos and we more of our favourite heroes coming together.
You can watch the trailer down below:
Avengers: Infinity War will be in theatres on April 27th.
Source: YouTube
If you haven’t already, make sure to check out our Road To Infinity War review event where we reviewed every since MCU movie to date to prepare for this epic movie.
REVIEW: Black Panther (Road to Infinity War)
Alright, let us conclude The Papi Chulo RADIO Road to Infinity War (RTIW for short) review event with the last movie in the lineup, Black Panther.
It’s finally here!! Black Panther is finally in theatres and after Black Panther clawed his way onto the big screen in Captain America: Civil War, fans were hyped to see how Black Panther’s solo outing would turn out. With all the hype and buzz around this film, does it succeed or does it come down with cat scratch fever?
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Right off the bat, Black Panther continues the streak Marvel has been on with their movies for the past few years and Black Panther is another hit. The movie has the perfect balance of action, heart, entertainment and pacing. However, the movie does have it faults which I will talk about later.
The story takes place after Civil War with T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman) becoming the new king of Wakanda after his father’s death at the hands of Zemo. T’Challa goes through all the rituals and everything seems to be going smoothly until Ulysses Klaue (Andy Serkis) resurfaces and tries to sell Vibranium (The strongest metal in the MCU) when he is caught and imprisoned. Then, Erik Killmonger (Michael. B. Jordan) breaks him out and the two villains team up to try and bring down the Black Panther to steal all the Vibranium in Wakanda.
The story is simple and easy to follow so you don’t need to have read the comics to know who Black Panther and Wakanda is. The movie does a great job of explaining the lore around Wakanda and Black Panther.
However, one bad thing I can say about this movie is how it handles both villains, Killmonger and Klaue. First, halfway through the movie Killmonger actually kills Klaue so that he can get into Wakanda to execute the rest of his master plan. This came out of left field since Klaue is one of Black Panther’s big villains, and Andy Serkis does such a great job in the role that killing him feels like a strange choice. Also, Killmonger also dies in the end which is saddening because he was such an interesting and compelling villain that you end up rooting for him near the end. Michael. B. Jordan also did such a fantastic job as Killmonger that he is easily the best villain in the MCU right now (Sorry Loki). Now that Killmonger was killed, it ruins any potential of him coming back and facing against Black Panther again (Although who really stays dead in comics nowadays?).
The acting is outstanding in Black Panther. Chadwick Boseman (T’Challa) brings his all to his role and so does the rest of the cast. The chemistry with everyone in the cast can be seen and it really helps make the characters more fun and believable. After watching the movie, you will love T’Challa’s family and guards so much that you wish that maybe they may get their own solo movies or one-shots in the future?
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The CGI for this movie is amazing and really eye-catching. The scenes where T’Challa goes to the ancestral plane are really breathtaking and give off some serious Lion King vibes with how they are presented.
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Wakanda is fantastic and stunning to look at and it also looks like a great place to live. This movie did such an amazing job showing off Wakanda and the community around it that it really does feel like a special and sacred place. The technology that is in Wakanda really comes to life and some of the gadgets are really outstanding and awesome. The tech looks so futuristic and amazing that it will leave you wanting some of Wakanda tech for yourself! I mean just think of the possibilities!
I should also mention that the waterfall fight scenes are also beautiful to look at and really has a grand sense of scale that leaves you wanting more. Also, the fighting is also very brutal and awesome to see. Props to the stunt people for the movie.
The music for the movie blends in with the tone/theme of the movie and it also stands out on its own as well. Kendrick Lamar produced and wrote the songs for Black Panther. Lamar has been on a roll in the rap game over the last few years with his music winning Grammys. Lamar brings his A game and produces some great music that is very catchy and shows that he was the perfect choice for Black Panther.
The Verdict:
Black Panther is a great movie from start to finish. The story is simple and compelling, and the characters are entertaining and loveable. The main villain is the best that we have seen in the MCU. However, it should also be said how they handle the villains in this movie is also misguided. The CGI is also very well done and it really helps enhance the movie. Overall, everyone gave their all into making this movie, and it really shows. Believe the hype and go see Black Panther.
