Deadpool 2 Drops New Trailer
Better get yourself ready, we got another trailer for Deadpool 2. Now, the other trailers have focused more on gimmicks and not showing much footage. However, today’s trailer features no gimmicks and give us loads of footage from the movie.
You can watch the trailer down below:
Deadpool 2 is looking to go bigger and bolder than the first movie, and Cable looks awesome.
Deadpool 2 will be playing in theatres on May 18th.
Source: YouTube
First Look at Shazam Logo and Behind The Scenes
SHAZAM! We got our first look at the upcoming movie through set photos which we reported on earlier. Now, We got our first look at the logo for the movie from Entertainment Weekly:

We also got the promise of a live stream today from the set of Shazam by Entertainment Weekly as well.
You can check out the stream down below:
Shazam will be the next film in the DCEU after Aquaman and will be released on April 5, 2019.
If you want more DCEU stuff, check out our Review of Justice League
Source: Entertainment Weekly’s Facebook
Empire Magazine Releases New Avengers: Infinity War Covers
After getting the Subscriber-Only cover leaked yesterday, Empire Magazine has officially released all of their Avengers: Infinity War covers for the May 2018 edition.
You can check out the covers down below:

Empire also released a Hi-Res version of their Subscriber-Only cover we reported on yesterday:

These covers look awesome and the Subscriber-Only cover looks stunning. It makes me want it and I hope that it will have a holo-foil to it because it would make it even more awesome.
If you haven’t seen it yet, here is the new trailer:
Source: Empire Magazine’s Facebook
Thanos Gets His Own Avengers: Infinity War Empire Magazine Cover
The Mad Titan will be getting his own subscriber-only cover on Empire Magazine for Avengers: Infinity War. The cover has surfaced online and will be featured on the May 2018 edition of the UK based Magazine. The cover was created by artist Orlando Arocena and shows Thanos with a fully loaded Infinity Gauntlet with all the Infinity Stones.

The picture surfaced on Twitter earlier today and hasn’t been taken down yet. You can view the tweet down below:
— Daniel Alter (@DAlter007) March 19, 2018
If you missed the latest trailer, you can watch it down below:
Review: The Disaster Artist
Oh hi, Mark! The based on a true story film about the worst film ever made finally hit Blu-Ray this week! Does this Golden Globe award-winning film live up to the hype or is it just like The Room?
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The movie is a biography of The Room and how it was made. So, I won’t go too in-depth into the story because it’s better to see what happens then describe it.
The story of the film is about Tommy Wiseau (James Franco), and his best friend Greg Sestero (Dave Franco), first meet after an acting class and the pair hit it off, becoming best friends while time goes on. We then see the pair move from San Francisco to LA to try and make it big there. When they can’t get any acting gigs for months, Tommy and Greg get fed up and decided to make a movie to show the world how it’s done. Tommy writes the script to their movie called The Room. The par assembles a crew together and makes their movie a reality. It takes a couple of months of shooting multiple takes, a lot of fighting, yelling and also some nudity. However, Tommy is able to get his movie finished and ready for everyone to see. On Opening Night, Tommy debuts the movie to a semi-packed theatre. Everything seems to be going well until everyone starts to laugh hysterically at the movie. Tommy seems to think it’s because they don’t like it but, it’s actually because the movie is so bad it’s good.
The acting in this movie is absolutely amazing. James Franco does such a fantastic job playing the weird and outlandish Tommy that he alone is a reason to watch this movie. I have never seen him take on a role so weird in his career that, and to have that risk pay off in a huge way is such an achievement. Dave Franco also does a great job as Greg and he really does complement his brothers acting so well that they really give the movie life.
The rest of the supporting cast is also great and this movie has some actors in it that you will recognize like Seth Rogen, Alison Brie and Zac Efron just to name a few.
Now, I have seen a lot of biographies and those types of movies in the past. However, The Disaster Artist has to be my new favourite. Simply because I can honestly believe what happened in this movie. Tommy Wiseau is a really weird dude but he doesn’t take crap from no one. With how weird Tommy is, it gives a sense that the events that happen in this movie are not dramatized at all and everything actually happened.
I love how at the end they also do a shot by shot comparison between both of the films and it really shows how much they wanted to re-create Tommy’s original vision that it comes off as a great tribute. The Room has become such a cult-classic now that when The Disaster Artist was announced, I was kind of scared. Now, I can say that not only does this movie complement The Room, it also shines on its own and is just such a great story to see unfold.
