REVIEW: Jessica Jones Season 2 Episode 5
Alright, time for Episode 5. After the last episode ended with Jessica in cuffs, will this episode maintain the momentum or will this crash and burn?
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSvnepZS26s[/embedyt]
Warning: Spoilers Ahead! Turn back now if you haven’t seen the episode!
We start the episode with Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter), in a cell. Meanwhile, Hansen is in front of a firepit, where she throws all the files she stole and her clothes in it to cover up. We then cut to Jessica in holding where Jeri (Carrie-Anne Moss), is there talking to Jessica. Jeri wants Jessica to spill the beans on what she is doing so she can clear her name. Jessica refuses and Jeri decides to leave her on her own. Meanwhile, Trish (Rachel Taylor), is vomiting up in the toilet when Dorothy (Rebecca De Mornay), comes in and helps her out. We learn that Dorothy has been taking care of Trish who was asleep for 26 hours after what happened and Trish wants to call Jessica. Dorothy tells Trish that she has landed a Job interview with the local news station and has an interview today. Trish get’s excited and runs to the shower to get ready. Meanwhile, Jessica is on the phone with Malcolm (Eka Darville), and Jessica tells him that he is in charge of Alias while she is in jail. Jessica then tasks Malcolm with talking to Inez Green (Leah Gibson) and finding out what she knows about IGH. Meanwhile, we learn that Hansen is at her safe house (At least I would call it that), and she is practising the Piano when her neighbour knocks on her door and wants to come in to hear her play the Piano because it calmed her baby down. Hansen lets them in and she plays the Piano when the baby starts to distract her, this causes her to start missing notes and the neighbour starts to get scared and runs out of the house with her baby. This then leads to Hansen destroying the Piano in a fit of rage. We then cut to Jessica and Jeri sitting in the interrogation room, two cops come in and Jessica agrees to tell them everything she knows about Hansen and IGH. Meanwhile, Malcolm is talking to Green and he digs up info about one of the nurses Green use to work with. Hansen was the one that killed the Nurse but it doesn’t add up when her body was found in someone else’s apartment and they are serving time for it. Green finally agrees to sit down and start from the beginning. Meanwhile, Jessica and Jeri are waiting for the cops to come back and clear everything so Jessica can go. The cops show up and bring a set of photos of Hansen before she jumped the crook and they set Jessica free. One of the officers wants Jessica to let him know if she finds anything else and he tells her about the nightmares he had when Kilgrave made him put a gun to his head back in Season 1.
Jessica met’s Jeri outside the building where she tells Jeri about Green. Jessica wants Jeri to offer a safe house for her so she doesn’t get hurt and she wants her to be protected. While talking, Pryce Chang (Terry Chen), ambushes them as they are about to leave. Chang rips on Jeri and Jessica and still thinks Jessica is the killer. Jessica get’s in Chang’s face and sets things straight. After that, Jessica goes back to her office and Malcolm shows Jessica what he found and tells her what Green said. Malcolm wants Green to go wait in his apartment for further instructions and Jessica gives Malcolm another task, take Green to a safe house that Jeri has given the address for. Malcolm then goes to his apartment and finds that Green has stolen his TV. Malcolm then finds Green trying to sell the TV to a shop in order to make some money so she can escape the city. Malcolm talks her out of this with him saying that he will post her address and make her a target. Meanwhile, Jessica goes to visit Oscar (J.R. Ramirez), and he wants him to make her a fake ID so she can sneak into an asylum to find the false killer. Later on, Trish and Dorothy are at an outdoor restaurant and when they walk in, Trish finds out that there was no interview and she finds friends and family around. Trish thinks this is an intervention but it turns out that Griffin (Hal Ozsan), is there to give her something. This turns out to be a proposal with Griffin getting on one knee and asking Trish to marry him. This shocks both Trish and Jessica who makes it thereafter Griffin called her and Trish doesn’t actually say yes but she does kiss him which means yes (At least I think so). Jessica then goes to talk to Griffin who admits that this took some careful planning and some sneaking around but he did this all to make Trish happy. Meanwhile, Malcolm and Green go to the location that Jeri set up and Malcolm delivers Green to Jeri so she can be safe. We then cut to Jessica at Oscar’s place with his son and mother there. They both want Jessica to stay for dinner but Oscar gives her the ID. Oscar then insists that she stay for dinner as well but Jessica says no and she goes.
We then cut to Green inside the safehouse with Jeri and they are having coffee. Green wants Jeri to cut the act and tell her why she is really there, and Jeri tells her that she wants to know everything about IGH. Meanwhile, Jessica is at the Asylum and goes to use her ID which works. She then goes to a room where guards bring in the killer David Kawecki, so Jessica can talk to him. Jessica asks Dave about what happened that night with the nurse and he tells her that he strangled her until she stopped screaming. Jessica doesn’t buy any of that and starts to question his story even more. This upsets Dave to the point of him going into the corner of his cage. Jessica is able to calm him down when she sees Dave drawing a picture of an Octopus. Dave then starts to tell her some facts about Octopuses, when Jessica asks how he knows all of this, Dave says that a Dr. Carl told him all about Octopuses. Dave then tells Jessica that he and Dr. Carl would go the aquarium every day and sit by the Octopus tank. Jessica then asks Dave to draw her a picture of Dave and Dr. Carl sitting by the Octopus tank. Meanwhile, Trish is sitting down on her couch when Dorothy bursts in and yells at Trish for saying no and breaking up with Griffin. The two of them fight and Trish slaps her mother in the face. Dorothy leaves and Trish takes another hit of the Inhaler. Meanwhile, Jessica takes a trip to the aquarium to find Dr. Carl. He doesn’t show up for a bit and Jessica is left to wander around and look at the fish. It takes awhile but he finally shows up to look at the Octopus tank and Dr. Carl is then joined by a woman, we find out that this woman is Hansen. Dr. Carl and Hansen are together on a date and they kiss with Jessica taking pictures from above. Dr. Carl notices her and calls her out, Hansen then punches one of the fish tanks and the alarm goes off. Sending everyone into a frenzy and before Jessica could leave, the tanks glass shatters and water comes pouring out.
Ok, let me start from the beginning. This was another great episode and the first half of this season has been really great so far. I’m glad that this episode raises the stakes even more with the reveal at the end. The only thing I didn’t like in this episode was the whole marriage proposal reveal. This came out of nowhere and it felt kinda forced so that we could get Griffin out of the picture.
The acting in this episode is also great and is standard with each of the episodes. There wasn’t anyone in this episode that I didn’t like so that is a great sign.
I also want to point out that Malcolm was awesome this episode because he was able to get a promotion and also help Green out of throwing her life away. It really does feel like they are giving Malcolm a lot more to do and he has become a central character for this new season.
I’m also glad that Jessica didn’t spend long in jail. This could have at least lasted a few episodes but instead, they decided not to and I am glad for it. I also like how Jessica was able to sneak into the asylum without anyone pointing out who she is. I mean, she has been all over the news so you think someone would be able to spot her but I guess not.
The Verdict:
AKA The Octopus is another great episode and we are almost halfway through the season at this point. This episode was able to keep the momentum moving and was very exciting. However, the whole Marriage Plot was the only bad thing this episode. This came out of nowhere and the fact that Trish said No really makes it feel like it was just for drama sake. However, if you can look past that, another great episode is what you can look forward too.
Next up, we hit the halfway point of the season with Episode 6.