Now excuse me while I go make my way back to Wakanda for the second time. Also, I’m going to need some time to rest before we get to the biggest MCU movie to date, Avengers: Infinity War.
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REVIEW: Thor: Ragnarok (Road to Infinity War)
Alright, let us continue The Papi Chulo RADIO Road to Infinity War (RTIW for short) review event with the seventeenth movie in the lineup, Thor: Ragnarok.
We are on the second to last film for the RTIW event folks! Today’s review is going to be a good one because we are checking out the third movie in the trilogy of Thor. After The Dark World left a bad taste in our mouths, will Thor: Ragnarok redeem Thor or will he burn in the flames of Ragnarok?
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Before we get into it, it should be said that there will be spoilers if you haven’t seen it yet (Although since it came out last year, you should have seen it already).
This is going to be my longest review because I love the film so much and there is a lot to talk about. Alright, with that out of the way, it’s main event time!
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The story picks up where we hear Thor (Chris Hemsworth), monologue while stuck in a cage with a skeleton. I want to say that Thor is in hell but it is never really said where he is. Anyways, the bottom of the cage opens up and Thor is dangling on a chain in front of Surtur (Clancy Brown). Surtur tells Thor about Ragnarok, a prophecy that will end Asgard and have it start a new. Before Surtur can finish Thor, Thor busts out of his chains with his hammer and fights Surtur and his hellspawn while a dragon also fights Thor as well. Thor defeats Surtur and grabs his crown before reaching the Surface. Thor tries to call for Heimdall (Idris Elba), but he is banished from Asgard. There’s a new gatekeeper in town, Skurge (Karl Urban), he is showing off his stuff to some ladies when he finally hears Thor’s cries for help and he teleports Thor back to Asgard, along with the head of the dragon causing the Bi-Frost to be covered in blood and brains. Thor goes to see Odin (Anthony Hopkins) when he sees that everyone gathers for a play about Loki’s (Played by Matt Damon during the play), death and celebration of his life. Thor is able to see through this ruse and reveals to everyone that it’s actually Loki (Tom Hiddleston), himself. Thor questions Loki about where Odin is and this takes them to Earth where we see the retirement home that Loki supposedly put Odin in being demolished. Loki is then taken away by a portal and Thor is left with a business card on the street with an address, 177a Blecker Street. The home of Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch). Thor meets with Strange and Strange agrees to help Thor find Odin, who is now in Norway. Before Strange sends Thor on his way, he gives back Loki, who has been failing for 30 minutes in a pocket dimension. Strange sends Thor and Loki on their way to Odin and the three of them have a heart to heart before Odin passes away. Odin warns them that Ragnarok is coming and their long-lost sister, Hela, The Goddess of Death (Cate Blanchett). Odin passes away and Hela is free from her prison that Odin kept her in. Hela then confronts the two brothers and destroys Thor’s Hammer and fights them. Loki calls down the Bi-Frost and Hela knocks them both out and emerges in Asgard.
Meanwhile, Thor lands on a planet known as Sakaar. Some of the locals try and capture Thor for food but we meet Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson), who is drunk and kills the locals to steal Thor for herself and take him away. We cut back to Asgard, where we see Hela starts her invasion by killing off most of the Asgard Soldiers and ships. While that is taking place, Heimdall who is still alive takes the Bi-Frost sword so that no one else can use it. Back on Sakaar, Thor is strapped to a chair and is taken to the Grandmaster (Jeff Goldblum), and Valkyrie sells Thor to Grandmaster so he can become the next fighter in his Contest of Champions. Thor is thrown into a circle prison and we meet Korg (Taika Waititi), Meek and Doug (Oh wait, Doug’s dead). Korg talks to Thor and tells him about how things are and gives him some encouragement to fight the champion. Back on Asgard, Hela and Skurage go through the vault and find the Eternal Flame. Hela tells Skruge that her army and pet wolf are buried beneath the vault and she goes down with the flame to bring all of her soldiers and wolf back to life. Back on Sakaar, Thor and Korg are getting ready for the contest when Thor learns that Valkryie is from Asgard and was apart of the Valkyrie, a force of female warriors who were the toughest of Asgard. Thor is then taken away to be processed and he also get’s a haircut.
