REVIEW: Jessica Jones Season 2 Episode 13
Alright, time for the Season Finale. Will this episode continue to maintain the momentum or will this episode crash and burn the Season?
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSvnepZS26s[/embedyt]
Warning: Spoilers Ahead! Turn back now if you haven’t seen the episode!
We start the episode with Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter), waking up on the couch from her knockout in the RV. Alisa Jones (Janet McTeer), is nearby when Jessica freaks out and runs out of the camper. Jessica asks where they are and Alisa says that she is driving wherever Jessica wants to go. Jessica tells her to go to the Raft but Alisa refuses saying she won’t spend any more time in prison. The two are interrupted by a driver passing by asking if they need help and they get back into the RV and drive off into the night. Meanwhile, Trish Walker (Rachel Taylor), is awoken by her mother Dorothy (Rebecca De Mornay), screaming “Patsy”, and she is with the nurse who asks for a urine sample. Mother and Daughter talk about what has happened and how Trish is way over her head and should not worry about Jessica. Meanwhile, Jessica and Alisa are talking about how Jessica is trying to escape and call the national guard on her mother but won’t. Jessica tells her that she has tried everything with her mother and Alisa says that she hasn’t tried joining her. The two talk about how they are the most powerful women in the world and that no matter what, people will always resent them because they will feel less than them. Meanwhile, Malcolm (Eka Darville), is finishing cleaning up Jessica’s apartment and drops his key on her desk. He calls confirming an interview with Linda Chow for a case. He takes a shower, shaves his hair and puts on a suit and also remembers to bring a case along with him. Meanwhile, Jessica and Alisa are still driving and come across a crash site with a family and a truck carrying propane. The tanks are going off and launching all around but Jessica and Alisa stop to help the save the family and the driver of the truck. Meanwhile, Jeri Hogarth (Carrie-Anne Moss), is doing Yoga with her instructor (Also checking her out at the same time), when she gets a knock on the door. It’s Malcolm, who tells Jeri that he is working solo now and taking her case from Jessica. Malcolm also reveals that he put a mini camera into his bag so he could record his interview with Chow so that Jeri can get some info. Meanwhile, Jessica and Alisa are now going to head to the border because the family and cops can try to ID them because they helped at the crash site. Before they can get there, Jessica has to meet up with someone at a Diner, Oscar (J.R. Ramirez), of course.
Oscar meets with Jessica before she wants to leave and Oscar tries to talk her out of it. Oscar tells Jessica that the cops searched both of their places and Jessica then realizes that Oscar was followed by the cops to the Diner. Jessica creates a distraction for herself, sneaks out the back of the diner and jumps into a truck bed in order to escape the cops. The track drives to a gravel field where Jessica has stashed the RV and Alisa, Jessica stops and says that they must drive north. Meanwhile, Jeri goes back to her firm to confront her shareholders with the video and she wants them to double her severance and take half of their clients with her (Including a certain Danny Rand). Jeri leaves and meets with Malcolm in her office to thank him for his work. Malcolm wants to try and get a job with Jeri but she doesn’t hire him because he isn’t certified. However, she does give Malcolm a nice paycheque for his work (You can tell because of the look on his face). Meanwhile, Jessica and Alisa are still driving when they talk about where they should go since they can’t go to the border now. Alisa suggests that they go around and help people in villages and deliver supplies to those in need. They come across a roadblock and have to take another route to avoid it. The kid from the family earlier left his phone behind and Jessica gets a call from Detective Costa (John Ventimiglia), on that phone. Costa talks to Jessica about how she is one of the good ones and her mother is done for and he wants them to turn themselves in. Jessica breaks the phone but Costa is able to get their location and sends out a squad to get them. Jessica and Alisa have to come up with a new plan now, they have to find a parking lot to ditch the RV so they can find another vehicle. Meanwhile, Trish is in the hospital with Dorothy trying to access their situation and find a solution to help Trish out. Costa knocks on the door and wants to speak with Trish alone. Costa asks her if Jessica knows anyone around West Chester that would hide Jessica, Trish says no and Costa tells her what is going on. Costa gives Trish his card and tells her to call him if she has any trouble and tells Trish that he will try to bring Jessica in alive. Trish takes that as a sigh to get out of bed and help Jessica.
