Avengers: Infinity War Gets New Release Date
In a surprising twist, Marvels most anticipated film to date has just gotten a new release date. Avengers: Infinity War was supposed to open on May 4 (Aka Star Wars Day).
However, now Disney and Marvel have decided to make their fans more hyped by changing the release date thanks to a Twitter exchange by RDJ and Marvel.
You can see the tweets below:
On a scale of one to infinity, how excited are you to see #InfinityWar on May 4th? pic.twitter.com/72jYKj2ODG
— Marvel Studios (@MarvelStudios) March 1, 2018
Any chance I could see it earlier?
— Robert Downey Jr (@RobertDowneyJr) March 1, 2018
Anything for you, Mr. Stark! How’s April 27th?
— Marvel Studios (@MarvelStudios) March 1, 2018
Great. With friends?
— Robert Downey Jr (@RobertDowneyJr) March 1, 2018
You mean these friends? @ChrisEvans @ChadwickBoseman @DanaiGurira @MarkRuffalo @DonCheadle @AnthonyMackie pic.twitter.com/8tKw3ziSVB
— Marvel Studios (@MarvelStudios) March 1, 2018
The entire world?
— Robert Downey Jr (@RobertDowneyJr) March 1, 2018
That’s a FANTASTIC idea! Done.
Avengers: #InfinityWar in theaters everywhere April 27th. pic.twitter.com/n5JhJWpnqc
— Marvel Studios (@MarvelStudios) March 1, 2018
You guys wanted it. You got it. See you there April 27th. pic.twitter.com/DsllNH2ko6
— Robert Downey Jr (@RobertDowneyJr) March 1, 2018
This all seems like one big giant PR move but it’s a great one at that. Can we get more announcements like this in the future, please?
Avengers: Infinity War will now be in theatres on April 27th.
Source: Twitter
REVIEW: The Avengers (Road to Infinity War)
Alright, let us continue The Papi Chulo RADIO Road to Infinity War (RTIW for short) review event with the sixth movie in the lineup, The Avengers.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOrNdBpGMv8[/embedyt]
This is it folks, the big one, the conclusion to Phase 1 of the MCU. It’s been a long road so far but we have finally got the Avengers to assemble for the first time ever on screen. Does the film still hold up or it is best left in the dust?
[WPGP gif_id=”9070″ width=”600″]
Before we get into it, it should be said that there will be spoilers if you haven’t seen it yet (Although since it’s 6 years old, you should have seen it already).
The story is simple and it feels like it was ripped out of the pages of an Avengers comic book. After getting the Tesseract and trying to study it, it starts to cause havoc and even opens up a portal to bring Loki (Tom Hiddleston), back from space. Once Loki is in the SHIELD base, he takes control of Hawkeye (Jeremy Reiner), Doctor Selvig (Stellan Skarsgård), and a few SHIELD guards. Loki and his crew escape with the Tesseract right before the building collapses. Most of the important SHIELD members escape and Nick Fury (Samuel L Jackson), calls in the Avengers to stop Loki. After the title credit rolls, we start the gathering of all the members of the Avengers. Once everyone is gathered, they are sent to Germany where they have tracked down Loki in order to capture him. After capturing Loki, they are all taken to a Helicarrier to start the search for the Tesseract. Things get heated between everyone when they discover that Nick Fury is hiding various secrets from the team and when they try to question him about it. They are ambushed by Loki’s crew who try to destroy the Helicarrier and break Loki out of his prison. After the destruction and the fights, half of the team is missing and the other half is hurt and trying to come up with a plan. The Avengers eventually all team up again for one big giant final clusterf**k of a battle in New York to stop Loki from destroying it.
The acting is just pure gold. This movie is the cream of the crop and you can tell that everyone in the cast knew that and it shows. The whole cast brought nothing but charming, fun, humour and action. I think the perfect word to describe the cast is Balanced. Everyone does their part, everyone is on point and everyone plays well with the others.
The CGI is simply the best we have ever seen in a Marvel film. The Alien creatures look outstanding, the Hulk looks better in this then Incredible Hulk, Loki’s powers look epic as usual and so many more awesome things. You can tell that this movie had a huge budget to work with and what we get on screen is absolutely beautiful.
The Avengers is also the first big comic book team-up movie to ever hit screens and what an event it was. This movie has set a precedent that no other comic book movie has been able to stop since (Although Black Panther is trying to claw it’s way up). There is a reason why this movie made $1.5 Billion when it was in theatres, it is just pure fun and awesome. This is a movie that everyone and anyone can sit down, watch and have a grand old time.
The Avengers is that it transcends being a movie. It is also an event because the depth and scale that this movie is able to achieve is a sight to behold. With the amount of money this movie made, you can tell that almost everyone has seen The Avengers. If someone you know or if you have managed to never have seen The Avengers, what are you even doing? Drop everything and see this movie.
The Verdict:
This is the best of the best. Avengers is a non-stop thrill ride that anyone and everyone can enjoy. The story feels like it was ripped out of a comic book, the cast is just on fire and everyone shines, and the CGI is the best money can buy (And you can bet it cost a lot). Everything about this movie is fun and it really is a one of a kind movie that will never be topped by anything that will come after. The Avengers came, they saw, and they assembled for the best Marvel movie ever.
Next up, we commence Phase 2 of the MCU with a movie that left everyone mixed, Iron Man 3.