Thor is then put into the gladiatorial arena where he finds out who this champion is. The champion of Sakaar is none other than, HULK (Mark Ruffalo). This excites Thor to see a friend from work and he goes off explaining what has happened to him in the past few days. Hulk doesn’t care and this is the big fight between Thor and Hulk goes down. It’s a real smackdown of gods but when Thor seems to be on the winning edge, he is then stopped by Grandmaster who zaps him because Thor has a chip in the side of his neck that Valkyrie put on him and Hulk ends up winning with one big ground pound. Back on Asgard, Hela dubs Skruge as her Executioner and when they plan on attacking the nine realms, they realize the Bi-Frost sword is gone. Hela wants Skruge to rally the citizens in order to find the sword. Meanwhile, on Sakaar, Thor wakes up from being knocked out by Hulk and finds himself in Hulks living quarters. Thor looks around and finds Hulk in the bath where Thor wants to know how Hulk got to Sakaar. Of course, since we last saw Hulk in Age of Ultron, he was in the Quinjet which was flying out to space and Hulk landed on Sakaar from the Quinjet. Hulk shows Thor that they Quinjet is outside Hulks place and when Thor tries to go to it but learns that he is being kept there by the chip in his neck. While Hulk goes out for training, Thor contacts Heimdall and talks to him through a vision communication power that Heimdall has. Thor learns about what is going on at Asgard and tries to tell Heimdall he is coming back home to stop Hela.
The next day, Hulk and Thor talk to Valkryie. Thor tries to convince her to help him escape and get back to Asgard. Valkryie doesn’t want to leave and Thor is able to distract her and get the device that controls the chip and is able to take the chip off. Thor escapes through the window and goes to the Quinjet. Before Thor can do anything, Hulk comes and smashes up the Quinjet before seeing the same message from Black Widow from Age of Ultron. This causes Hulk and Banner to fight over control and Banner is able to win the fight with Thor watching and helping Banner out by telling him what happened and where he is. This causes the Grandmaster to send out a message to the people asking them to look for Hulk. Then, Grandmaster tasks Loki and Valkryie with finding both Thor and Hulk. They both have one hour to do it and this causes them to fight with Loki learning Valkryie’s past and making her see visions of her past fight with Hela. We then cut to Thor and Banner talking to each other about what is happening and the fact that Banner was stuck as the Hulk for 2 years. While they are on the run, they stumble on a crowd of locals who are celebrating the Hulk. This causes Thor and Banner to get lost but, they soon find each other and Valkryie also finds them as well. She takes them to her place where she has Loki chained up to a chair. They interrogate Loki and they all devise a plan to go save Asgard. They need a ship strong enough to go through the Devil’s Anus and survive the gravity of the Wormhole so they can fly to Asgard.
The first part of their plan, break into Grandmasters Vault full of ships and take one. This plan causes the people of Sakaar to start a revolution. Loki tries to double cross Thor and he sets off the alarm but Thor put the Chip on Loki and leaves him on the ground to be Electrocuted for as long as the machine can. Once Thor gets the ship, words get’s to the Grandmaster who sends out a public alert. Grandmaster sends his right-hand Woman, Topaz (Rachel House) and a squad of ships to stop Thor. Valkyrie comes in with her ship and shoots down some of their ships before getting her’s destroyed. Valkryie survives and starts to hop from ship to ship destroying them by hand. Thor does the same thing and leaves Banner to drive their ship alone. Banner presses a button which causes fireworks to come out and that ends up killing Topaz. Korg and his revolution team find a ship in the vault and bring Loki along with them. Team Thor rejoins on the ship and escape Sakaar through the Wormhole and get to Asgard. On Asgard, Skurge has gathered up the citizens of Asgard hoping for someone to tell him where the Bi-Frost sword is but no one wants to tell so Skruge gets ready to execute a citizen when someone finally reveals the location, and Hela goes to the place where Heimdall is keeping the Refugees. Once Hela gets there, she finds no one and Heimdall is telling everyone to move to the Bi-Frost.
