REVIEW: Jessica Jones Season 2 Episode 11
Alright, time for Episode 11. After the last episode ended with someone clubbed to death, will this episode continue to maintain the momentum or will this crash and burn?
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSvnepZS26s[/embedyt]
Warning: Spoilers Ahead! Turn back now if you haven’t seen the episode!
We start the episode with Jessica (Krysten Ritter), freaking out about what she has done. With the guard named Dale dead at her feet, she was to think of something fast. She cleans up the body and all the blood while wiping her fingerprints from everything. She decides to make it look like Dale had committed suicide by jumping from the roof. Meanwhile, Alisa Jones (Janet McTeer), wakes up to find a new guard assigned to her and she gives Alisa her breakfast. Before Alisa eats, she asks to make a phone call to Jessica. Alisa calls Jessica when she gets back to Alias and the two of them talk about what happened. Alisa tells Jessica that she is proud of her and that she needs to watch out. Jessica is now being tormented by Kilgrave (David Tennant) for her actions and what she did. Jessica decides to take a shower and once she is finished, she finds an envelope under her door. It’s from Oscar (J.R. Ramirez), which contains all the papers and the passport that Dr. Karl (Callum Keith Rennie), needs to escape. She takes the envelope to the hotel and finds that Karl is missing. Vision Kilgrave (That’s what I’m going to call him), starts to talk to her and bug her. Jessica looks around to room for clues with Vision Kilgrave talking and trying to manipulate Jessica. She finds that Karl’s stuff is still there, including his room key and thinks that Karl was kidnapped. Meanwhile, Jessica goes to the prison to visit her mother and hears the other guards talk about what happened to Dale. Alisa is able to get the visitation room to herself and Jessica so they can talk about Dale. Jessica tells Alisa that Karl is missing and Alisa thinks that Trish (Rachel Taylor), took him (She isn’t wrong about that). Jessica tells her it wasn’t Trish and that she will find Karl. Jessica leaves the prison and Vision Kilgrave starts to sing “I Want Your Cray Cray”, while Jessica is trying to call Trish and find her. Trish doesn’t answer and Jessica yells at Vision Kilgrave to get out of her head. Meanwhile, Jessica makes it back to her apartment with Vision Kilgrave sitting in Jessica’s chair and talking to her about how she has killed three people now and she should own the fact that Dale is dead. Jessica finds that someone used her computer (Trish and Malcolm), she walks down the hall and kicks down Malcolm’s (Eka Darville), door. She doesn’t find anyone home but she finds Malcolm’s laptop and does some snooping of her own. She finds the dating website that Malcolm has been using for his hookups and tries to use the distance of some women to try and get a location on him.
We then cut to Trish with Karl at a storage facility where Karl grabs a box with his research in it. Trish has Karl at gunpoint and she starts to insult him when he asks her about the gun. They get in the car after a lady comes across them and wants a photo of Trish, Trish refuses and drives off. Meanwhile, Jessica is going through Malcolm’s Teaser account and calling all the ladies that Malcolm has messaged and is able to get a location on him. Meanwhile, Malcolm finally frees himself from the trunk and finds himself in a parking garage with Trish and Karl coming back from a store. Malcolm starts to yell at Trish with Trish pointing her gun at Malcolm and firing a warning shot. Jessica finds everyone in the parking garage with Trish driving off with Karl. Meanwhile, Alisa is pacing around her cell when she sees her guard watching a documentary on the Marinas Trench (Not the band). This causes her to relive a memory with her and Karl on a beach talking to each other about Karl wanting to close down the clinic and get a place by the ocean, just the two of them. Meanwhile, Jessica and Malcolm are walking down the street with Jessica yelling at Malcolm about how he was blinded and used by Trish. Malcolm wants to help Jessica but she doesn’t want his help and Malcolm tries to find out what store Trish went too. Jessica is being tormented by Vision Kilgrave with dual thoughts about Malcolm and Trish. Before she can snap, Malcolm finds the place that Trish went too, a Veterinary. They go inside and interrogate the employee working there about what Trish bought. The employee tells them some ingredients that Trish bought and Jessica is able to figure out that Trish doesn’t want to recreate the Inhaler, she wants something more powerful. Meanwhile, Trish and Karl are back at IGH with Karl setting up the same equipment he used on Jessica and Alisa to give Trish the same or different powers as them. Trish wants to be like Jessica and doesn’t want to feel powerless anymore. Meanwhile, Jessica and Malcolm and walking down the street and Vision Kilgrave is finally able to really get inside Jessica’s head and starts to manipulate her into choking someone who looks like him but is a random guy on the street. Malcolm is able to snap Jessica out of it and stays behind to talk with the guy so she can go to IGH. Meanwhile, Karl is operating on Trish and letting the machine does it’s work when it starts to backfire and looks to be killing Trish. Jessica makes it in time to stop the machine and Karl and almost kills Karl with Vision Kilgrave telling her too and she doesn’t. Karl finally accepts his fate and tells Jessica to grab Trish and run while he grabs her gun and destroys IGH. Meanwhile, Jessica is able to get Trish to a hospital and Malcolm meets Jessica there. The two of them get into an argument about Trish and what Malcolm did with Jessica firing Malcolm.
Later on, Jessica is sitting in the hospital waiting room late at night when Vision Kilgrave comes back to talk to her. Vision Kilgrave talks to her about Trish and what she did to Malcolm with Jessica finally accepting that she isn’t a killer like Kilgrave. Meanwhile, Alisa is watching the news from her cell when she sees that Karl has been found dead at IGH and she loses control, throws her guard at the wall and escapes her cell.
Wow, I think I may have to call this the Vision Kilgrave episode. I knew that Kilgrave would be back during Season 2 but it was so good to have him back. David Tennant steals the show whenever he is on screen and it makes me miss him all the more. I really hope that in a future season, Kilgrave will come back again and not just as a vision this time.
We finally got to learn what Trish really wanted out of the whole IGH event and kidnapping Dr. Karl. She wanted to get her own superpowers like Jessica! Well, clearly Trish did get her powers right away and she almost dies in the process. Let’s hope that if she does it powers, Jessica is able to give her the greatest piece of advice for a superhero to know.

With Karl being dead, it throws a wrench into everything now and Alisa is now going to be out for blood. I can’t wait to see what Alisa will do in these last 2 episodes of the season. This episode was a damn good time and it was the episode this season needed to really kick things into overdrive and now we will get to see the carnage unfold.
I feel really bad for Malcolm, all he wanted to do was help out his friends and what did he get in return? Manipulated, Knocked out and thrown into a trunk, shoot at, yelled at and also lost his job. I have really been liking Malcolm this whole season and I really hope that what has happened to him this episode doesn’t turn him into a villain.
The Verdict:
AKA Three Lives and Counting has become my favourite episode of the season. David Tennant back as Kilgrave really helped make this more enjoyable. Also, we finally got to find out Trish’s intentions with IGH and Karl, I’m glad she didn’t get powers right away and now she is taken off the board. I do feel sorry for Malcolm because he was just trying to help and everyone has just stepped all over him. With only 2 episodes left, there is no telling what type of Carnage that Alisa and Jessica cam make now that s**t has hit the fan.
Next up, the penultimate Episode 12.