REVIEW: Jessica Jones Season 2 Episode 12
Alright, time for Episode 12. After the last episode with Vision Kilgrave, will this episode continue to maintain the momentum or will this crash and burn?
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSvnepZS26s[/embedyt]
Warning: Spoilers Ahead! Turn back now if you haven’t seen the episode!
We start the episode with Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter), and Dorothy Walker (Rebecca De Mornay), watching over Trish (Rachel Taylor), as a nurse checks up on her. The nurse says that Trish is stable right now and leaves the room. Jessica and Dorothy have a heartwarming conversation about how Jessica isn’t the reason Trish wanted powers so badly and Dorothy doesn’t blame her at all. If Trish doesn’t make it Jessica is all the family that Dorothy has left. Jessica then gets a call from Detective Costa saying that he has some bad news. Meanwhile, Alisa Jones is in a charity truck when it pulls up to a donation centre. A man is about to open the truck when Alisa breaks the doors open. Alisa walks into the centre and steals some clothes before she leaves. Alisa walks around New York and take in some of the sights and sounds the city has to offer. Meanwhile, Jessica is talking with Detective Costa and his partner about Alisa and where she might go. Jessica tells them that Alisa will go after Trish because she ruined everything for Alisa and got Karl killed in the end. Meanwhile, Dorothy is walking up to the hospital when a TV anchor with her cameraman come to her and start questioning her about Trish. Dorothy tries to slide past the questions but the anchor is able to convince her to tell her story. Meanwhile, Alisa is at Karl’s hotel room grieving over him and sees that Dorothy is on the news talking about Trish. Alisa walks out of the room and steals an RV while the owners are gone. Meanwhile, Jessica is with the cops driving when they get a report on how Alisa was at the station Trish used to work at and hurt the manager there. The cops decide to bring in the SWAT and back up against Alisa, they get stuck in traffic when Jessica kicks out one of the car doors and runs to the hospital. Meanwhile, Jeri Hogarth (Carrie-Anne Moss), is on the phone calling pawn shop owners to find if any of her stuff was brought into them. She get’s nowhere until one calls her back on one of her items and gives her an address. Meanwhile, Alisa reaches the hospital and interrogates a doctor for info. The doctor tells her off camera and she jumps into Trish’s room through the window with Jessica getting there at the same time. Alisa starts to approach Trish when Jessica tries to stop her, the two of them get into a fight and Jessica is able to calm Alisa down. The Detectives bust in and shot Alisa, Alisa grabs Detective Sunday and falls out the window with her and kills her while Jessica and Costa watch. Meanwhile, Jeri goes to the pawn shop and talks to the owner. The owner tells Jeri that Shane was there yesterday but it comes at a cost.
We then cut to Jessica and Dorothy at the Mourge. Dorothy spins a new story about how what happened to Trish is her fault and backstabs her. Costa comes in and takes Jessica to see Sunday’s body. Costa then asks if Jessica can step aside and let the cops handle Alisa because now it has become personal. Jessica will now have officers around her at all times and Costa tries to convince Jessica to make a statement so she can leave it the cops and she refuses. Jessica then goes to see Trish in the morgue alone so she can check on her. Trish finally wakes up and is mad at Jessica for stopping the operation and letting Karl die. Trish also tells Jessica that she wants her powers because she wants to help the world and not be an alcoholic piece of s**t like Jessica (Trish’s words, not mine). Jessica get’s a call from Alisa in the middle of their fight and Alisa wants Jessica to meet her somewhere, just her and no one else. They decide to meet at Trish’s apartment and Trish tells Jessica that she has Simpson’s gear in her closet so she can use it. Meanwhile, Jeri meets with Turk (Rob Morgan), under a bridge and he brings some stuff that Jeri asked for. Turk does this so he can get a favour from Jeri that he will collect at a later date. We see that in the bag Turk gave Jeri is a Magnum. Meanwhile, Jessica leaves the room to go to the bathroom and sneak away from her officers. She sneaks out of the bathroom window and sneaks onto a van carrying some of the bodies from the Mourge. Jessica hides in one of the body bags and hijacks the vehicle and the convinces the driver to go to Trish’s apartment. Meanwhile, Jeri is able to track down Shane and Inez and Jeri talks to Inez. Jeri tells her that Shane is a con-artist and is using Inez just like he has used other women in the past. Jeri tells Inez that Shane has thousands of dollars stashed away and he doesn’t really care about her. Before Inez leaves, Jeri gives her the gun she got from Turk so she can use it as protection. Meanwhile, Jessica gets to Trish’s apartment and finds the bag of weapons in the closet. Meanwhile, Jeri watches from the window as Inez and Shane argue and fight with Inez using the gun to kill Shane. Jeri then calls 911 to tell them about a shooting. Meanwhile, Dorothy tries to call other hospitals to get a different room when Trish wakes up and hears her mother. Trish tells her mother that she thinks she is dying and she get’s a fit that needs nurses. Meanwhile, Alisa makes it to Trish’s apartment and finds the place dark and empty.
That is until Jessica pulls out a gun on her and wants her to surrender or else she will kill her. Jessica doesn’t have the strength to pull the trigger and Alisa knocks her out. Later on, Alisa is driving down a road with Jessica in the RV, we don’t know where they are going but I know one thing is for sure.

After the last episode gave us Vision Kilgrave and the death of Karl, this was the perfect follow up episode. As the penultimate episode of the season, it felt like it and really did set everything into motion for the Season Finale. I’m expecting huge things to happen in the next episode and I hope I’m not disappointed.
Alisa really did go full She-Hulk this episode. Breaking down doors, leaping tall buildings and killing people of course. She is a scary opponent and I can’t wait to see what she will do in the next episode.
Although Dorothy and Trish weren’t in the episode for long, Dorothy really did show her true self. At first, she was trying to side with Jessica but then turned on her when she found out about Alisa. Dorothy is a wolf in sheep’s clothing and only really cares about Trish.
Speaking of Trish, I almost thought she was gonna die this episode near the end but she instead goes into a seizure I think and maybe this will be how she develops her powers and maybe she will break out of the Mourge to Save Jessica and finally become Hellcat! However, I will have to wait until the Season Finale.
The Verdict:
AKA Pray for my Patsy feels like a penultimate episode and serves its purpose of setting everything in place for the Season Finale. Alisa raged out and her relationship with Jessica was truly tested this episode and Trish may become a superhero in the next episode. Overall, I can’t wait to watch the Season Finale.
Next up, the Season Finale of Jessica Jones Season 2.