When Thor makes his return and gets Hela’s attention back at the palace. She rushes back to the palace where she and Thor fight each other while Valkyrie and Hulk fight off Hela’s army, and wolf that is going to kill the citizens at the Bi-Frost. During the fight with Thor, Hela manages to cut Thor’s eye, leaving him with only one eye, just like his father. Loki comes in with Korg and is able to get the citizens of Asgard on their ship while everyone fights. Everything seems to be looking good when Hela is able to come back from Thor using his lighting powers. However, Thor makes a plan to use the Eternal Flame to resurrect Surtur and cause Ragnarok while everyone gets on the spaceship. Hela’s arm manages to get on the ship and Skruge finally decides to stop hiding and help save the people while also dying in the process. Loki goes to the Vault and puts Surtur’s head on the flame and he is reborn and starts to destroy Asgard. Everyone manages to get on the ship and leave behind Hela and Surtur to fight it out. Once they are out in orbit. They make a plan of where to go next after Asgard’s destruction. Everyone agrees to go back to earth. Before they can, they are stopped by Thanos’s giant ship.
Alright with the story section out of the way, let’s break it down:
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The acting this movie is simply outstanding. Every single person brought their best to this movie and it really pays off because everyone does their part and no one feels wasted at all. That is one of the movies biggest strengths, no one in this movie feels out of place. Everyone is in this movie to serve their purpose and some will even leave you wanting more. Like, Korg, Grandmaster and Valkriye (Where are their solo movies, Marvel?). Besides, who doesn’t love Jeff Goldblum?
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The CGI is outstanding and very colourful (A Weird thing to say but I’m saying it anyway). Sakaar is beautiful, Hulk is awesome, Thor’s lighting powers are great and the huge arena fight with Hulk and Thor is absolutely stunning. This movie is just full of colourful visuals and great looking sets. Sakaar looks like a real planet and the people also look very alien and real. It almost feels like they are trying to top Guardians of the Galaxy and they succeed.
Everything about this movie just screams visually stunning and entertainingly fun. The story of this movie is simple and easy to follow which is also great. What makes this movie special though is all in the execution, this movie is filled with jokes and action and all of them hit and not a single one of them miss. This movie is able to strike a very amazing balance and it knows when to make you laugh or excite you with what is happening. This is a huge leap from the last Thor movie and it also changes Thor and his world in a huge way that makes him both a badass and a very relatable hero. Thor is still a god mind you but, he is the most human of his people and that is what makes him so likeable.
Thor has gone from a headstrong warrior to a king who is now looking for a new home for him and his people. Whether or not he finds it before Thanos get’s through with him is gonna have to wait till Avengers: Infinity War. Thor may have rejected the throne at first but, now he finally understands why he has it and it’s nice to see his journey come to a close in such a stylish and entertaining fashion.
This has to be one of the best Marvel movies ever made (Sorry Black Panther).
The Verdict:
Wow, Thor: Ragnarok is a triumph. Not since The Avengers have I felt that a movie transcends being a movie and turns into an event. Thor: Ragnarok is a movie that has non-stop laughs, action, drama, spectacle and heart. Everything in this movie is perfected and Thor: Ragnarok is easily the best Marvel/MCU movie to come out ever. This movie will be studied and people will try and replicate the formula for this movie. However, there can only be one true king, Hail the king of New Asgard and long live Thor.
Next up, the last movie we are going to look at in the RTIW. The most recent one to come out and it also has a king in it, The King of Wakanda that is! Of course, it’s Black Panther.
Avengers: Infinity War Gets new EW Covers and New Photos
Thanks to Entertainment Weekly, we have 15 new connecting covers showing most of the superheroes that will be in Infinity War and Thanos as well.
