REVIEW: Jessica Jones Season 2 Episode 10
Alright, time for Episode 10. After the last episode dealt with more than one families drama, will this episode continue to maintain the momentum or will this crash and burn?
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSvnepZS26s[/embedyt]
Warning: Spoilers Ahead! Turn back now if you haven’t seen the episode!
We start the episode with Alisa Jones (Janet McTeer), walking down the prison in chains with a lot of guards around her. She goes to the visiting centre where Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter) and Jeri Hogarth (Carrie-Anne Moss), are waiting there for her. Jeri is going to be Alisa’s lawyer and she tells her that they can get her what she needs, keep it inside the prison and set up visitation. All of that and more if she tells the officers everything about Dr. Karl, IGH and what they did to hear. Meanwhile, Trish Walker (Rachel Taylor), is doing a practice run of her new show, she doesn’t do well during the performance and she gets a pep-talk from Ronald saying that she needs to talk about her life and all the issues she had so she can stand out. Meanwhile, Jessica tries to get Alisa to say something and take the deal but she refuses and won’t give up anything. This leads Jessica and Jeri to leave and consider their options. Jessica get’s a call from Trish and she tells Jessica that she did go off the deep end with the Inhaler but now she is clean and the guys at CCN got a tip about Alisa and her story. Trish, Jessica and Malcolm (Eka Darville), all meet back up at Alias and talk about the current situation that they have on their hands. Malcolm get’s angry at Jessica for not telling him about her mother and storms off in anger. Trish finally tells Jessica about the Inhaler and Trish tells Jessica that she wants to do the IGH story but leave her mother out of because Jessica doesn’t want the blowback. Trish leaves Alias and goes to check on Malcolm and he comes clean about what happened between them. Malcolm tells Trish that he wants her but is afraid that she is too damaged and doesn’t want to be with someone whose soul is damaged by everything that happened.
We cut to later on that night, Jessica gets a call from Oscar (J.R. Ramirez). Oscar talks about how he would see his kid on the first Saturday of every month and that Jessica will be ok. However, Jessica tells Oscar that she won’t get to see her mother because she will be sent off to a Guantanamo like prison where she will never be seen again. This causes Jessica to want to go out but is stopped by Oscar at the elevator. The couple hug it out and this leads to them sleeping together. Meanwhile, Trish goes to a doctors office and tries to get a list of ingredients for the Inhaler. The nurse tells her that the drugs in the Inhaler can’t be replicated and most of the ingredients are illegal. Meanwhile, Jeri is in the bathroom when she get’s a knock on the door. It’s Jessica, she askes Jeri if she can delay the prison transfer for her mother, saying that she can get Dr. Karl and get him to confess. Before Jeri gives Jessica an answer, Jeri introduces Shane (Eden Marryshow), the person with the healing powers who healed Inez Green (Leah Gibson). Jeri wanted Jessica to meet Shane so she can think about her decision to get Dr. Karl. Jeri wants to get Dr. Karl so she can learn more about his work and keep people like Shane to help people instead of locking them away. Jessica declines this and demands she makes the delay. Meanwhile, Jessica is at the prison talking to her mother about planning a vacation in exchange for a confession. They talk about how Alisa took them to a cheap hotel near the beach when Jessica was 12 and that she and her brother use to fight about what rooms they would get. Alisa goes back to her cell where the guard tells her she has to eat her dinner. However, Alisa is not hungry and she goes into a fit of rage when the guard tries to force her to eat. Alisa almost kills him but stops herself, saying that she can never be controlled. Meanwhile, Jessica goes to the hotel and finds Dr. Karl in the paradise room. Jessica convinces Karl to leave the country and to go South America. Dr. Karl then tells Jessica that he never worked on Shane at IGH, meaning that Shane is either a fraud or someone else worked on him. Before he can leave, Jessica takes a few mugshots that Oscar can use to develop a passport for him.
Meanwhile, Trish goes to visit Alisa in prison. Trish talks to her about Jessica and how Alisa is manipulating her. Alisa starts to rage and Trish gets out before she can snap. Meanwhile, Jessica is over at Oscars where Karl’s fake passport is being made. They hear a knock on the door and discover that’s Trish. Trish tells Jessica that she went to go see her mother and warn Jessica about what she is doing to her. Jessica shrugs it off and Trish goes to visit Malcolm. Malcolm is lifting weights and this leads to them having sex. Meanwhile, Alisa is asleep in bed when she is awoken by the guard she attacked who put tasers in her cuffs. The guards shock her while he is trashing her cell saying that she is going to abided by his rules or else she will never see her daughter again. Meanwhile, Jessica is back at Oscar’s waiting for the passport to be done. They talk about what will happen after everything is done and if they will still be together. Jessica doesn’t give him an answer but tells him to call her when the passport is done. We then cut to Jessica at the prison meeting Jeri there. Jeri tells Jessica that Alisa signed the papers and that everything seems to have worked out. Jessica then tells Jeri about Shane and how he may not be who he says he is. Jessica tells Jeri that Green has been lying to her about Shane this whole time and that she is not cured of her ALS. This causes Jeri to get upset but she will still file the paperwork for Alisa. Jessica goes to see her mother in visitation. She tells her that the paperwork is being filed tomorrow and she will be released soon. Jessica notices burn marks on Alisa’s arms and she starts to ask with Alisa telling her not to worry. Meanwhile, Trish and Malcolm are in bed when Trish starts to talk about what has happened to her over the past 2 weeks. Trish tells Malcolm that they should both help Jessica and they should go find Dr. Karl and they go snooping on Jessica’s computer. They find the pictures that Jessica took and are able to get Dr. Karl’s location. Meanwhile, Jeri comes back home to find her place has been looted by Shane and Green who are both gone. Meanwhile, Jessica is following the Guard who attacked her mother and is on the phone with someone who worked with him. She finds out that the Guard was fired from a previous job because of prisoner suicides. She then follows the bus he goes on while in a cab. Meanwhile, Trish and Malcolm are at the love hotel but aren’t getting anywhere. Jessica follows the guard to his house and Trish is able to get a visual on Karl. Trish gets out of the car along with Malcolm but Trish knocks Malcolm out and puts him in the trunk. Jessica waits till the guards leaves his house so she can sneak in through the window. Jessica doesn’t find anything until she looks behind a bear head trophy on the wall to find the numbers of previous prisoners. The guard pepper sprays her and beats her with a club. Jessica is able to grab the club and she accidentally kills him with the club.
This was another great episode and it really does feel like everything is starting to come full circle and wind down. I loved how Jessica is able to convince her mother to take the deal by sending Karl away. It feels like Alisa will be able to spend more time with Jessica soon. I also liked how Alisa is able to control herself while in prison and is only using her powers when necessary.
I also love how Malcolm is finally starting to step up and help Jessica with her case, even when she is not around to do so. Malcolm is starting to evolve into his own PI and I’m really glad to see how he is doing.
Trish on the other hand, while she is trying to do the right thing, can’t help but end up trying to get herself killed. I don’t know what she is on now that the Inhaler stopped working but she is just going on a self-destructive warpath right now. I thought she was supposed to be a superhero like Hellcat but now she is just turning into her own version of Simpson from last season.
The acting in this episode was really strong from everyone. We got to see a lot of emotions run high and everything did a fantasic job.
The Verdict:
AKA Pork Chop showed us that life in prison with a superpowered being isn’t always easy. It also showed us that Trish continues to go on a downward spiral into madness and I just want it to end. Other then those, this was another great episode and I can’t wait to see how it continues to unfold in the last three episodes.
Next up, Episode 11.