REVIEW: Jessica Jones Season 2 Episode 6
Alright, time for Episode 6. We are halfway through Season 2, will this episode continue to maintain the momentum or will this crash and burn?
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSvnepZS26s[/embedyt]
Warning: Spoilers Ahead! Turn back now if you haven’t seen the episode!
We start the episode with Jessica (Krysten Ritter), running from the aquarium all wet when she sees Dr. Karl and Hansen making their escape in a car. She tries to take a picture with her phone but it won’t turn on because it’s full of water.
If I can take a second to rant about this. This part really bugged me because it looks like she is using an iPhone 7 and last time I checked, those are waterproof. So why would she have trouble and have to put her phone in a bag of rice so she can fix it? If the phone is waterproof, she would have no trouble using it. Why would they try this stunt if someone like me is going to notice this and make a rant about it?

Anyways, rant over. She get’s a bag of rice to put her “Waterproof” phone in and she grabs a magazine and sees that it printed a headline detailing that Trish (Rachel Taylor), and Griffin (Hal Ozsan), are done. Jessica is able to get her phone working and prints some of the pictures from it. She is distracted by Oscar (J.R. Ramirez), who is playing loud music from his apartment when Jessica goes to tell him to turn it down. Jessica talks to Oscar over drinks and things start to get personal when Oscar talks about his past. Jessica tries to leave but Oscar wants her to stay because Jessica tells him that she doesn’t want to be alone. This causes the two to kiss and have sex on top of paint that they spilt onto paper on the floor (I hope they realize that paint is hard to wash off your clothes). Meanwhile, Trish is walking around in a bad neighbourhood when she starts to follow a man. She thinks the man has a gun and follows him onto a bus. She stares him down until he finally pulls out the object he was hiding, a book about positive thinking. Trish then back’s off and when the bus stops, we hear people arguing in the back. It sounds like someone won’t get off at their stop so Trish uses her new enhanced strength from the inhaler to kick the guy out. We then cut to the next morning, Jessica wakes up in Oscar’s bed and Oscar has been up painting/drawing a picture of Jessica sleeping. Jessica leaves and goes back to her office when Malcolm (Eka Darville), is there and starts to grill Jessica about what she did. Malcolm examined the photo and found that Dr. Karl is wearing a University Class Ring that is from the same university that Malcolm got kicked out off. Jessica wants Malcolm to go back to the university to dig up info on Dr. Karl. Meanwhile, Jeri (Carrie-Anne Moss), comes back from shopping for clothes and conditioner that Inez Green (Leah Gibson), wanted. Jeri then tells Green to spill the beans on IGH and it turns out that Green doesn’t really have much valuable info. Meanwhile, Trish and Jessica meet up at to speak to the owner of a shop near the aquarium. The convince the owner to look at security cam footage and find that Dr. Karl is actually keeping Hansen drugged up on something.
Meanwhile, Malcolm takes a trip to the University and meets up with an old friend of his. The two of them talk and hug things out when she leaves, we see that Malcolm has swiped her student card. Meanwhile, Jeri is on the phone with Jessica and is starting to lose her patience with Green and wants her out of her safe house/apartment. Green was eavesdropping and uses this as a means to start stealing a bunch of jewellery and pills. We then cut back to Jessica’s office where Malcolm was able to confirm that Dr. Karl was in the 1978 class at the university. Trish starts to encourage and complement Malcolm on his work and Jessica tells him to punch out for the day. Jessica is able to find out that someone has been paying all of Dr. Karl’s bills for the past decade. That person is Justin Ambrose, the owner of Ambrhose and who has a membership to a private men’s only golf club. Jessica and Trish go their and Trish causes a scene so that Jessica and sneak off and find Ambrose. Jessica finds Ambrose and the two of them talk about what Dr. Karl did for him. Dr. Karl saved his son who was born with a defect and is now perfectly fine. Meanwhile, Trish is still talking to the guys at the entrance when she starts to not feel well and actually vomits, causing her to leave in a hurry. Trish tries to look for the inhaler but can’t find it. Meanwhile, Ambrose and Jessica are still talking and Jessica wants him to tell her where Dr. Karl is. Ambrose refuses and Jessica breaks one of his putters. Meanwhile, Dr. Karl is on the phone and making syringes when he wakes up Hansen. Dr. Karl then tells her that Jessica is coming and that she should know the truth. Meanwhile, Jessica takes Trish back to her apartment and puts her to bed. Jessica wants to stick around but Trish says she will be fine. This turns into a cover up for Trish to look for the inhaler. The same inhaler that Malcolm finds back at Alias and Malcolm calls up Trish.
We then cut to Jeri in bed reading some papers when Green walks in with the bag full of Jewellery and Meds. Jeri is pissed and Green talks to her about Jeri’s condition and her ALS. Jeri wants Green to leave but she tells Jeri about another patient she didn’t talk about, someone with the power to heal people. Meanwhile, Jessica finds a package at her door. It’s the painting that Oscar did of her and she put’s it near her bookshelf with her booze on it. We then cut to Trish waiting by the door for Malcolm. Malcolm brings her jacket and the inhaler and Malcolm starts to talk about how Trish is struggling and life problems. Trish goes to the bathroom to use the inhaler and when she comes out, Malcolm is about to leave but Trish goes to him and kisses him. The two make out and then they have sex. The next day, Jessica is waiting outside a building. She is waiting for Eric, Ambrose’s son. Jessica grabs him and facetime’s his dad asking for information again and promises to leave them alone. Jessica get’s the address to Dr. Karl’s house and takes a Taxi there. She get’s to the house and we see that it’s the same house from a few episodes back. Jessica goes through the house and when she gets to the basement, she finds out the truth. She finds out that Hansen is actually her mother, Alisa Jones (Janet McTeer).
WOW! The ending reveal was such a great ending. I love the fact that this whole time, Jessica was chasing after her mom who is more powerful then her. This adds a whole new level of questions that I can’t wait to get the answers for later on. I love the makeup of Alisa’s backside of her head. It just looks gnarly and it makes you see why she has to wear a wig.
I also love the fact that we are learning more about Malcolm and seeing him evolve even more throughout this episode. He really does show that he is willing to learn and work for Jessica by digging up the past to obtain information on a present case. I wonder how pissed his EX will be to find that he stole her Student Card? Malcolm may have sober up but he has learned a lot of new tricks.
The only bad thing I can say is that Trish is really starting to bother me. Ever since she started using the inhaler, she has become a mess. Now she is willing to do anything to get more of it and she even decided to have sex with Malcolm after breaking up with Griffin (Is that too soon?). I guess you can say that this is how she develops her powers but I don’t want her to turn into Malcolm from season 1. Trish is slowly going down the path of drug use and it will really hurt her character and her career.
The Verdict:
AKA FaceTime signals the end of the first half of the season. It feels like this episode wrapped up all the IGH and Dr. Karl stuff so that now we can shift gears to what comes next. I really liked the ending reveal and the stuff with Malcolm. I can’t wait to see what happens now throughout the rest of the season.
Next up, Episode 7.