You can check them out below:

Along with the new covers, Entertainment Weekly also released 8 new photos from the film as well.
You can check them out down below:

With all the new covers and pics released it really feels like this film is going to be the biggest and most devastating MCU ever made.
Avengers: Infinity War will be in theatres on April 27th.
Source: Entertainment Weekly
REVIEW: Spider-Man: Homecoming (Road to Infinity War)
Alright, let us continue The Papi Chulo RADIO Road to Infinity War (RTIW for short) review event with the sixteenth movie in the lineup, Spider-Man: Homecoming.
Now, with Spider-Man officially in the MCU, he deserves his own solo movie. Although this Spider-Man is another reboot, this also isn’t an origin story as well. Think of it as a continuation of Civil War. With that being said, does Spider-Man: Homecoming do Spider-Man justice? Or should this movie be squashed like a bug?
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Before we get into it, it should be said that there will be spoilers if you haven’t seen it yet (Although since it came out last year, you should have seen it already).
The story begins with a flashback to after The Avengers and we get to see something we haven’t seen in a superhero film, what happens after a battle and who cleans it up the mess? Well, the answer is Adrian Toomes (Michael Keaton), and his group of scavengers. During their cleanup, a group from the government called Damage Control comes in to take over the job. Before clearing out, Adrian’s team manage to steal some alien tech in order to make weapons and gadgets out of them. Fast forward 8 years to before the airport scene in Captain America: Civil War. We see Peter (Tom Holland), being driven around by Happy (Jon Favreau), and Peter is filming his adventure to Berlin, his hotel room, filming himself during the Airport fight and then filming his return home with Tony (Robert Downey JR.). Once Peter puts the camera down, he is dropped off back home with his new suit and Tony tells him to stand by for his next mission. 2 months later, Peter is still going about his daily life, going to high school and also going around Queens in his new suit. One night Spider-Man runs into a group of thugs with Avengers masks and they also have some of Toomes’s new alien tech. A fight occurs and it ends with one of the weapons malfunctions and destroying the bank and a shop nearby. Peter goes back home where he soon discovers his bestie Ned (Jacob Batalon) has his LEGO Death Star in hand and drops it when he sees Peter with his Spider-Man costume. Ned now knows Peter’s secret and they argue back and forth with Ned agreeing to keep a lid on it. Aunt May (Marisa Tomei) comes into Peter’s room and says they are going out for Thai food. May asks Peter what’s wrong because he is down and Peter says that it’s his internship with Tony. Aunt May responds to her saying she is starting to dislike Tony because he keeps overworking Peter.
The next day during gym class, Peter hears his crush Liz (Laura Harrier), talking about how she likes Spider-Man and Ned lets slip the fact that Peter knows Spider-Man. Liz then invites both Peter and Ned to her party later that evening and asking if Peter can bring Spider-Man along. Later on, Peter and Ned go to Liz’s party and Ned asks Peter to put on the Spider-Man costume and swing on by to the party. Peter puts the suit on but sees some explosions in the distance and get’s distracted by that and goes towards that point to investigate. This leads Peter to under a bridge where we see an alien weapons deal going down. Peter intervenes and this ends up in a chase were Peter is hanging on the side of the van when he is able to pull one of the weapons from the van and toss it on someone’s lawn. Before Peter could actually stop the van, we see Vulture come and pick him up and take him several feet into the air. Peter is able to escape and release his parachute but then lands into a lake where he almost drowns. Iron Man saves him at the last minute, brings him to shore and gives Peter a pep talk. During the pep talk, we find out that Tony isn’t in the suit because he is down in India. Peter later goes back to retrieve the weapon that was dropped so he can study it.