The Disaster Artist isn’t looking to poke fun at Tommy and his movie. It wants to show how it was made, and how it affected everyone involved with the production of the rumoured six million dollar disaster of a movie. The Disaster Artist isn’t looking to trash Tommy’s movie, it celebrates it instead and gives us a rollercoaster of a ride that is exciting and thrilling to watch.
If I were to describe The Disaster Artist, it would be an amazing tribute and one that I can’t recommend enough.
The Verdict:
The Disaster Artist really surprised me when I finished watching it. It is such a heartfelt, funny, entertaining and emotional look into how The Room was made that it leaves you with a sense of how everything went down. The acting is absolutely amazing in this movie and it really does help make the movie even better. The movie is also able to balance out the runtime with the story so nothing feels left out. Overall, if you haven’t seen this movie or if you haven’t heard about the story behind The Room, do yourself a favour and check this movie out.
Now I want to watch The Room now more than ever after watching this.
Avengers: Infinity War Gets New Trailer
Marvel has blessed us with a new trailer for Avengers: Infinity War. We get more Thanos and we more of our favourite heroes coming together.
You can watch the trailer down below:
Avengers: Infinity War will be in theatres on April 27th.
Source: YouTube
If you haven’t already, make sure to check out our Road To Infinity War review event where we reviewed every since MCU movie to date to prepare for this epic movie.
REVIEW: Justice League
Today is the day, Justice League finally released on Blu-Ray and it is packed with bonus features! One of the most important being scenes we didn’t see in theatres.
Is Justice League worth the watch or is the DCEU dead?
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Before I get into it, I will say that I think that the film is a mess. The fact that it’s only 2 hours long when Batman V Superman gets to be a 3 hour or 2/30 hour movie depending on which version you watch, really hurts this film so much. It gets to the point where you feel like there could have been more done with it if WB would have just given the directors more time to work with.
Anyways, rant over. I’m not gonna go too much into detail with the story because it is kind of simple and I want to get this review out fast so I can go back to working on other reviews.
The movie is about Batman (Ben Affleck), gathering together the Justice League after encountering a Parademon. Batman slowly gathers all six members including Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot), Aquaman (Jason Momoa), Flash (Ezra Miller) and Cyborg (Ray Fisher). Batman brings the league together in order to stop Steppenwolf (Ciarán Hinds), who is gathering the three Motherboxes he needs to create the unity. The unity is what happens when you combine the three Motherboxes together so that they can transform wherever they are into Apokolips. Steppenwolf has already gone to Themyscria and Atlantis for two of the Motherboxes and sets his sights on the third, which is with Cyborg. After the Justice League battles Steppenwolf for the first time and gets their asses kicked, they decided to use the last Motherbox they have to resurrect Superman (Henry Cavil). They succeed in bringing back Superman but he isn’t very happy about it. He fights the team and kicks their asses until Lois Lane (Amy Adams), is able to stop the fight and Superman takes her away back to Kansas. Steppenwolf gets the last Motherbox while the Justice League is distracted by Superman, and combines the three to start the Unity. This leads the Justice League to travel to Russia and stop Steppenwolf from transforming the world. Steppenwolf clearly has the upper hand and when all seems lost, Superman joins the fight and helps the League win and save the day. After they stop Steppenwolf, everyone goes their separate ways and it seems like the world is saved…… until the next invasion.
The acting in this movie is great, Justice League has a well-rounded cast with everyone doing a great job. Even when they had to come back for multiple reshoots, you can tell they are enjoying themselves and no one looks out of place (Except for Steppenwolf, he is bad).
The villain in this movie is just ugly and bad. Steppenwolf is not a good choice for a villain, he is a C-List villain who feels like a cheap version of Darkseid. Just seeing Steppenwolf makes you wish that we got Darkseid instead of the ugly Steppenwolf.
The editing in this movie can also feel very jarring and choppy at times. When you watch the movie, you can tell that some scenes were really cut up to save time and this makes them feel rushed and it really does hurt the film. That is the overall feeling you will have when watching and after the movie is done. WB really did screw things up with Justice League and was so desperate for a hit that they ended up making fools of themselves instead.