Sharon Carter Unlikely To Appear In Avengers: Infinity War

Avengers: Infinity War cast seems to keep growing. With around 76 members to be featured in the movie, you’d think everyone is in it, right?
While it’s assumed that virtually every still-living character in the MCU of any significance would at least be making an appearance in the film, it looks like Emily VanCamp’s Sharon Carter will not be appearing in the film.
In an interview with AOL’s Build series, VanCamp didn’t seem hopeful on her character showing up in Infinity War or its 2019 sequel.
“It’s hard to fit Sharon into that, she’s really in Cap’s world. She sort of fits into the Captain America movies, that’s where her sort of story lies, but I can tell you it’s going to be like an epic two-parter.”
Avengers: Infinity War hits theatres May 4, 2018.
Source: Screen Rant
Avengers: Infinity War Trailer Has Dropped
It’s out!
The trailer for Avengers: Infinity War dropped this morning on Good Morning America and it is epic.
The trailer features all your favourite heroes including the veterans like Captain America (Chris Evans), Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) and Thor (Chris Hemsworth). It also features the newer members such as Spider-Man (Tom Holland), Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch), Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman).
Are you ready?
Marvel Launches #HelaWeen to Drop Thor: Ragnarok Related Content Throughout October
On Sunday, Marvel Studios took to Twitter to announce their campaign #HelaWeen to promote the third Thor entry Thor: Ragnarok.
During the campaign, Marvel plans to release promotional material for the upcoming movie every single day of October.
31 Days of #HelaWeen starts… NOW! Follow along each day for a new piece of #ThorRagnarok content! Who’s ready?
— Marvel Studios (@MarvelStudios) October 1, 2017
The promotional campaign also released different hashtag emojis to the different main characters of the movie to accompany the different posts.
31 Days of #HelaWeen starts… NOW! Tweet with #Thor, #Hulk, #Hela, #Loki, & #TheValkyrie to reveal the Revengers on Twitter! pic.twitter.com/q2veOTtog3
— Marvel Studios (@MarvelStudios) October 1, 2017
In honour of #HelaWeen, the studio released a TV spot featuring some new footage of the movie.
Thor: Ragnarok comes out November 3.
Paul Bettany Confirms Whether or Not Vision Will Survive Avengers: Infinity War
With one of the Infinity Stones smack in the middle of Vision’s forehead, many fans have feared he’ll be one of the casualties during Avengers: Infinity War.
Luckily, based on what Paul Bettany (who plays Vision) said, we might see Thanos remove the android’s Infinity Stone without killing him. Bettany confirmed he’s returning to Avengers 4 now that it has started filming.
According to Comic Book Movie, here’s what the actor had to say:
It felt like the biggest movie that I’ve ever made and will ever make, and we’ve still got to make the [next] one. It’s fucking crazy! I would come in, often at dawn because of the length of my make-up, and there would just be all of these twinkling lights. It looked like a town, but it wasn’t. It was where all of the trailers were. It’s massive! The call sheets are bananas. When you see the list of cast members, you’re like, ‘How is anybody else making a film in Hollywood, this year? How are they getting films financed? Everybody is in this!’
Then he added some insight about what is like to work in the movies:
[The Russos] are so great. They’ve got so much trust, from the cast and from Kevin Feige and Marvel, in general. They’re incredibly on top of the day, when you show up, and they’re very open to your input and collaboration. They were incredibly relaxed. It was a wonderful, relaxed set that was stress-free. It was a stress-free set.
Some fans have already speculated that Vision might turn human after the stone is removed, we’ll have to wait and see.
Take a Closer Look at Captain Marvel‘s Skrulls
We already knew that Captain Marvel is going to take place in the 90s and that she’s fighting the Skrulls. Now, we have a better look at our enemies.
Fans at Comic-Con were lucky enough to get an exclusive look at some concept art for the movie, and now concept artist Jerad S.Marantz shared with us the best look we have so far of our shape-shifting enemies.
Check it out:
SDCC: Avengers: Infinity War, Black Panther Thor: Ragnarok Panels and Interviews
Below is a collection of the Marvel Studios San Diego Comic-Con panels.
For the Thor: Ragnarok panel, Marvel brought director Taika Waititi, Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Tom Hiddleston (Loki), Mark Ruffalo (Bruce Banner/Hulk), Cate Blanchett (Hela), Jeff Goldblum (Grandmaster), Tessa Thompson (Valkyrie), Karl Urban (Skurge) and Rachel House (Topaz).
For the Black Panther panel, Marvel brought director Ryan Coogler, Chadwick Boseman (T’Challa/Black Panther), Lupita Nyong’o (Nakia), Michael B. Jordan (Erik Killmonger), Danai Gurira (Okoye), Forest Whitaker (Zuri), Daniel Kaluuya (W’Kabi), Andy Serkis (Ulysses Klaue), Winston Duke (M’Baku) and Letitia Wright (Shuri).
H/T: Comic Book Movie
Posters for ‘Black Panther’ and ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Unveiled at Comic Con
Comic-Con preview night saw the unveiling of two new posters for Marvel’s Black Panther and Thor: Ragnarok.
In the Black Panther poster, we can see some kind of upgrade to T’Challa’s suit. Maybe Wakandan magic? Hm?
Whereas in the Thor: Ragnarok poster, we take a look at the magnificent Hella standing over two scared-looking Thor and Loki.