The next day in shop class, Peter and Ned take the weapon apart and manage to keep the core of it intact, before they could leave school, some of Toomes’s goons come to the shop to take back the core. Peter puts a tracker on one of the goons, Peter goes back home with Ned and they track Toomes’s movements. They both discover that Toomes’s is headed for Maryland. Peter then goes to school the next day wanting to join back in with the decathlon team because they are headed to Washington for the nationals. While at their hotel, Everyone else sneaks out to go to the pool during nighttime while Peter sneaks out to follow Toomes. He discovers that Toomes is going to steal from a Damage Control truck headed back to its HQ. Peter and Vulture fight on top of the truck when Peter gets knocked out and locked in the truck. When Peter wakes up, he discovers that he is in a lower vault of Damage Control and tries everything to get out. Peter finally manages to get out but he misses the nationals altogether but his team still wins. Before he could meet back up with his friends. The alien core that Ned put in his backpack explodes while they are in the elevator of the Washington Monument. Peter suits up and tries his best to save his friends. Peter manages to get inside the building and the elevator and save everyone before he swings away. Back in New York, Peter learns his suit records everything and is able to identify one of the guys that were under the bridge, Aaron Davis (Donald Glover). Peter tracks him down to a parking garage and learns that Davis was looking to get weapons so he could escape his neighbourhood while also telling Peter that Toomes and some buyers will be on a Ferry later that day.
While on the Ferry, Toomes and his squad show off his product to Mac Gargan (Michael Mando), when the deal is interrupted by Spider-Man and also the FBI. Toomes gets his Vulture suit on and he fights Spider-Man on the Ferry. One of the weapons Vulture was using explodes and cuts the Ferry in half. Spider-Man tries his best to save it but is saved at the last minute again by Iron Man. After Iron Man repairs the ship, Tony and Peter have it out on a rooftop where Tony is actually there this time and after his fight with Peter, he takes the Suit he gave Peter back. After this, Peter goes back to his normal life and tries to leave the Spider-Man andInternshipp days behind him while he focuses on school and also getting a date for the Homecoming Dance. Peter confesses his feeling to Liz and asks Liz to the dance and she says yes which makes Peter very happy.
When Peter goes to Liz’s house later that night, he finally meets her father, ADRIAN TOOMES. This puts Peter on edge while at her house and when Toomes offers to give them a ride to the dance, he starts to pick up on the fact that Peter is Spider-Man. Before Toomes lets Peter out of his car, Toomes gives Peter a speech about how he needs to stay away from his work of he will kill him. Peter goes to the dance and when he finds Liz, he apologizes to her and runs away because he wants to stop her father. We later find out that Toomes has one last job in mind, stealing from the moving day plane with all of Tony’s stuff on it. Vulture gets to the plane and everything seems to be going smoothly until he sees that Spider-Man tagged along with him and they both fight on the outside of the plane. While fighting on the outside, they both manage to destroy most of the plane and the plane crash lands on the beach. They continue their fight until Vultures wings explode when he is trying to steal some tech. Toomes survives this and Peter makes sure to gift wrap Toomes and all of the plane cargo for Happy and the police to find. Later on, we find out that Liz is moving away with her mom to Oregan because it will be safer there than New York. Happy finds Peter at school and tells him to that Tony wants to see him at the New Avengers Base. Tony scolds but congrats Peter on what he did to Toomes and Tony shows Peter a new suit while also giving him an invitation to join the Avengers. Tony also says that there are real reporters waiting outside so that Tony can make the announcement but, before that can happen Peter declines the invitation to join and leaves Tony dumbfounded. Peter later gets home to find a paper bag with the suit that Tony made for him and when he puts the suit on, Aunt May sees this and ends the movie by saying, “What the F***!”.
The acting in this movie is simply spectacular (Sorry, not sorry). Tom Holland does an amazing job and has really cemented himself as the new Spider-Man. Michael Keaton is excellent as a villain and really knows how to balance being charming but scary at the same time. Robert Downey JR isn’t in this for long but he still does a great job. I was afraid that since they got RDJ, he was going to be in it a lot. Good thing he is only there when he needs to be a mentor/father figure to Peter. Everyone else does an amazing job as well. The only bad thing I can say is that Liz just feels one-dimensional as a love interest and a character. They should have spent more time developing her character so that we can actually have a good reason why Peter likes her so much.