Now, let us move on to the special features. Justice League is packed with specials but the biggest one that is a selling point for the movie are the extra scenes that were not shown in theatres. There are 2 scenes, one where Superman goes to his fortress and we get to see his different suits (Including the Black Suit!), and the other one showing Superman going to Alfred. The second clip was shown in the trailers but of course, it didn’t make the cut. These scenes are short and feel like they are tacked on just to sell the movie to fans who want more (Like me). I feel like they should have just put these in the actual film because they are so short and cool that they would have fit right in without taking away too much from the movie itself.
Overall, it’s really hard to recommend this movie. I would still recommend it and out of all the DCEU movies we have gotten, this one is my favourite (Sorry Wonder Woman, you are second). I really do like what we got from the movie and I think that it’s fine on its own. However, for the people who have been burned too many times from the DCEU, I don’t see how this movie will change your mind. I still say to give it a watch but, I’m not gonna force you too.
The Verdict:
Justice League is a mess, it really hurts to say that as a DC fan. However, I have seen the movie enough times now that I feel I can say that but, I do enjoy the movie. The story is simple, the heroes are great, and the CGI is also good. The villain sucks and the runtime also sucks because it feels like there is more to this movie that the studio doesn’t want to give us. With that being said, Justice League is still a fun time and I would still recommend you pick it up if you haven’t seen it or have already watched it. Just don’t go in expecting the best movie in the world because this movie doesn’t reach that league.
Let’s hope that WB can learn from their mistakes and make the DCEU or just DC movies in general, great again!
The Magic Returns In First Official Trailer For Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald
The first trailer has been released for Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald.
In the trailer, we see Eddie Redmayne return as Newt Scamander on his way to Paris. We also see Jude Law make his Wizarding World debut as a young Albus Dumbledore.
The movie follows Dumbledore and Scamander, his former student, as they join forces to recapture an escaped Gellert Grindelwald, played by Johnny Depp, who is on a mission to dominate all non-magical people with the help of his pureblood wizard followers.
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald hits theaters Nov. 16.
Source: Variety
REVIEW: Black Panther (Road to Infinity War)
Alright, let us conclude The Papi Chulo RADIO Road to Infinity War (RTIW for short) review event with the last movie in the lineup, Black Panther.
It’s finally here!! Black Panther is finally in theatres and after Black Panther clawed his way onto the big screen in Captain America: Civil War, fans were hyped to see how Black Panther’s solo outing would turn out. With all the hype and buzz around this film, does it succeed or does it come down with cat scratch fever?
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Right off the bat, Black Panther continues the streak Marvel has been on with their movies for the past few years and Black Panther is another hit. The movie has the perfect balance of action, heart, entertainment and pacing. However, the movie does have it faults which I will talk about later.
The story takes place after Civil War with T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman) becoming the new king of Wakanda after his father’s death at the hands of Zemo. T’Challa goes through all the rituals and everything seems to be going smoothly until Ulysses Klaue (Andy Serkis) resurfaces and tries to sell Vibranium (The strongest metal in the MCU) when he is caught and imprisoned. Then, Erik Killmonger (Michael. B. Jordan) breaks him out and the two villains team up to try and bring down the Black Panther to steal all the Vibranium in Wakanda.
The story is simple and easy to follow so you don’t need to have read the comics to know who Black Panther and Wakanda is. The movie does a great job of explaining the lore around Wakanda and Black Panther.
However, one bad thing I can say about this movie is how it handles both villains, Killmonger and Klaue. First, halfway through the movie Killmonger actually kills Klaue so that he can get into Wakanda to execute the rest of his master plan. This came out of left field since Klaue is one of Black Panther’s big villains, and Andy Serkis does such a great job in the role that killing him feels like a strange choice. Also, Killmonger also dies in the end which is saddening because he was such an interesting and compelling villain that you end up rooting for him near the end. Michael. B. Jordan also did such a fantastic job as Killmonger that he is easily the best villain in the MCU right now (Sorry Loki). Now that Killmonger was killed, it ruins any potential of him coming back and facing against Black Panther again (Although who really stays dead in comics nowadays?).
The acting is outstanding in Black Panther. Chadwick Boseman (T’Challa) brings his all to his role and so does the rest of the cast. The chemistry with everyone in the cast can be seen and it really helps make the characters more fun and believable. After watching the movie, you will love T’Challa’s family and guards so much that you wish that maybe they may get their own solo movies or one-shots in the future?
