Legion is Coming Back This Spring with Season 2
After a critically acclaimed first season, FX has announced that the X-Men based show Legion will be returning on April 3.
Along with the announcement, FX also released a new photo for the series as well.

While there hasn’t been an official trailer released yet, FX has released a reel of their new and returning series with some footage of Season 2 of Legion in it. You can skip to 1:03 in the trailer down below for the new footage.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRVYdMDpz20[/embedyt]
Source: FX & YouTube
Jessica Jones Gets a New Trailer for Season 2
After seeing set photos and waiting for so long, we finally got our first trailer for Season 2 of Jessica Jones. You can watch the trailer down below.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSvnepZS26s[/embedyt]
Season 2 will be available to stream on March 8th.
Here is the synopsis for Season 2:
“Jessica Jones is back as New York City’s tough-as-nails private investigator. Although this time, the case is even more personal than ever before. Fueled by a myriad of questions and lies, she will do whatever it takes to uncover the truth”
Source: Netflix & Youtube
REVIEW: Batman: Gotham By Gaslight Animated Movie
Batman: Gotham By Gaslight is the latest DC Animated movie to hit Blu-Ray today. It’s based on the Graphic Novel of the same name but it’s not an adaptation.

If you want to watch the trailer before reading the review, here it is:
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJ6EX6zX4FU[/embedyt]
Now before anyone mentions anything, there will be spoilers for the movie down below.
The story takes place in in the 19th century Gotham City where Jack the Ripper is murdering women on the streets and Batman is on the prowl to stop The Ripper. However, after chasing him down and almost catching him, Batman is then arrested and put in jail. Batman later then escapes and tracks down the ripper for one last fight.
The story of the film kind of forgettable which is a shame because the original graphic novel was such a huge success. This feels like if they copied their homework but changed it enough that it looks different.
While this isn’t a straight adaptation of the original graphic novel, it does thrive on its own by not following the source material. However, this also hurts the movie as well because it tries to deviate so much that the eventual twist at the end of Jim Gordon being the Ripper comes as more of a head-scratcher and feels like a forced change that hurts the overall narrative of the film.

The animation style is great, it looks very different from the last few animated movies we have gotten from DC. It has a mix of both 2D and 3D animation and that looks fluent and eye-catching, it captures the atmosphere of a 19th-century
The voice acting is awesome, Bruce Greenwood does the voice of Batman and he does an amazing job. Bruce is no stranger to Batman, he has been in other Batman animated movies and cartoons such as Batman Under The Red Hood and Young Justice. The rest of the voice cast did a great job in the movie as well but most of them were forgettable.

Overall, if you are looking for something different when it comes to DC Animation, Gotham By Gaslight is visually impressive and action-packed. However, the story may be forgettable compared to the original graphic novel, it’s still a good time and shouldn’t be overlooked.
REVIEW: Altered Carbon, Episode 102
Altered Carbon continues as we head into episode 2 of the new Sci-Fi Netflix series.
Now before anyone mentions anything, there will be spoilers for the episode down below.
We start the episode by seeing Takeshi Kovacs (Joel Kinnaman) and Kristin Ortega (Martha Higareda) morning routines. Kovacs wakes up and scolds his AI companion for the hotel Poe (Chris Conner) for letting the attorney Oumou Prescott (Tamara Taylor) into his room while he has no clothes on, and Ortega reluctantly wakes up to go for Boxing training with her partner Abboud (Waleed Zuaiter). The scene with Kovacs is funny and awkward since he is talking to the attorney with no clothes and Poe keeps trying to cover him up. While the scene with Ortega and Abboud is fun and intense, we get to learn why Ortega keeps a tracker on Kovacs as Abboud tells her to stop following him like a stalker.
Next, we go to a Sleeving (Body Swapping) Faculty where Kovacs and Prescott go to get some answers, only to find Laurens Bancroft (James Purefoy) getting back into his current sleeve and talks to Kovacs. This scene plays out as a world-building moment because we get to learn more about how and what Sleeves (Empty Bodies) are and what purpose they serve in this future.
Then, we move to a poker game that Poe is playing with his AI friends and this scene doesn’t really serve much but it will get mentioned because it has some great effects and it also gives some backstory to the Poe and the AI he calls his friends.

Next, we see Kovacs watch a bunch of videos of death threats that Bancroft has received and stumbles on one that sees’s a masked man show his gun to the camera. Kovacs is able to get a Serial Number and track down the gunman to his home and tries to question him about the video. We later find out that the man’s name is Vernon Elliot (Ato Essandoh) and he is trying to save his daughter. This conflict as a whole takes up a huge chunk of the episode and is awesome from start to finish. From the continuous fighting and special effects that are presented when Kovacs uses a VR headset to look where Elliot’s daughter Lizzie.
After this, Kovacs Visits a futuristic strip joint to find talk to one of the girls to find out more information about Lizzie and where to find her when he is then ambushed afterwards by Vernon. This turns sour because then Kovacs and Vernon are attacked by some gangster with some using a power enhancer. This scene was filled with action and violence to make it entertaining and it looked visually pleasing as well.