The CGI is spectacular as well (I can’t help it with the spider puns). Everything looks visually stunning and Vultures suit really looks amazing and it makes me want one because it’s so awesome. The Spider-Man suit (Even the homemade suit), looks awesome as well. I would have loved to see Peter put on the Iron-Spider suit in this movie but we are gonna have to wait till Avengers: Infinity War (Hint, hint).
The Verdict:
This is the best Spider-Man movie out of all them. Marvel finally was able to do justice to the character when they were able to share the rights between Sony. Spider-Man: Homecoming is an all around fun and entertaining movie that really get’s it right. The villain is scary but also charming, the story is easy to follow and the cast is amazing. If you have gotten sick of Spider-Man movies or you haven’t seen it yet, this is a breath of fresh air and I can’t recommend this movie enough.
Next up, it’s main event time! We are nearly done the RTIW event, and what better time to see how Thor is in his third and best adventure yet, Thor: Ragnarok.
REVIEW: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (Road to Infinity War)
Alright, let us continue The Papi Chulo RADIO Road to Infinity War (RTIW for short) review event with the fifteenth movie in the lineup, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
With the first Guardians being a huge success, you know Marvel had to make a sequel. Now, the guardians are back for another adventure full of action, humour and a rockin soundtrack. Does the sequel live up to the hype or does it crash and burn?
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Before we get into it, it should be said that there will be spoilers if you haven’t seen it yet (Although since it came out last year, you should have seen it already).
The story begins with a flashback to 1980 where we see Ego (Kurt Russel), is driving along with his new love Meredith Quill (Laura Haddock). They crusin along the countryside when they make a stop at a DQ to go out to the forest so that Ego can show Meredith a plant he planted that he promises will grow into something beautiful one day. Flashforward to the present where we see the Guardians on the planet Sovereign. They are on a mission to stop a big monster who plants to drain their batteries. The Guardians engage the monster while Baby Groot turns on the tunes and dances his cares away. The Guardians slay the beast and collect their reward, Nebula (Karen Gillian). Rocket (Bradley Cooper), steals some of their smaller batteries when no one is looking and this later comes back to bite the Guardians in the butt. Ayesha (Elizabeth Debicki), and the Sovereign soon figure out they stole some batteries and they send their fleet to kill the Guardians. When all seems lost, a mysterious ship comes and destroys all the Sovereign ships. The Guardians soon crash land on a remote planet where the same ship that helped them earlier also lands with them. We soon find out that on that ship is Mantis (Pom Klementieff), and Ego who claims to be Peter’s real father.
We then cut to Contraxia where Yondu (Michael Rooker) and his Ravagers are relaxing at a hotel/brothel. A bunch of other Ravagers come to the same place but then leave in disgust once they find out Yondu is there because Yondu betrayed them and broke the Ravager code when he took in Peter as a young boy. Later, some of Yondu’s crew talk bad mouth Yondu and this plants the seeds for a mutiny. However, The Sovereign come and request to speak to Yondu about a job. We then cut back to the planet Ego and the Guardians are on and they talk to Ego about who he is and where he is from. Peter (Chris Pratt), still in shock about Ego being his father still doesn’t believe him. Ego offers to take some of the Guardians to his home planet to show Peter his origins. While they leave, Rocket, Groot (Vin Diesel), and Nebula stay behind with the broken ship so they can try to repair it. Later on in the night, the Ravagers find Rocket and crew and try to ambush him, Rocket sets up a bunch of traps to stop them but Rocket get’s captured in the end. It’s here that the Mutiny finally happens when Taserface (Chris Sullivan), shoots off Yondu’s fin and becomes the new leader of the Ravagers. They put Rocket and Yondu in their holding cells, Nebula joins the New Ravagers and they also take Baby Groot.
