Five Reasons We Need Season 2 of Supergirl

Freshman CBS drama Supergirl ended its first glorious season on a high note of hopefulness, with a brain-teasing cliffhanger to boot. While there’s no word yet about the show’s renewal (we have confetti and champagne on hand, patiently waiting for the official announcement) much like Supergirl‘s titular character, we have an endless supply of hope. Hope that the show will be renewed; hope that its audience won’t be left hanging; hope that Papi Chulo’s dedicated National City Tribune co-hosts will get to keep prattling on about our favourite show. What started out as a mediocre, ham-fisted ad for feminism in a cape exploded into one of the best superhero offerings on television, as actress Melissa Benoist suited up each week to deliver both the adventures of Supergirl and Kara Danvers— so far, she’s rocked it. We’re pretty sure she’ll don the big red “S” again in the fall, and here’s why we need it to be true:
1. We Need to Know What (Or Who) Was in That Pod
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Spoilers if you haven’t seen the season finale (seriously, stop reading and go watch it. You need to): just when it seems like Kara and co. can enjoy a nice night at home with cool champagne tricks and happy-go-lucky toasts and a fitting Charlie Puth song crooning in the background, another Kryptonian pod crash-lands on Earth. What (or who) is in it? Kara was obviously pretty shocked. Should we be shocked? Should we panic? Is the precarious balance of National City about to tip with the arrival of its newest visitor? WHO’S IN IT?! WE NEED TO KNOW. THIS IS A MATTER OF NATIONAL (City’s) SECURITY.
2. We Need to Know What’s Going On With Jeremiah— And Cadmus
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Cadmus Labs, a scientific research facility owned by LuthorCorp (dun, dun, dun!) has cropped up over the years in many different DC properties. (In Smallville, it was ultimately Lex Luthor’s cloning factory: he cloned himself in the event of serious injury, so he could replace his body parts with new ones. However, not all of his doubles popped out as perfect copies. In Young Justice, Cadmus Labs held Superboy/Connor Kent, the genetically-engineered son of Superman). But the only thing we know about it in the context of Supergirl is that it’s where her adoptive father, Jeremiah Danvers (previously presumed dead) is being held. Is he there as a captive? A scientist? A mind-controlled lackey? How is Supergirl going to put a new spin on Cadmus Labs, and does this mean Lex Luthor has a place in National City?
3. What Will Kara’s New Job Be?
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Supergirl saved the planet and humanity itself, but the good just kept getting better when Kara was given a promotion at Catco, and a heartfelt speech by her mentor, Cat Grant. However, the details of her upgraded professional life were kept intentionally vague: Cat told her to take a few days, think about what she wanted. We all know Kara has poured her heart into making National City safe, but her soul, the part that keeps her human, is only enhanced by working a thankless job for a ferociously fierce boss. What’s next for Kara, professionally? Who will take her spot as assistant? What jokes will Cat make at her expense next season?
4. Will We Ever See Clark And Kara In The Same Room?
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So far, the extent of Kara’s communication with the Man of Steel (AKA, her cousin. Don’t people hang out with their cousins anymore?) has all been behind a screen, and while those heart-warming IM chats sure know how to pluck at the heartstrings, they would be yanked on if we finally witnessed Supergirl and Superman (or Clark and Kara) in the same room. It doesn’t matter if they’re fighting intergalactic evil or bonding over coffee, we just need to see these two hang out. Yes, Supergirl is about Kara, but having Superman show up wouldn’t automatically spell cancellation or make her irrelevant. It would only add to the narrative.
5. Will Kara and Barry Ever Be BFBs?
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Yeah, okay, whatever, fine. Kara is with James and Barry is going to end up with Iris. But they were so cute together in the crossover episode; Barry was able to help Kara through a rough patch, and Kara brought out a side of Barry viewers haven’t seen since his own debut on Arrow. These two nerds need to couple up, or at least sleep together. You know, for science.
Okay, let’s be real here: there’s no way Supergirl is going to get cancelled. They’re probably just keeping us waiting for the fun of it. But even if season one is its only season (impossible! Blasphemous! An outrage!) Supergirl has changed the TV landscape and inspired a metric crapton of viewers (women and men alike) to have hope. What more could you ask from a superhero show? A second season, that’s what.
5 Signs You’re Going Through Supergirl Withdrawal
Captain’s Log 001: There was no Supergirl this week. That’s not news, anyone with a TV and/or internet access figured that one out. But as I sit here with my eyes glazed over, flipping through Netflix Canada’s selection, I fear it has begun. I’m showing signs of Supergirl withdrawal, a condition I thought I was immune to after putting up with Afterlife With Archie‘s irregular releases and the weird scheduling pattern of Dick Wolf’s Chicago shows. I now see that this was a silly and naive hope: not only have I come down with classic signs and symptoms of Supergirl withdrawal, I fear this contagious affliction will spread to my co-hosts and friends on The National City Tribune. But for real, though, if your life feels a little emptier without your weekly visit to National City, here are the top 5 signs that you’re probably going through Supergirl withdrawals and need a fix (or a time machine so you can teleport yourself to the exact date and time of the next episode) stat:
Stage 1: Denial
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You’re pretty sure you won’t miss it that much. After all, it’s not like it’s one of your favourite shows or anything. It’s fine. You’re fine. Everything is fine.
Stage 2: Pondering
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You could be eating breakfast or brushing your teeth and jamming out to “Everybody (Backstreet’s Back)” and all of a sudden, your mind starts… wondering. About that adorable closing scene from The Girl Who Has Everything— that closing scene was just too perfect, and totally emphasised the friendship between the core four characters. James has great chemistry with Kara when he’s being there for her as a rock-solid friend, and not a dude who’s caught between her and his girlfriend— speaking of, how did Bizzaro Supergirl know that Kara was in love with James? It was pretty cool of him, talking her down like that. Has he considered a career as a life-coach? When he breaks up with Lucy for Kara, is it going to be amicable, or is she going to throw his weird obsession with Kryptonians in his face? Lucy did point out that she feels threatened by Supergirl. Will Kara develop a crush on Barry? Can they please have at least a flirtationship? Is Adam coming back?! Next thing you know, you’ve dropped your overpriced iPhone in the sink and the screen has what looks to be irresistable water damage (R.I.P iPhone). But seriously, is Adam coming back?
Stage 3: Desperate Measures
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So maybe… maybe someone leaked the next episode. A week is too long to wait! Maybe someone on the deep web can hand it over!
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Stage 4: Binge Re-watching
So what if you’ve seen these episodes before? So what if you’ve cancelled all your plans and slipped on your comfiest sweat pants to spend 13 hours— give or take— reliving Kara’s journey from the very beginning? Supergirl is too good to be ignored!
Stage 5: Admitting You Have a Problem
So you might be a teensy-weensie too invested in Supergirl. Hey, everyone’s obsessed with something: once you’ve reached this stage, it’s okay to admit to yourself that maybe, just maybe, Supergirl is one of your favourite TV shows after all.
If you too, find yourself in this awful predicament, you should probably consult a medical professional (disclaimer: no you should not), but the saner and more super option is to tune in to The National City Tribune on Thursdays at 9:00 PM eastern.
Make sure you watch the next Supergirl episode Truth, Justice, And The American Way on CBS on Monday at 8/7 central.