Review: Avengers: Infinity War (SPOILERS)
“There was an idea, to bring together, a group of remarkable people, to see if we could become something more, so that when they needed us, we could fight the battles, that they never could.”
The movie to end 10 years of the MCU has finally come, and it is one that really doesn’t hold back at all. When Thanos comes to get the Infinity Stones, he lets nothing stand in his way. Avengers: Infinity War is a movie that is everything you wanted to see and also doesn’t hold back on showing how much of a threat Thanos really is the MCU.
This movie is an Avengers movie but, its a movie about Thanos, his origin and why he wants the Infinity Stones. We see that Thanos has lost everything and wants to use the stones to recreate his homeworld of Titan. However, this comes at a cost, killing half of the universe. With a heavy price to pay, Thanos shows that he is willing to do anything to get it, and I mean anything. Thanos kills Gamora in order to get the Soul Stone, even when Thanos confesses that she was the only thing he ever loved, that shows that Thanos really is a monster and earns the name Mad Titan.
Now before I talk more about Thanos, I also want to talk about the Black Order or Thanos’s other children. They are cool but they also are really there to act as Mini-Bosses for the Avengers to fight while Thanos is still in space. Although, they are the ones that come to earth to retrieve the other stones for Thanos and we do get to see them in action. The Black Order also looks very cool and they all have different personalities so they can stand out. I personally like Ebony Maw the most because he was the one that actually got stuff done and retrieved some stones for Thanos.

Now the Black Order out of the way, let’s talk about the rest of the movie. The story itself is all about Thanos getting the Infinity Stones to put in his Infinity Gauntlet so he can destroy half of the universe. How does he destroy half the universe? With the snap of his fingers! The Avengers try their best to stop Thanos but in the end, Thanos wins and kills half of the universe.
The Avengers are split in half, with some defending Wakanda from the Black Order and the other half fighting Thanos on his homeworld of Titan. Both of these battles are epic and amazing to watch on the big screen. It’s like playing with all of your action figures together and it is just a childhood dream come to life on the big screen, even more so than Justice League (Sorry DC).
All of the heroes in the MCU are in this movie, except for Hawkeye, Ant-Man and the Wasp. Also, with Thanos killing half the universe, we don’t even know if they are still alive or not. We won’t know until the next MCU movie coming out, Ant-Man and the Wasp.
Speaking of heroes dying, a bunch of the core heroes of the MCU fade away into dust:
Bucky, Black Panther, Groot, Scarlet Witch, Falcon, Star-Lord, Mantis, Drax, Doctor Strange, and Spider-Man all disappear. Also, Nick Fury and Maria Hill fade away in Infinity War‘s end-credits scene. Don’t forget that Thanos already killed Loki and Heimdal at the beginning of the film.
This leaves a very small Avengers team behind:
Captain America, Black Widow, Thor, Bruce Banner, War Machine, Okoye and M’Baku are the only survivors confirmed on Wakanda, with only Tony Stark and Nebula on Titan.
This leaves a very small team for Avengers left in order to try and reverse what Thanos has done. Thanos by the end of the movie has killed half of the heroes, restored Titan and just comes back to his homeworld to sit down and look at the sun.
Avengers: Infinity War is a movie that feels like an event. With all the heroes coming together to stop Thanos is a sight to behold and it really does feel like this is what the MCU building to for the past 10 years. It’s a love letter to the MCU and its heroes that we have come to love over the years.
The acting in this movie is top-notch and everyone in the movie get’s their time to shine. Josh Brolin also does a fantastic job as Thanos and really does a great job of making Thanos stand out from all the other villains in the MCU.
With so many heroes in this movie, it’s hard to mention them all but they all did an awesome job in their roles and it makes it really sad to see some of them die in the end. However, with sequels in the works for some of the heroes, you have a feeling that the ending isn’t permanent and we will have to wait until Avengers 4 to see how the heroes can stop Thanos and reverse what he did.
The Verdict:
Avengers: Infinity War is an exciting, intense, funny and emotional thrill ride that has an ending that will leave you shocked. After being able to think on the ending, I can still say that the movie is an amazing and perfect movie to cap-off 10 years of the MCU. It is just a perfect movie and one that is worth watching again and again, once you can get past the ending that is.
Now if you will excuse me, I’m going to see Infinity War again so I can enjoy/torture myself with it again.