We then cut to nighttime where Alisa is sitting outside looking at where they stopped, a place called Playland. Jessica runs up and tells Alisa she found a boat down by the pier that they can use to escape. Alisa breaks the chains on the gate and goes into Playland, turning on the powers to the Ferris Wheel and other attractions in the process. Alisa tries to tell Jessica to run and that she doesn’t want to run and cause Jessica’s death. Alisa gets on the Ferris Wheel with Jessica following her and the two of them ride the Ferris Wheel. Alisa talks to Jessica and how she isn’t like Jessica and that she has done some bad things in her life. Before she can finish, Alisa is shot in the head and killed. It turns out that Trish is the one that killed Alisa. Jessica is furious and goes to confront Trish, and take her gun away. Trish tells her that the cops would have killed them both if she hadn’t killed Alisa. Jessica is filled with rage but lets Trish go when she hears the cops in the distance. Jessica stops the Ferris Wheel and goes to sit with her mother’s dead body and cry. Detective Costa shows up with the cops and finds Jessica in the seat and takes the gun away from her. Costa tries to calm Jessica down and tells her that she did the right thing, thinking she killed Alisa herself.
We then cut to sometime later when Jessica goes back to working her PI job and spying on a man while taking pictures. Later on in the evening, she walks into a liquor store and someone tries to rob it. Jessica stops the robber, has the owner call the cops and still manages to pick up some booze in the end. Jessica goes back home to find Trish outside her door, Trish tries to explain why she had to be the one to kill Alisa but Jessica doesn’t want to hear it. Trish tries to say that she is still her sister but Jessica can now only see the one who killed her mother and Trish took away the only family she had. Trish leaves and goes to the elevator when she is bumped by a cleaning lady coming out and she almost drops her phone. Trish is able to save the phone with some fast reflexes, causing her to smile and think she may be developing powers. Meanwhile, Jeri is on the phone and picking out a logo for her new firm when she is told her six 0’clock is here. It’s Pryce Cheng (Terry Chen), along with his new employee, Malcolm. They talk about a job that even Jessica wouldn’t take and Jeri agrees to hire both of them for a case. Meanwhile, Jessica is in her office uploading the photos to her computer, he decides to take a walk down the hall and runs into Malcolm. They don’t say anything but exchange looks as Jessica walks down the stairs instead of using the elevator. Jessica walks down the Oscars place and joins them for dinner. Oscar tells Jessica that he finally got an Art Gallery show in a small venue coming up and they are celebrating that. Oscar and Veto ask about Jessica’s day at work and she tells them about what happened at the liquor store earlier.
WOW….. there’s a lot to unpack with this episode
I will start with the fact that I thought Alisa was going to live and leave Jessica behind so Jessica can go back to her life but nope, of course, Trish had to be the one who killed Alisa. I was hoping they kept her alive so she can come back later but now that’s not an option.
I have been saying it for the last half of the season now but I really do hate Trish now. Trying to give herself superpowers and now killing Jessica’s mother, that’s low and now it’s going to take a lot to redeem her now. She didn’t have the right to pass judgement on Alisa and for that, she is paying the ultimate price.
Maybe Jessica’s head was clouded by the fact that Alisa is her real mom but towards the end, Alisa was finally accepting the fact that she won’t survive the chase and be locked up in prison again.
I’m glad that Oscar wasn’t left out of this episode either. I really do like Jessica and Oscar together and I’m glad that even after all the crap they went through, they were still able to work things out in the end.
Malcolm finally moving on from Jessica is a little bittersweet for me because I really did like him working with Jessica. However, if you work in a toxic environment, you are gonna want to escape at some point and work for someone else (I have experienced this in real life as well so I can feel him). Malcolm going to work for Cheng is a bit of a crappy move since Cheng was such an asshole to Jessica but I can let this slide, after all:

I also like how this episode wrapped up a lot of the loose ends for this season and it really does feel like it’s complete. Jessica is alive and with Oscar, Malcolm is working for Cheng who is working with Jeri and Trish is still alive and maybe developing her powers.
I really wonder what will happen next season. Maybe we will see Jessica and Jeri get into a competition as they become rival PIs. Maybe Trish will discover more of her powers and become Hellcat. Maybe we will get more cameos from other Netflix MCU show characters, I hope maybe Luke Cage or Danny Rand will come and see Jessica in the future.
The Verdict:
AKA Playland was everything I expected to see in the Season Finale. Although, I have some issues with Trish in general and about her killing Alisa. Other than that, we finally got to see how everything went down and all the set up for the next season. Malcolm working for Cheng was unexpected but I will remain open to the idea. Overall, this was a great episode with some problems but I enjoyed it and I really liked Season 2 as a whole.