Finally, we end the episode by Kovacs coming back to his hotel home when he is greeted by Bancroft’s Wife who wants to sleep with Kovacs. They then spend the last few minutes of the episode having sex.
This was another great episode of Altered Carbon, it had a nice balance of both world building and action that keeps the viewer entertained and interested in what this world has to offer. Let’s hope that this series can continue going up from here.
Westworld Season 2 Returns This April
During the Super Bowl, we got our first look at Season 2 of HBO’S Westworld.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUmfriZoMw0[/embedyt]
With Season 1 becoming a huge hit with fans and critics, the new season will premiere on April 22, 2018, at 9 pm on HBO.
Source: HBO
The Cloverfield Paradox is Now Available on Netflix
The long-awaited sequel to Cloverfield and 10 Cloverfield Lane has been revealed during the Super Bowl called, The Cloverfield Paradox.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKTneuI-36o[/embedyt]
While the ad aired during the Super Bowl, the movie was released on Netflix after the Super Bowl finished airing. The movie is now available to stream on Netflix.
Here is the official synopsis:
“Orbiting about a planet on the brink of war, scientists test a device to solve an energy crisis and end up face-to-face with a dark alternate reality.”
Source: Netflix & IGN
RECAP: Scandal‘s Final Season, Episode 1
Shonda Rhimes has done it again, airing out the seventh and final season of her hit TV show, Scandal.
On October 5, ABC launched the final season of Scandal, giving viewers a taste of what’s yet to come. The first episode is called ‘Watch Me’, and in case you missed it, I would stay clear of this recap.

With a little drama and excitement, the season started like no other. With Luna Vargas dead, Mellie Grant, Cyrus Beene, and everyone’s favourite, Olivia Pope, manage to make their way into the White House.
With Mellie as POTUS, Olivia Pope is her Chief of Staff, giving her all the power to work her way into DC. This episode didn’t disappoint as Olivia Pope is still her manipulative, power hungry self. She can be seen blackmailing a Senator into giving back a positive response on the free education bill, something Mellie had been cooking up in previous seasons.
OPA, or now QPA, which stands for Quinn Perkins and Associates, is seen scrounging for clients, slowly taking in that since Pope moved on to the white house, a lot of old clientele has vanished. Huck, Charlie, Abby, and Quinn, are given a case when Madeline Stewart needs help locating her father.
It had been a while since he contacted Madeline, leaving her confused and worried over his whereabouts. Jake Ballard, Director of the NSA and Oliva’s former flame, looks into her father only to find out that he’s a CIA agent who helps the Nation by working undercover. Ballard suggests that the only way to help out is to kill him, as theirs a possible risk of getting caught by a terrorist.
But just like clockwork, Olivia Pope cooked up another plan which saved Madeline’s father instead of ending his life, despite Jake’s protest.
Cyrus, Vice President of the United States, is still seen slithering around as he meets up with Senator Diane Greenwald to talk about the Vargas bill. Of course, she disagrees and tells Cyrus that he should start to figure out his future presidency, instead of always being under Olivia and Mellie.
The episode ended with Mellie and Ambassador Marachi, as they have a reunion to discuss the American assets being kept in Bashman.

It’s exciting to see where this season will take us. Until then, grab your favourite wine, a white hat, and tune in next time for another episode recap!
Disney’s Zootopia is an Instant Classic
[WPGP gif_id=”3765″ width=”600″]
Disney’s latest offerings— with the exception of lacklustre Pixar collaboration The Good Dinosaur. We’re pretty sure Finding Dory will pick up The Good Dinosaur’s slack— have all been amazing, a constant reminder to people everywhere that they still have a monopoly on making feel-good, so-relatable-it-burns movies that turn into cash-cows and classics alike. Its latest family flick, Zootopia, which has already made bank beyond even Frozen’s record-setting debut, continues the time-honoured Disney tradition.