Marvel Releases 10 Years of Fandom Featurette As A Thank You To Fans
Has it really been 10 years? Marvel is not only releasing the highly anticipated Avengers: Infinity War, Marvel is also celebrating 10 years of their MCU. With over 18 movies in counting, the MCU has become one of the most successful franchises in history and everyone has been trying to create their own shared universes to try and cash in on this (Does anyone still care about the Dark Universe?).
However, Marvel has released a featurette video that is decided to someone special, YOU. The one that goes to the theatres to watch the movies, the one that stays behind to see the post-credits scenes and the one that keeps the debate about these movies alive online.
You can watch the video down below:
It’s been a wild 10 years with the MCU, here’s hoping that this franchise will last another 10 years or even 100 if we are lucky.
If you want to check out some reviews on all the MCU movies, you can check out our Road To Infinity War event where we reviewed every since MCU movie and talk about all the news about Avengers: Infinity War.
Source: YouTube
T’Challa Visits “Black Jeopardy” on SNL

In one of the most hilarious sketches of the night, host Chadwick Boseman brought his Marvel alter ego King T’Challa of Wakanda (aka Black Panther) to NBC’s Saturday Night Live.
T’Challa struggles during the game until he finally gets the hang of it.
If you missed it, have a chuckle below:
SNL airs Saturday nights @ 11:30pm ET on NBC.
Black Panther Welcomes the Avengers to Wakanda in Extended Infinity War Teaser

“Today we don’t fight for one life, we fight for all of them,” T’Challa declares in the new Avengers: Infinity War extended television trailer.
Titled “Chant”, you can hear our king lead a chant of (what appears to be) “Yibambe”, which is a Zulu term that means “hold fast”.
In the extended promo, we see several lighter moments from the film including when Captain American and Bucky Barnes reunite and what Okoye thought T’Challa’s opening of Wakanda to the world might have meant.
“When you said we were going to open Wakanda to the rest of the world, this is not what I imagined,” says Okoye.
T’Challa asks, “What did you imagine?”
“The Olympics…maybe even a Starbucks,” she responds.
Here’s the one minute commercial:
Avengers: Infinity War opens in U.S. theaters on April 27, 2018.
New Colorful Posters for Avengers: Infinity War
Another day, another batch of posters for Avengers: Infinity War has been released. While the marketing for this movie has been in full swing for the past couple of months, we have gotten a lot of new posters, pictures and even trailers as well.
Today, we have 5 new posters which you can view down below:

Avengers: Infinity War will open in theatres on April 27th.
Source: Facebook
If you haven’t seen it yet or you want to watch it again, here is the latest trailer for the movie:
Empire Magazine Releases New Avengers: Infinity War Covers
After getting the Subscriber-Only cover leaked yesterday, Empire Magazine has officially released all of their Avengers: Infinity War covers for the May 2018 edition.
You can check out the covers down below:

Empire also released a Hi-Res version of their Subscriber-Only cover we reported on yesterday:

These covers look awesome and the Subscriber-Only cover looks stunning. It makes me want it and I hope that it will have a holo-foil to it because it would make it even more awesome.
If you haven’t seen it yet, here is the new trailer:
Source: Empire Magazine’s Facebook
Thanos Gets His Own Avengers: Infinity War Empire Magazine Cover
The Mad Titan will be getting his own subscriber-only cover on Empire Magazine for Avengers: Infinity War. The cover has surfaced online and will be featured on the May 2018 edition of the UK based Magazine. The cover was created by artist Orlando Arocena and shows Thanos with a fully loaded Infinity Gauntlet with all the Infinity Stones.

The picture surfaced on Twitter earlier today and hasn’t been taken down yet. You can view the tweet down below:
— Daniel Alter (@DAlter007) March 19, 2018
If you missed the latest trailer, you can watch it down below:
Avengers: Infinity War Gets New Trailer
Marvel has blessed us with a new trailer for Avengers: Infinity War. We get more Thanos and we more of our favourite heroes coming together.
You can watch the trailer down below:
Avengers: Infinity War will be in theatres on April 27th.
Source: YouTube
If you haven’t already, make sure to check out our Road To Infinity War review event where we reviewed every since MCU movie to date to prepare for this epic movie.
Avengers: Infinity War Gets new EW Covers and New Photos
Thanks to Entertainment Weekly, we have 15 new connecting covers showing most of the superheroes that will be in Infinity War and Thanos as well.
You can check them out below:

Along with the new covers, Entertainment Weekly also released 8 new photos from the film as well.
You can check them out down below:

With all the new covers and pics released it really feels like this film is going to be the biggest and most devastating MCU ever made.
Avengers: Infinity War will be in theatres on April 27th.
Source: Entertainment Weekly
REVIEW: Avengers: Age of Ultron (Road to Infinity War)
Alright, let us continue The Papi Chulo RADIO Road to Infinity War (RTIW for short) review event with the eleventh movie in the lineup, Avengers: Age of Ultron.
After The Avengers shattered records and is one of the most loved movies of all time. A sequel was in the works, and there was a lot of hype surrounding it. Does Avengers: Age of Ultron deliver on that hype or does it fall under the pressure of the first one?
[WPGP gif_id=”9135″ width=”600″]
Before we get into it, it should be said that there will be spoilers if you haven’t seen it yet (Although since it’s 3 years old, you should have seen it already).
The story starts with the Avengers attacking a fortress in Sokovia looking for Loki’s staff. While there, the Avengers meet twins with strange powers (But don’t call them mutants or else FOX will get mad), known as Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen) and Pietro Maximoff (Aaron Taylor-Johnson). Wanda has Telekinesis powers while Pietro has speedster powers (Kind of like Flash). Wanda starts to mess with the Avengers minds with her powers and the twins escape. With the Avengers regaining Loki’s staff, they return to home base to and Tony (Robert Downey JR.) and Bruce (Mark Ruffalo) go to the lab to talk about the Ultron project right before they attend the party that Tony is hosting. During the party, Ultron (James Spader), becomes sentient and takes over JARVIS so that he can grab a body and show the Avengers he is alive. While this is going on, Ultron talks about destroying the earth and humanity and attacks the Avengers with Iron Man bots that Tony built for safe keeping. After Ultron escapes, he finds the twins and is able to make a new body for himself and the three of them swear to take the Avengers down. After the Avengers regroup and try to figure out what happened, they figure out that Ultron is trying to build a new body out of a material known as Vibranium (The same material used for Caps Shield). This leads them to track down an arms dealer known as Ulysses Klaue (Andy Serkis), who specializes in Vibranium. Ultron and the twins get to him first and buy Vibranium off of Klaue but get into an altercation leading Klaue to lose his arm. At this point, the Avengers come to stop Ultron but Wanda finds Bruce and takes control of him causing him to become the Hulk and go on a rampage causing destruction to Sokovia. After everything is brought under control, Thor (Chris Hemsworth), leaves to chase down the visions that Wanda gave him and the Avengers regroup at Hawkeyes (Jeremy Reiner), safe house. Meanwhile, Ultron goes to Korea in order to force some scientists to make him a new body. Once the Avengers discover this, they go after Ultron and cause a chase in Korea for the body in a capsule. Once they retrieve the capsule, they take it back to base and this causes a fighting between members of the Avengers which is stopped by Thor when he brings the machine body to life, which then creates Vision (Paul Bettany). Thor explains that Vision is powered by the Mind Infinity Stone and Vision joins the Avengers to stop his father Ultron. Everyone regroups and prepares to stop Ultron who uses the Vibranium to create a device that lifts Sokovia in the air in order to destroy it. The Avengers do everything they can to stop Ultron and bring Sokovia back down. After the big battle is done, Ultron is presumed dead, Thor leaves earth to find more information about the Infinity Gems and the Avengers changes it roster into The Avenger 2.0.
First thing I will say is that a lot happens in this movie but its only events that will happen in different movies. While the first Avengers focused on the task at hand. Avengers: Age of Ultron cares more about fleshing out other movie ideas instead of its own. This really hurts the film because Ultron and the twins could have used a lot more development if the movie wasn’t so focused on other things. We barely get to know Ultron before he is finished.
The acting in this movie isn’t as good as the first one. This time around the cast seems to try their best but not put in 100% effort. I will say that James Spader as Ultron is a great casting choice because Spader brings his menacing voice and tones to the roll to make Ultron scary. Paul Bettany as Vision is also great as well because instead of just being VO, now he also plays an actual character and it looks really cool to see him on screen.
One good thing I will say is the CGI is amazing in this movie. From Ultron to Vision, all the effects in this movie look spectacular and stunning. It makes me feel that there was a heavier focus on effects than actual story and plot.
There was actually rumours and speculation that a lot of stuff was cut from the film to reduce the runtime and it clearly shows. There are scenes in the movie that feel cut up and it really hurts the movie because the scenes where the Avengers go on their vision quests and later Thors return to those visions could have used a lot more fleshing out. They just come off as pointless and random scenes that feel out of place in this movie.
The Verdict:
Right off the bat, I will say that this isn’t a good sequel to Avengers. Avengers: Age of Ultron loses the magic of what made the first one so great. It’s darker, less focused, boring at times and tries to do a lot more with so little time. Avengers Age of Ultron spends more time introducing us to a lot of new things that won’t pay off until future movies instead of focusing on the task at hand. It feels less like an Avengers film and more MCU World Builder Simulator. I can only recommend Avengers: Age of Ultron if you haven’t seen it yet. Don’t think I’m saying it’s a bad movie, just one that only requires either 1 or 2 viewings to fully understand everything.
Next up, the MCU shrinks down to find the smallest hero who can pack the biggest punch, Ant-Man.