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The CGI for this movie is amazing and really eye-catching. The scenes where T’Challa goes to the ancestral plane are really breathtaking and give off some serious Lion King vibes with how they are presented.
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Wakanda is fantastic and stunning to look at and it also looks like a great place to live. This movie did such an amazing job showing off Wakanda and the community around it that it really does feel like a special and sacred place. The technology that is in Wakanda really comes to life and some of the gadgets are really outstanding and awesome. The tech looks so futuristic and amazing that it will leave you wanting some of Wakanda tech for yourself! I mean just think of the possibilities!
I should also mention that the waterfall fight scenes are also beautiful to look at and really has a grand sense of scale that leaves you wanting more. Also, the fighting is also very brutal and awesome to see. Props to the stunt people for the movie.
The music for the movie blends in with the tone/theme of the movie and it also stands out on its own as well. Kendrick Lamar produced and wrote the songs for Black Panther. Lamar has been on a roll in the rap game over the last few years with his music winning Grammys. Lamar brings his A game and produces some great music that is very catchy and shows that he was the perfect choice for Black Panther.
The Verdict:
Black Panther is a great movie from start to finish. The story is simple and compelling, and the characters are entertaining and loveable. The main villain is the best that we have seen in the MCU. However, it should also be said how they handle the villains in this movie is also misguided. The CGI is also very well done and it really helps enhance the movie. Overall, everyone gave their all into making this movie, and it really shows. Believe the hype and go see Black Panther.
Now excuse me while I go make my way back to Wakanda for the second time. Also, I’m going to need some time to rest before we get to the biggest MCU movie to date, Avengers: Infinity War.
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REVIEW: Thor: Ragnarok (Road to Infinity War)
Alright, let us continue The Papi Chulo RADIO Road to Infinity War (RTIW for short) review event with the seventeenth movie in the lineup, Thor: Ragnarok.
We are on the second to last film for the RTIW event folks! Today’s review is going to be a good one because we are checking out the third movie in the trilogy of Thor. After The Dark World left a bad taste in our mouths, will Thor: Ragnarok redeem Thor or will he burn in the flames of Ragnarok?
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Before we get into it, it should be said that there will be spoilers if you haven’t seen it yet (Although since it came out last year, you should have seen it already).
This is going to be my longest review because I love the film so much and there is a lot to talk about. Alright, with that out of the way, it’s main event time!
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The story picks up where we hear Thor (Chris Hemsworth), monologue while stuck in a cage with a skeleton. I want to say that Thor is in hell but it is never really said where he is. Anyways, the bottom of the cage opens up and Thor is dangling on a chain in front of Surtur (Clancy Brown). Surtur tells Thor about Ragnarok, a prophecy that will end Asgard and have it start a new. Before Surtur can finish Thor, Thor busts out of his chains with his hammer and fights Surtur and his hellspawn while a dragon also fights Thor as well. Thor defeats Surtur and grabs his crown before reaching the Surface. Thor tries to call for Heimdall (Idris Elba), but he is banished from Asgard. There’s a new gatekeeper in town, Skurge (Karl Urban), he is showing off his stuff to some ladies when he finally hears Thor’s cries for help and he teleports Thor back to Asgard, along with the head of the dragon causing the Bi-Frost to be covered in blood and brains. Thor goes to see Odin (Anthony Hopkins) when he sees that everyone gathers for a play about Loki’s (Played by Matt Damon during the play), death and celebration of his life. Thor is able to see through this ruse and reveals to everyone that it’s actually Loki (Tom Hiddleston), himself. Thor questions Loki about where Odin is and this takes them to Earth where we see the retirement home that Loki supposedly put Odin in being demolished. Loki is then taken away by a portal and Thor is left with a business card on the street with an address, 177a Blecker Street. The home of Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch). Thor meets with Strange and Strange agrees to help Thor find Odin, who is now in Norway. Before Strange sends Thor on his way, he gives back Loki, who has been failing for 30 minutes in a pocket dimension. Strange sends Thor and Loki on their way to Odin and the three of them have a heart to heart before Odin passes away. Odin warns them that Ragnarok is coming and their long-lost sister, Hela, The Goddess of Death (Cate Blanchett). Odin passes away and Hela is free from her prison that Odin kept her in. Hela then confronts the two brothers and destroys Thor’s Hammer and fights them. Loki calls down the Bi-Frost and Hela knocks them both out and emerges in Asgard.
