REVIEW: Jessica Jones Season 2 Episode 7
Alright, time for Episode 7. After the shocking revelation from the last episode, will this episode continue to maintain the momentum or will this crash and burn?
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSvnepZS26s[/embedyt]
Warning: Spoilers Ahead! Turn back now if you haven’t seen the episode!
It’s a flashback episode!!

We start the episode just after the crash that happened with the Jones family. We then cut to Alisa Jones (Janet McTeer), at IGH where she wakes up to see that she looks like the monster that Jessica was having a nightmare about before. Alisa starts to freak out and go on a rampage before she runs into a young Jessica Jones and Dr. Karl Malus (Callum Keith Rennie), injects Alisa with a drug to put her into a coma. We then cut to 5 years later (Not stuck on a hellish island mind you), when Alisa wakes up to find Dr. Karl and Dr. Leslie Hansen (Renata Hinrichs), in a new hospital room. Dr. Karl tells Alisa that she has had special treatment and underwent DNA editing to give her a new look and powers. Karl also tells her about what happened to her family and Jessica, Jessica is, of course, alright and has powers but everyone else has died. We then cut to a few years later to the college years when Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter), is at a bar where they are premiering Trish Walker’s (Rachel Taylor), new music video, I Want Your Cray Cray.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hn85XmyMf8[/embedyt]
Jessica is not that happy about the whole video and event and tries to talks to Trish about how she is acting and Trish ignores her because she wants to have fun. Jessica grows more upset at Trish as she goes to the bathroom for drugs and wants to party at her house when she should be studying. Jessica and Trish fight outside and Jessica rips open an ATM to prove a point. Meanwhile, Alisa is stuck at IGH when she goes to Karl and tries to get him to tell her about Jessica. Karl tells Alisa that the experiments they did were illegal and she was presumed dead so Jessica could be adopted. Alisa starts to freak out at the news and she has to be drugged by Karl so she can calm down. Meanwhile, Jessica is making out with Sterling (Mat Vairo), he is the bartender who quit his job from earlier. It seems the two of them are in a relationship now and we learn that Jessica stole her famous Leather Jacket from a store. It also seems that it has been a month since Jessica last saw Trish and Jessica have been living with Sterling. Jessica goes to the same club from before where Trish is hanging with her friends and Jessica introduces Sterling to Trish. Sterling tells Trish about his business idea and gives her his card. Jessica is not too happy about this and she pulls Sterling aside, Sterling tells Jessica that it’s only business and asking Trish for a brand deal isn’t a handout.
Meanwhile, Alisa is still at IGH and we see two nurses, one of them being Inez Green (Leah Gibson). Green tells the other nurse that Alisa has been given her meds and they can release her. Little do they know, it was a lie and Alisa springs from her bed and attacks both the nurses. She throws Green into a glass cabinet and snaps the neck of the other nurse. Alisa grabs the key and escapes leaving Green on the ground with glass shards in her body (Now we know how she got those scars). We then cut to Jessica and Sterling returning back to their place with takeout, there is then a knock on the door. A group of guys comes in and demands money from Sterling. The one guy put money down on Sterling’s Club Alias idea as an investment and hasn’t gotten anything yet. This leads to Jessica stuffing him with food and kicking the thugs down, they run away from Jessica out of fear. Meanwhile, Alisa is out on the street and she bumps into Dorothy (Rebecca De Mornay), Alisa asks about Jessica and where she is and Dorothy doesn’t know until she decides to make a call. Alisa is able to track down Jessica as she helps out a group of kids looking for water on a hot summer day. Jessica kicks a fire hydrant and walks to the Pheonix Bar while Alisa follows from a distance.
Jessica is in the bar drinking and waiting for Sterling to come and meet her. Alisa is watching her and decides to take a seat. Jessica goes to the bathroom and Alisa follows her in. Jessica asks Alisa for a tampon and Jessica says that she owes Alisa a drink. Alisa walks out from the bathroom to find Sterling swarmed with the same guys from earlier and they all go to the alley out back. Sterling is asked by the guy if he can hire Jessica as muscle so he can wipe away the debt that Sterling owes and he agrees to it. Alisa is enraged by this and grabs Sterling by the head and smashes it against the wall multiple times. Jessica then comes looking for him and finds him bloody in the alleyway with Alisa watching from up top. Later on, Jessica goes back to the club looking for Trish and finds her in the bathroom on her knees and about to give the manager oral sex. Jessica stops this and threatens the manager when he calls her a bitch and she slams his face into the mirror.
We then cut to Jessica and Trish on a rooftop talking about what happened to Sterling. Jessica tells Trish that she has been trying to call her about 24 hours with no answer because she was high on drugs. Trish finally comes clean to Jessica about her being an addict and that she needs rehab. Jessica wants Trish to forget about her tour and go stay with her mom so she can get clean. Trish doesn’t want to but Jessica tells her that she will die and be more alone without her. The two of them then decide to stay on the rooftop for awhile so they can process their situations. Meanwhile, Alisa goes back to IGH so she can talk to Dr. Karl about what she did and about Jessica. Dr. Karl comes clean about what he did to Alisa and is able to get her to come back with him to IGH.

Now back in the present, we see that Alisa is telling all of this to Jessica and in the end, asks for her forgiveness. Jessica tells her no and sucker punches Alisa and knocks her back and knocks off her wig. Dr. Karl then drugs Jessica and knocks her out.
Wow, where to start with this. I will start by saying that I love origin/flashback stories so once I realized that it was a flashback episode, I got really excited. This episode was really good and it really does help shape Jessica and Trish’s relationship with each other and shows that not everything was right in the Walker family.
I really like how Jessica was able to show that she was able to live without Trish in her life and her money. It shows that Jessica can be dependent and shows that she tried to do it once on her own but it was her mother that threw a wrench in her plans when she killed her BF.
I would also like to point out how Sterling seemed to play a huge part in her backstory here. From the Leather Jacket that Jessica wears to the name of her company. Sterling may not have lived to see what Jessica did but it’s nice to see her honouring him by naming her company Alias and still wearing that Jacket that she stole from the store with Sterling.
Alisa in this episode was also very interesting and compelling. She just wanted to know what happened to her family and Jessica and when she finally got that, her anger got the best of her. She realized that she wasn’t ready for the truth and couldn’t handle the situation at hand so she felt that the only home she has was IGH.
The acting in this episode was awesome as well. Since it was a flashback, everyone got to play a younger version of themselves and it was really great to see. Rachel Taylor did a really great job of showing what the drugged out of her mind Trish was, Jessica was more of the same but happier then she is now and Alisa was a mother looking for her daughter.
The Verdict:
AKA I Want Your Cray Cray was an awesome flashback episode. In a season that is basically digging up the past, it’s nice to see that they have enough room and story for a flashback episode. I really like how Sterling played a huge part in shaping Jessica in her younger years and seeing Trish at her lowest was nice to see as well. Overall, this was a great flashback episode and it help set the stage for what we can expect to see happen in the next few episodes.
Next up, Episode 8.