REVIEW: Jessica Jones Season 2 Episode 9
Alright, time for Episode 9. After the last episode ended with shots fired, will this episode continue to maintain the momentum or will this crash and burn?
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSvnepZS26s[/embedyt]
Warning: Spoilers Ahead! Turn back now if you haven’t seen the episode!
The episode opens with the reveal of who the shooter is, Pryce Cheng (Terry Chen). He is trying to kill Alisa Jones (Janet McTeer), which doesn’t go according to plan and he decides to make a run for it. Before he could leave the building, Alisa tracks him down and starts to beat him up but, Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter), uses one of the syringes on Cheng to knock him out and stop Alisa from her actions. Back at Alias, Jessica ties up Cheng with duct tape and Alisa tires to help Jessica with her shoulder. Meanwhile, Inez Green (Leah Gibson), and Jeri Hogarth (Carrie-Anne Moss), are in bed together after they finished having sex. They talk about wanting to go on a vacation after everything is done. Meanwhile, Jessica is watching over Cheng because she can’t sleep when Trish Walker (Rachel Taylor), comes knocking on the door during the middle of the night. Trish grills Jessica on keeping her in the dark and Jessica points out that Trish is back on drugs. Trish storms off when Jessica tries to ask her about it and Alisa starts to have a nightmare. She breaks the bed and the chains and is standing up calling her Jessica. Jessica is able to wake her up and Jessica is able to put Alisa back to bed. We cut to the next morning when Oscar (J.R. Ramirez), taking out the trash when he notices glass shards on the ground from Jessica’s Windows. Oscar goes to knock on Jessica’s door and ask her what happened and Jessica tells him that someone tried to kill her mother and she got shot but everything is alright. Oscar’s ex-wife comes bargaining down the hall with their son and tries to argue over custody of their child. Jessica sets everything straight and the ex-wife is mad about Jessica and storms off. Meanwhile, Trish is back at her apartment eating a burger and ignoring texts. She goes to her laptop and sees that Griffin is on the news, she closes the laptop out of anger and goes to use the Inhaler to make herself feel better.
We then cut to Green and Jeri look over clothes and talking about Jeri’s fashion sense. Trish knocks on the door and then walks right in asking to speak to Green, Trish wants to put Green on the radio so she can expose IGH and what they did to draw out the killers behind it. Jeri refuses to give up Green because she would be putting herself and others in danger and Trish storms out. Meanwhile, Jessica and Alisa are showering down Cheng who has been knocked out cold all night. The water doesn’t wake him up and they decide to make breakfast. A breakfast that includes Spaghetti with Butter and Jam mixed in (I could handle the butter but not the jam). Jessica and Alisa talk about her father and how he was a bad driver. Jessica blames herself for the accident but Alisa tells her that it was because of her fathers bad driving. Alisa then grabs her ashes and flushes them down the toilet because she thinks it gives Jessica closure. Alisa talks about wanting to run away and start a new life so her and Jessica can start over. This is cut short when Oscar calls Jessica saying that his ex-wife took off with his son and he doesn’t know where they are. Oscar wants Jessica to do her thing and go find them. Jessica agrees and talks Alisa with her so she doesn’t kill Cheng in the process. Before they leave, Jessica injects Cheng with another dose of the drug so he can remain asleep. Meanwhile, Jeri goes to pick up Shane from prison and take him back to her place so he can heal her. I forgot to mention in the last review that Jeri has the power to heal anyone of their sickness and that is why Jeri wants him so bad. Meanwhile, we cut to Trish on her show doing an interview with an author about her new book. Trish starts to go off the rails however and she ends up quitting her own show right on the air. Meanwhile, Oscar, Jessica and Alisa go to the ex-wife’s house in order to search for clues and they find that their passports and the sons Captain America figure is gone. This leads them to a bus station where we see the Mother and Son on a bus to Montreal. Jessica and Alisa stop the bus using their bare hands and it is a really awesome scene that shows the true power of mother and daughter. Oscar is able to grab his son and the wife tries to tell her side of the story to Jessica.
We then cut to Jeri and Green making the bed when Jeri gets into the bed naked. Green tells her that Shane’s powers didn’t always work but Jeri is hell-bent on trying. Shane uses his powers and we don’t know if it worked or not. Meanwhile, Trish is punching her anger into a punching bag and gets a call from Ronald from CCN. Ronald talks to her about what happened on Trish Talk and hires her to do rage out like she did on a talk show for CCN. Trish goes to use her Inhaler but realizes that it is all out, there is nothing left in it. Meanwhile, Jessica, Alisa and Oscar with his kid are in the elevator walking out from their adventure. Oscar tells Jessica that he knows her mother is like her and now he owes them one for saving his kid. Jessica and Alisa talk about how Jessica doesn’t feel Oscar is safe around her mother because she killed the last boyfriend Jessica had. Before they could continue the conversation, Cheng finally awakes and starts to make noise in the tub. Jessica and Alisa go to check on him and talk about what to do with Cheng. Jessica tells Alisa to back off while she handles Cheng and she pushes him into the other room while Alisa is left out. Jessica and Cheng come to an agreement but Cheng still wants Alisa to pay for killing his friend. Jessica agrees and calls Detective Costa telling him that the killer is there at Alias. This causes Alisa to go rage and try to kill Cheng. Jessica tries to stop her mother from hurting Cheng and the two get into a fight in the hallway but Jessica begs Alisa to stop. Alisa runs off but is stopped by the cops waiting outside and Jessica tells her to stop and let the cops take her in.
This was another good episode. Although I wasn’t a huge fan of the Oscar subplot and Trish is starting to get on my nerves now, I can still say that I really liked this episode. I like how Jessica and Alisa spent more time together and even stopped a bus together. I really like their chemistry and it just sucks now that Alisa is now in jail (I wonder how long it will take before she breaks out?).
The whole subplot with Oscar and his kid wasn’t the worst thing ever. However, it really did feel a little forced so that we can add more drama that Jessica needs to take care of and it takes away from the overarching narrative of the season. While I’m willing to let it slide because it gave us the scene of Jessica and Alisa stopping a bus together, I still can’t help but feel like this may not come up again in these next few episodes.
Trish, on the other hand, was really surprising and I’m really not liking her that much now. I know that she wants to help out and try to make the world a better place. However, screaming and attack an author over a book about Gluten is not the way to go about it. It’s starting to feel like she is getting a little too preachy while drugged up. Her whole rant kind of breaks the immersion because it feels like it could also be a critique on modern society as a whole. While fourth wall breaks are not always a bad thing, this one was handled a little too poorly.
I will give Trish one thing when she said that she quit her own show and slammed those headphones down on the desk, it was an awesome thing to see and everyone’s reactions around her were hilarious.
The acting in this episode was great and I really did like seeing both Jessica and Alisa happy about what they did for Oscar.
The Verdict:
AKA The Shark In The Bathtub, Monster In The Bed is a good episode but not as good as the last one. The Oscar subplot was nice but we could have gone without seeing it. Trish is also starting to become a meme of herself and is self-destructive. Overall, I liked this episode but not as much as I liked other episodes.
Next up, Episode 10