Review: Avengers: Infinity War (SPOILERS)
“There was an idea, to bring together, a group of remarkable people, to see if we could become something more, so that when they needed us, we could fight the battles, that they never could.”
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trcditUaQJg[/embedyt]
The movie to end 10 years of the MCU has finally come, and it is one that really doesn’t hold back at all. When Thanos comes to get the Infinity Stones, he lets nothing stand in his way. Avengers: Infinity War is a movie that is everything you wanted to see and also doesn’t hold back on showing how much of a threat Thanos really is the MCU.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwievZ1Tx-8[/embedyt]
This movie is an Avengers movie but, its a movie about Thanos, his origin and why he wants the Infinity Stones. We see that Thanos has lost everything and wants to use the stones to recreate his homeworld of Titan. However, this comes at a cost, killing half of the universe. With a heavy price to pay, Thanos shows that he is willing to do anything to get it, and I mean anything. Thanos kills Gamora in order to get the Soul Stone, even when Thanos confesses that she was the only thing he ever loved, that shows that Thanos really is a monster and earns the name Mad Titan.
Now before I talk more about Thanos, I also want to talk about the Black Order or Thanos’s other children. They are cool but they also are really there to act as Mini-Bosses for the Avengers to fight while Thanos is still in space. Although, they are the ones that come to earth to retrieve the other stones for Thanos and we do get to see them in action. The Black Order also looks very cool and they all have different personalities so they can stand out. I personally like Ebony Maw the most because he was the one that actually got stuff done and retrieved some stones for Thanos.

Now the Black Order out of the way, let’s talk about the rest of the movie. The story itself is all about Thanos getting the Infinity Stones to put in his Infinity Gauntlet so he can destroy half of the universe. How does he destroy half the universe? With the snap of his fingers! The Avengers try their best to stop Thanos but in the end, Thanos wins and kills half of the universe.
The Avengers are split in half, with some defending Wakanda from the Black Order and the other half fighting Thanos on his homeworld of Titan. Both of these battles are epic and amazing to watch on the big screen. It’s like playing with all of your action figures together and it is just a childhood dream come to life on the big screen, even more so than Justice League (Sorry DC).
All of the heroes in the MCU are in this movie, except for Hawkeye, Ant-Man and the Wasp. Also, with Thanos killing half the universe, we don’t even know if they are still alive or not. We won’t know until the next MCU movie coming out, Ant-Man and the Wasp.
Speaking of heroes dying, a bunch of the core heroes of the MCU fade away into dust:
Bucky, Black Panther, Groot, Scarlet Witch, Falcon, Star-Lord, Mantis, Drax, Doctor Strange, and Spider-Man all disappear. Also, Nick Fury and Maria Hill fade away in Infinity War‘s end-credits scene. Don’t forget that Thanos already killed Loki and Heimdal at the beginning of the film.
This leaves a very small Avengers team behind:
Captain America, Black Widow, Thor, Bruce Banner, War Machine, Okoye and M’Baku are the only survivors confirmed on Wakanda, with only Tony Stark and Nebula on Titan.
This leaves a very small team for Avengers left in order to try and reverse what Thanos has done. Thanos by the end of the movie has killed half of the heroes, restored Titan and just comes back to his homeworld to sit down and look at the sun.
Avengers: Infinity War is a movie that feels like an event. With all the heroes coming together to stop Thanos is a sight to behold and it really does feel like this is what the MCU building to for the past 10 years. It’s a love letter to the MCU and its heroes that we have come to love over the years.
The acting in this movie is top-notch and everyone in the movie get’s their time to shine. Josh Brolin also does a fantastic job as Thanos and really does a great job of making Thanos stand out from all the other villains in the MCU.
With so many heroes in this movie, it’s hard to mention them all but they all did an awesome job in their roles and it makes it really sad to see some of them die in the end. However, with sequels in the works for some of the heroes, you have a feeling that the ending isn’t permanent and we will have to wait until Avengers 4 to see how the heroes can stop Thanos and reverse what he did.
The Verdict:
Avengers: Infinity War is an exciting, intense, funny and emotional thrill ride that has an ending that will leave you shocked. After being able to think on the ending, I can still say that the movie is an amazing and perfect movie to cap-off 10 years of the MCU. It is just a perfect movie and one that is worth watching again and again, once you can get past the ending that is.
Now if you will excuse me, I’m going to see Infinity War again so I can enjoy/torture myself with it again.