Meanwhile, Thor lands on a planet known as Sakaar. Some of the locals try and capture Thor for food but we meet Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson), who is drunk and kills the locals to steal Thor for herself and take him away. We cut back to Asgard, where we see Hela starts her invasion by killing off most of the Asgard Soldiers and ships. While that is taking place, Heimdall who is still alive takes the Bi-Frost sword so that no one else can use it. Back on Sakaar, Thor is strapped to a chair and is taken to the Grandmaster (Jeff Goldblum), and Valkyrie sells Thor to Grandmaster so he can become the next fighter in his Contest of Champions. Thor is thrown into a circle prison and we meet Korg (Taika Waititi), Meek and Doug (Oh wait, Doug’s dead). Korg talks to Thor and tells him about how things are and gives him some encouragement to fight the champion. Back on Asgard, Hela and Skurage go through the vault and find the Eternal Flame. Hela tells Skruge that her army and pet wolf are buried beneath the vault and she goes down with the flame to bring all of her soldiers and wolf back to life. Back on Sakaar, Thor and Korg are getting ready for the contest when Thor learns that Valkryie is from Asgard and was apart of the Valkyrie, a force of female warriors who were the toughest of Asgard. Thor is then taken away to be processed and he also get’s a haircut.
Thor is then put into the gladiatorial arena where he finds out who this champion is. The champion of Sakaar is none other than, HULK (Mark Ruffalo). This excites Thor to see a friend from work and he goes off explaining what has happened to him in the past few days. Hulk doesn’t care and this is the big fight between Thor and Hulk goes down. It’s a real smackdown of gods but when Thor seems to be on the winning edge, he is then stopped by Grandmaster who zaps him because Thor has a chip in the side of his neck that Valkyrie put on him and Hulk ends up winning with one big ground pound. Back on Asgard, Hela dubs Skruge as her Executioner and when they plan on attacking the nine realms, they realize the Bi-Frost sword is gone. Hela wants Skruge to rally the citizens in order to find the sword. Meanwhile, on Sakaar, Thor wakes up from being knocked out by Hulk and finds himself in Hulks living quarters. Thor looks around and finds Hulk in the bath where Thor wants to know how Hulk got to Sakaar. Of course, since we last saw Hulk in Age of Ultron, he was in the Quinjet which was flying out to space and Hulk landed on Sakaar from the Quinjet. Hulk shows Thor that they Quinjet is outside Hulks place and when Thor tries to go to it but learns that he is being kept there by the chip in his neck. While Hulk goes out for training, Thor contacts Heimdall and talks to him through a vision communication power that Heimdall has. Thor learns about what is going on at Asgard and tries to tell Heimdall he is coming back home to stop Hela.
The next day, Hulk and Thor talk to Valkryie. Thor tries to convince her to help him escape and get back to Asgard. Valkryie doesn’t want to leave and Thor is able to distract her and get the device that controls the chip and is able to take the chip off. Thor escapes through the window and goes to the Quinjet. Before Thor can do anything, Hulk comes and smashes up the Quinjet before seeing the same message from Black Widow from Age of Ultron. This causes Hulk and Banner to fight over control and Banner is able to win the fight with Thor watching and helping Banner out by telling him what happened and where he is. This causes the Grandmaster to send out a message to the people asking them to look for Hulk. Then, Grandmaster tasks Loki and Valkryie with finding both Thor and Hulk. They both have one hour to do it and this causes them to fight with Loki learning Valkryie’s past and making her see visions of her past fight with Hela. We then cut to Thor and Banner talking to each other about what is happening and the fact that Banner was stuck as the Hulk for 2 years. While they are on the run, they stumble on a crowd of locals who are celebrating the Hulk. This causes Thor and Banner to get lost but, they soon find each other and Valkryie also finds them as well. She takes them to her place where she has Loki chained up to a chair. They interrogate Loki and they all devise a plan to go save Asgard. They need a ship strong enough to go through the Devil’s Anus and survive the gravity of the Wormhole so they can fly to Asgard.