Meanwhile, Ego and Mantis take Peter, Drax (Dave Bautista), and Gamora (Zoe Saldana) to his home planet which we find out is actually Ego and his Human form is an extension of himself. He goes into detail about how he is a celestial and that his mission was to create life on other planets to help extend his life. We cut back to the New Ravagers where Nebula is given a ship and Baby Groot is being used for entertainment. When Baby Groot is walking around, he stumbles upon Rocket and Yondu and he agrees to help them back Yondu’s Prototype fin in order to control his Arrow and escape. After many failed attempts, Kraglin (Sean Gunn), finally helps Baby Groot get the Fin to Yondu because Kraglin is still loyal to Yondu. Once Yondu puts on the fin, they all escape and manage to get an escape ship before blowing up Taserfaces ship. Before Taserface dies in the explosion, he contacts the Sovereign and gives them the coordinates to where Yondu is headed so they can kill all of the Guardians at once.
Back on Ego’s planet, Gamora is frustrated with Peter because she believes there is more than meets the eye and walks off to blow off some steam from fighting with Peter. While out in the field, Gamora is ambushed by Nebula with her ship. This leads to a chase and fight scene where the sisters finally have it out and share their feelings with each other. While in a cave, they discover something evil, a bunch of Skeletons of Ego’s other children. This is where we finally learn Ego’s true intentions. Ego plant himself on every planet so he can control everyone and everything. He wants Peter to help rule by his side, but after once Peter learns that Ego put the Tumor in his Mother, he refuses and starts to fight his father. This leads to all of the Guardians coming together and coming up with a plan to kill Ego. Rocket builds a bomb using the batteries he stole and get’s Baby Groot to plan it at the centre of the planet (AKA Ego’s Brain). The Guardians try their best to fight Ego while also fighting off the Sovereign who track them down and they destroy the Sovereign ships and get back to the task at hand, destroying Ego. The bomb finally goes off and all the Guardians make it out except for Peter and Yondu. Yondu is able to rescue Peter but pays the ultimate sacrifice when Yondu rockets Peter out to space and gives his air shield to Peter so that Peter can live. This hurts Peter and everyone mourns for Yondu, even the Ravagers who banished Yondu honour his sacrifice in the end.
The acting in this movie is on par with the first Guardians. You can tell that everyone has a formula down and the cast does an amazing job. Except for Taserface and the Sovereign. The Sovereign seem like they are going to become a huge pain for the Guardians but, they come off as bland and one dimensional (I don’t know if this was intentional or not but I’m making a note of it anyway).
The CGI is, of course, your standard MCU budget now. However, you can tell a lot more work and love was put into the effects in this movie. The scene where Yondu, Rocket and Kraglin make the jump to Ego is hilarious and is a highlight of the CGI. Also, all the ships, battles and even Ego himself are amazing. Another shoutout goes to the de-aging of Kurt Russel. Marvel really does know how to make actors look young again and it is impressive to see.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 isn’t better than the first one. However, this isn’t a bad thing, most movie sequels try and top the original one. Vol. 2 instead just tries to stick to the formula of the first one and tell a more personal story then a universe exploding one which is one the movie’s strengths. Everyone wanted to know who Peter’s father was and this is the story of Peter’s father and how Peter deals with that revelation.
The Verdict:
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 doesn’t try to top its first movie. It instead decides to answer the question of who is Peter’s dad? The movie succeeds in giving us more Guardians and a very personal story about Family and Fathers. The movie does suffer from killing off both of the main villains again (But who will really remember Taserface anyways?), the parts with Ego do tend to drag on a little bit and Mantis doesn’t get much development before she joins the team. However, if you can look past those flaws, you will find another awesome mix of an adventure with the freaking Guardians of the Galaxy.
Next up, After making his debut in Civil War and winning over audiences everywhere, it’s time for the webhead to get his own solo movie in the MCU, Spider-Man: Homecoming.
Legion Season 2 Gets Official Trailer
After various teasers and new images, Marvel has finally released the official trailer for Season 2 of FX’s Legion.
Fans have been eagerly awaiting for anything new footage they could get their hands on and now today is the day. The trailer gives us the first look at the new villain of the season, Shadow King.
You can watch the trailer down below:
Season 2 of Legion will premiere on April 3rd on FX.
Source: Marvel’s YouTube