REVIEW: Jessica Jones Season 2 Episode 8
Alright, time for Episode 8. After the flashback episode, will this episode continue to maintain the momentum or will this crash and burn?
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSvnepZS26s[/embedyt]
Warning: Spoilers Ahead! Turn back now if you haven’t seen the episode!
We start the episode with Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter), chained up to the same bed that her mother was and Dr Karl (Callum Keith Rennie), is telling her about what he has done with Alisa (Janet McTeer). Karl goes on about how what he did was for the greater good and that he loves Alisa and is helping her get better. Jessica disagrees with this and calls Karl out on his words. Meanwhile, Jessica gets a call from Trish (Rachel Taylor), and Trish asks Jessica where she has been and if she needs a rescue. Jessica dodges this by saying that she is alright and to drop the case because she has found everything she needs. Trish doesn’t like this and Malcolm (Eka Darville), is with Trish and they both argue over what Jessica said and how it’s not just a case to them and that they should go find her. Meanwhile, Jessica is able to convince Karl to unchain her so she can talk to her mother but Jessica locks out Karl so she can send a picture Karl’s address to Detective Eddy Costa so he can find her and arrest Karl and Alisa. Alisa comes barging in and restrains Jessica so they can talk things out. Alisa wants Karl to lock the door behind him and run away with the money they had stashed away. Meanwhile, Malcolm and Trish talk about their options and Malcolm asks Trish about the Inhaler that Simpson used but now she is using it. Malcolm asks Trish if the Inhaler was the cause of her sickness and the fact they had a one night stand. Trish tries to say that the Inhaler is not affecting her at all and Malcolm doesn’t believe her. Malcolm then tells Trish that he isn’t going anywhere with her while she is on the inhaler.
We then cut to Jessica and Alisa trapped in the room and waiting for the police to arrive. How do they pass the time? By drinking of course. Alisa asks Jessica if she wants to say anything to her and Jessica says that she will need about 17 years. Alisa fires back by saying you got 17 minutes so better say it quick. Meanwhile, Inez Green (Leah Gibson) and Jeri Hogarth (Carrie-Anne Moss), are back and looking into someone named Shane, a former IGH employee that Green knew and we get some backstory on Jeri and Green. Jeri grew up in a trailer with four siblings and Green tried to work different jobs after IGH, one including working at an adult film store. Meanwhile, Jessica and Alisa are still trapped and it’s at this point they start to open up to each other. Alisa talks about how her marriage was about to implode and before the accident, she was gonna file for a divorce. Jessica thinks that’s BS but she doesn’t really know because it all happened when she was a kid. Next, Alisa talks about the beach that Jessica use to love going to every summer but the last year they went, she didn’t want to go. Alisa had to drag her on the Ferris Wheel and it’s then that Jessica was able to fully embrace it because she loved the feeling of being high and on top of the world. After they share stories, Jessica finds a hidden passage behind a bookshelf and the two manage to escape. The cops show up to the house to find it empty and when they find the room, it’s also empty but they see that they escaped. Meanwhile, Malcolm decides to continue Jessica’s case on Jeri’s partners and Jeri makes a visit to the patient in prison. Meanwhile, Jessica and Alisa are in a cab while the driver is texting and driving. Alisa is starting to get angry about this but Jessica tries to calm her down. It doesn’t work and Jessica get’s the cab to pull over so they can walk the rest of the way to Alias Investigations. They make it inside and the two of them talk about what is going to happen and what they are planning to do. Before anything could happen, Detective Costa shows up to talk to Jessica outside of her office. Jessica tells him that she will come down to the station later and Alisa uses that time to escape Jessica through her bedroom window. Meanwhile, Malcolm is walking down the street when Trish calls him asking about Jessica. Malcolm doesn’t know where Jessica is after checking most of the bars around and Malcolm hangs up on Trish.
We then cut to Jessica in the elevator when she finds that Alisa is with her Boyfriend Oscar (J.R. Ramirez), talking in the hall. Jessica get’s mad about this and she pushes Alisa into her office and tells Oscar they will talk later. Alisa then tells Jessica that she jumped out of the window, onto the roof and made it back inside in order to avoid the detective. Jessica is still upset with Alisa but accepts this excuse. Meanwhile, Malcolm goes to the bar he was looking at earlier on the computer and finds the person he is looking for. He is able to get him to spill the beans on what he has on the shareholders of Jeri’s and Malcolm is able to convince him to dig up that dirt. Before Malcolm can leave, he gets into a fight with some people and Trish comes to help him out. Trish then gives Malcolm the choice to use the Inhaler that Trish has been keeping and convinces Malcolm to use it. Malcolm uses the Inhaler and starts to run away when it kicks in. Meanwhile, Jeri comes home to find that Green is about to leave and she gives back the clothes that Jeri got for her. Jeri stops Green from leaving when she tells her that Shane was released and that they should celebrate with some Champagne. Jeri notices the scars that Green has and they don’t freak her out. This whole thing leads to a kissing session that is cut short. Meanwhile, Jessica is setting up the couch and Alisa is putting Whiskey in her tea. The two of them talk but are interrupted by gunshots. One hits Jessica in the shoulder and this causes Alisa to rage and go after the shooter.
This was a great episode coming from the Flashback one we had. It doesn’t waste any time getting back into the conflict at hand and I really like that. Most shows would try and do more with the Flashback Episode but this one just gives you the flashback and focuses back on the present.
I really did like the dynamic between Jessica and Alisa. It’s clear that the two are still having trouble trying to accept one another but they do work out their issues (Sort of), and can not try to kill each other. It’s clear that Alisa still loves Jessica and Jessica is still trying to wrap her head around what Karl did to her mother. I really liked the fake out later on when Jessica thinks Alisa is gone but she was just trying to help Jessica. It shows that Alisa is here to stay with Jessica and that she doesn’t plan on running away or vanishing again now that she is with her daughter.
The acting in this episode was great as well and everyone is doing a great job with their roles. I really like Janet McTeer as Alisa Jones. She is a damaged woman with powers that is trying to keep herself cool but sometimes her anger can get the best of her. It’s almost like she is a human hulk when she get’s angry (A She-Hulk maybe?).
What I didn’t like was Trish. I know she is concerned for Jessica but also getting Malcolm to use the Inhaler was not a good move on her part. It’s like she is trying to help others with the Inhaler but doesn’t really know how to use or what it can really do a person.
The Verdict:
AKA Ain’t We Got Fun was a great return after the Flashback. It’s also an episode that is more focused on Jessica and Alisa’s relationship. We needed to see how these two would react to each other so they can accept one another moving forward. I’m also glad it didn’t wait until the last few episodes for them to hash it out and try to form a bond. I also liked the other stuff that happened in the episode but I think Trish needs to stop using the Inhaler before she gets either herself or someone killed over it.
Next up, Episode 9.