Fan Favorites Returned on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.; New “Formidable Alien” Role Cast

We hope you stuck around for the post-credits scene on the most recent episode of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. because you were treated to not one, but TWO incredible throwback returns. Ruth Negga and David Conrad returned as our favorite “Girl in the Flower Dress” Raina and Ian Queen, respectively.
Earlier in the episode we also got major callbacks to Dr. Franklin Hall and his trip into Gravitonium. It appears as if Dr. Hall can communicate through anyone that is exposed to the highly volatile substance.

But back to Raina and Quinn…
In a season filled with spectacular callbacks and cameos to characters and storyline threads from S.H.I.E.L.D.‘s five year history, this has to have been the most surprising return of the season. Not only did we get some amazing camera time with our girl Raina, but we finally got the answer to a question that has been bugging everyone that pays a modicum of attention: What Happened to Ian Quinn?
Well it turns out he acquired Gravitonium at some point during / after the Season 1 finale. Or I should say… Gravitonium acquired him.
That scene was originally shot for ep 122 and cut out from the ep. It was brought back here.
When I read the script I sat for a moment & was – Huh, this is so familiar like dejavu. I'm like, hey I've already broken this SC down before in S 01! https://t.co/EWu7Mh8Bsm— Mark Kolpack (@MarkKolpack) April 7, 2018
In related S.H.I.E.L.D. news…
Legend of the Seeker villain Craig Parker has been cast in the role of Taryan, a “formidable wheeler-dealer from another planet”. Parker will debut towards the end of Season 5.
H/T: TVLine