Deadpool Review: The Best Part Of This Movie Was The Whole Thing

Holy sh*t! If you haven’t seen Deadpool, you really, really should. If you’re on the fence, wondering if it’s been overhyped and talked up to death: it hasn’t. The marketing campaign was aggressive— deservedly so— for this R-rated masterpiece, which has already broken box office records, pulling in over $140 million during its opening weekend.
The short of it is that Deadpool is a movie you need to make time to see— call in sick to work, duck out on a family dinner, do whatever you must to get your cute little butt into a movie theatre to witness this monumental film— it makes fun of Reynolds’ previous stint as a Green Lantern, gets frank about masturbation, and comes complete with a couple of sweet cameos.
The long of it is that Deadpool is everything it promised it would be and more. It’s wonderfully violent (including decapitation), fantastically foul-mouthed (lots of F-bombs), the nudity is delicious (particularly the shot of Ryan Reynolds’ finely-toned gluteus maximus), and the political incorrectness is so savage it gives us the warm and fuzzies. But this isn’t just a movie designed to your most crude, innate desires. It actually has a plot (you can check out the IMDB page for a summary).
The casting was spot-on for this movie. Ryan Reynolds was born to play Deadpool and Morena Baccarin as Vanessa is both the girl next door and the sensual sex bomb. She compliments Reynolds’ smart-mouthed, acerbic character perfectly; if there was ever a female lead worth a murdering spree, it’s Vanessa (given that the sequel has already been greenlit, hopefully, Baccarin will return).
Of course, no review of this movie would be complete without mentioning the performances that tied it together: sure, Wade and Vanessa made a perfectly screwed-up couple, but during their two-year-long separation, Leslie Uggams as sharp-tongued Blind Al and T.J. Miller as the painfully-honest Weasel kept Deadpool appropriately feisty. And let’s not forget Dopinder, the only man on the planet who takes Deadpool’s far-fetched romantic advice with more than a grain of salt (we hope he shows up in the sequel). Also, Colossus was amazing. And so was Negasonic Teenage Warhead, and… you know what? Everyone nailed it. The wild west has been won. Nobody felt miscast or awkward, and everyone who interacted with Deadpool only served to highlight the best and worst aspects of his character (sometimes simultaneously).
It’s an action movie, it’s an epic romance, it’s overtly sexy (spoiler ahoy, if you don’t want to know who makes an appearance where, skip to the end of the bracketed section: Stan Lee in a strip club gives me life), it’s a feel-good comedy fest, but most of all, it’s pure, unaltered, unhinged insanity.
There’s still plenty of debate over whether or not this is kiddo friendly, and after seeing the movie, we’re gonna go with a solid N-O. Not because kids are so impressionable, their heads will explode at the first hint of Wade and Vanessa having fun with a strap-on; the theatre will likely be packed with adults at the edge of their seats, waiting to lose themselves in a movie that has tipped the “superhero” genre on its self-righteous head. A crying baby or a kid running up and down the aisle or loudly talking completely breaks the movie’s immersion. As a sign of respect for everyone else, please either leave your child at home or, if Family Fun Night at the movies is a must-have, go see Kung-Fu Panda 3.
Deadpool has earned every bit of praise heaped upon it before, during and after its release, and it was worth the wait. We cannot recommend this highly enough, everything was driven by the details and by an honest love for the character and his source material. If you’re looking to be awed by something close to perfection (or if you want to see Ryan Reynolds’ butt) go see this movie. Seriously. Drop what you’re doing and go, you’ll be glad you did.
Rating: 5/5 stars.
Five Most Dateable (and Doable) Fictional Men

Have you ever snuggled up to watch a show, thinking you’re going to have a good time, and emerged from your bed an emotional wreck because of that one fictional guy on your screen? Falling for a fictitious dude is pretty much inevitable with the rise and staying power of the almighty fandom culture— especially with adorable things like endless types of fanfic— amounts of soul-crushing despair, puke-worthy fluff, or even shameless smut may vary— fanart, and even painstakingly-made gifsets to stoke the roaring fires of your one-sided love. Hey, there’s no shame in preferring fantasy over reality— and with that in mind, we’ve put together a list of five of the most scrumptiously dateable fictional men.
1) Peeta Mellark (The Hunger Games)
[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aU0OjgPRVc[/embedyt]
The baker boy from Suzanne Collins’ award-winning young adult dystopian trilogy is perfect on paper. At once articulately charming enough to win the favour of the audience rooting for his imminent death in a twisted version of reality TV (The Hunger Games makes Keeping Up With the Kardashians seem tasteful), and vulnerable enough to capture the hearts of readers everywhere, it’s hard to imagine anyone turning their nose up at Peeta (or his fresh buns). It doesn’t hurt that he is completely and unashamedly in love with series protagonist, Katniss Everdeen, more than willing to die so that she can go home to her sister, the only person she truly loves. When the books were turned into films, actor Josh Hutcherson had his work cut out for him— and even though he had to dye his hair blonde, we think he did a pretty spiffy job encapsulating and personifying the reliably lovestruck Peeta alongside Jennifer Lawrence’s world-weary Katniss. Even when he’s captured by the Capitol and tortured, irrevocably damaged, and turned into a Katniss-hating machine with the single directive to search for and destroy her… he’s still pretty hot. And aside from the obvious bonus that Hutcherson looks like a miniature version of Gabriel Macht (you marinate with that), who doesn’t want their very own Peeta Mellark to love them unconditionally? You’ll never yearn for bakery-fresh cupcakes again, and hey, he’s a good cuddler! The final film in The Hunger Games franchise, Mockingjay, Part 2 hit theatres on November 5th, 2015, giving Peeta fans everywhere a bittersweet farewell. We ask you: is your love for the strong-jawed, big-hearted Peeta Mellark real or not real?