The first part of their plan, break into Grandmasters Vault full of ships and take one. This plan causes the people of Sakaar to start a revolution. Loki tries to double cross Thor and he sets off the alarm but Thor put the Chip on Loki and leaves him on the ground to be Electrocuted for as long as the machine can. Once Thor gets the ship, words get’s to the Grandmaster who sends out a public alert. Grandmaster sends his right-hand Woman, Topaz (Rachel House) and a squad of ships to stop Thor. Valkyrie comes in with her ship and shoots down some of their ships before getting her’s destroyed. Valkryie survives and starts to hop from ship to ship destroying them by hand. Thor does the same thing and leaves Banner to drive their ship alone. Banner presses a button which causes fireworks to come out and that ends up killing Topaz. Korg and his revolution team find a ship in the vault and bring Loki along with them. Team Thor rejoins on the ship and escape Sakaar through the Wormhole and get to Asgard. On Asgard, Skurge has gathered up the citizens of Asgard hoping for someone to tell him where the Bi-Frost sword is but no one wants to tell so Skruge gets ready to execute a citizen when someone finally reveals the location, and Hela goes to the place where Heimdall is keeping the Refugees. Once Hela gets there, she finds no one and Heimdall is telling everyone to move to the Bi-Frost.
When Thor makes his return and gets Hela’s attention back at the palace. She rushes back to the palace where she and Thor fight each other while Valkyrie and Hulk fight off Hela’s army, and wolf that is going to kill the citizens at the Bi-Frost. During the fight with Thor, Hela manages to cut Thor’s eye, leaving him with only one eye, just like his father. Loki comes in with Korg and is able to get the citizens of Asgard on their ship while everyone fights. Everything seems to be looking good when Hela is able to come back from Thor using his lighting powers. However, Thor makes a plan to use the Eternal Flame to resurrect Surtur and cause Ragnarok while everyone gets on the spaceship. Hela’s arm manages to get on the ship and Skruge finally decides to stop hiding and help save the people while also dying in the process. Loki goes to the Vault and puts Surtur’s head on the flame and he is reborn and starts to destroy Asgard. Everyone manages to get on the ship and leave behind Hela and Surtur to fight it out. Once they are out in orbit. They make a plan of where to go next after Asgard’s destruction. Everyone agrees to go back to earth. Before they can, they are stopped by Thanos’s giant ship.
Alright with the story section out of the way, let’s break it down:
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The acting this movie is simply outstanding. Every single person brought their best to this movie and it really pays off because everyone does their part and no one feels wasted at all. That is one of the movies biggest strengths, no one in this movie feels out of place. Everyone is in this movie to serve their purpose and some will even leave you wanting more. Like, Korg, Grandmaster and Valkriye (Where are their solo movies, Marvel?). Besides, who doesn’t love Jeff Goldblum?
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The CGI is outstanding and very colourful (A Weird thing to say but I’m saying it anyway). Sakaar is beautiful, Hulk is awesome, Thor’s lighting powers are great and the huge arena fight with Hulk and Thor is absolutely stunning. This movie is just full of colourful visuals and great looking sets. Sakaar looks like a real planet and the people also look very alien and real. It almost feels like they are trying to top Guardians of the Galaxy and they succeed.
Everything about this movie just screams visually stunning and entertainingly fun. The story of this movie is simple and easy to follow which is also great. What makes this movie special though is all in the execution, this movie is filled with jokes and action and all of them hit and not a single one of them miss. This movie is able to strike a very amazing balance and it knows when to make you laugh or excite you with what is happening. This is a huge leap from the last Thor movie and it also changes Thor and his world in a huge way that makes him both a badass and a very relatable hero. Thor is still a god mind you but, he is the most human of his people and that is what makes him so likeable.
Thor has gone from a headstrong warrior to a king who is now looking for a new home for him and his people. Whether or not he finds it before Thanos get’s through with him is gonna have to wait till Avengers: Infinity War. Thor may have rejected the throne at first but, now he finally understands why he has it and it’s nice to see his journey come to a close in such a stylish and entertaining fashion.
This has to be one of the best Marvel movies ever made (Sorry Black Panther).
The Verdict:
Wow, Thor: Ragnarok is a triumph. Not since The Avengers have I felt that a movie transcends being a movie and turns into an event. Thor: Ragnarok is a movie that has non-stop laughs, action, drama, spectacle and heart. Everything in this movie is perfected and Thor: Ragnarok is easily the best Marvel/MCU movie to come out ever. This movie will be studied and people will try and replicate the formula for this movie. However, there can only be one true king, Hail the king of New Asgard and long live Thor.
Next up, the last movie we are going to look at in the RTIW. The most recent one to come out and it also has a king in it, The King of Wakanda that is! Of course, it’s Black Panther.