REVIEW: Jessica Jones Season 2 Episode 4
Alright, time for Episode 4. After the last episode set a lot of things in motion, will this episode maintain the momentum or will this crash and burn?
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSvnepZS26s[/embedyt]
Warning: Spoilers Ahead! Turn back now if you haven’t seen the episode!
The story opens with Jessica (Krysten Ritter), with her Anger Management group. She talks about herself while bouncing a ball and it starts to piss her off so much that she breaks the ball. After that, Jessica goes back to her office where Malcolm (Eka Darville) is there and Jessica shows him that he and Trish (Rachel Taylor), made front page on a magazine with the paparazzi claiming that they are now a couple. Jessica grills Malcolm for letting Trish leave and Jessica fires Malcolm (for like the 1000th time), but he will still work for her anyway. Later on, Trish and Griffin (Hal Ozsan) talk to the press and claim that they are still together and that what is being printed is fake news. Meanwhile, Jeri (Carrie-Anne Moss), gets a visit from Chang (Terry Chen). Chang is pissed that Jeri dropped the lawsuit without consulting him and they both go their separate ways. Meanwhile, Jessica and Trish visit a wig shop where they interrogate Sally who is the owner for information on Hansen. Sally tells them that Hansen comes with no paperwork and pays cash. Trish and Jessica then say they need more from Metro Hospital, which means they need to talk to Max again. Jessica and Trish drive to the movie set and find the lead actress for the movie and talk to her. Meanwhile, Malcolm is at Alias fixing a wall when Chang visits. Chang talks to Malcolm about his past and tries to bring Malcolm over to Chang Consulting so Chang can get intel on Jessica. Malcolm delines and Chang leaves with his offer still open.
Later on, Jeri is walking and sees a woman fall and stares in shock because she thinks that it would be her later on with her ALS. Meanwhile, Max is pissed that his lead actress dropped out the movie and is already gone when Trish and Jessica are waiting by his car to talk to him. Jessica is able to convince Max (After punching a hole through the front of his Tesla), to call Metro and demand all the files on IGH. Later that evening, Jessica is in her apartment bouncing a ball when she get’s a call from Jeri. Jeri is asking Jessica if she has anything on her partners when Jessica only finds expenses that lead nowhere. Jessica get’s a knock on her door, it turns out that Oscar (J.R. Ramirez), is there with a gift for Jessica, it’s Alcohol of course and Oscar also says that he is tearing up the eviction notice as a thank you for saving his son last episode. Before Oscar could leave, Jessica invites him inside so they can drink together. Meanwhile, Trish and Griffin are having intercourse when they two of them talk about how special Griffin is. When Trish wants to have a shower and Griffin gets a call from a mysterious person and Griffin shows that he has a shady side to him. Meanwhile, Jessica and Oscar talk to each other over drinks and it get’s personal when we learn more about Oscar and his wife. All of this leads to them kissing, Jessica tries to take off Oscar’s pants when he stops her and he leaves.
We cut to the next morning when Jessica is on the phone with Trish and she tells Jessica that Max came through with the info and before she could leave, Malcolm stops her at the elevator. Malcolm tries to tell Jessica that Chang visited and offer Malcolm a job. Jessica brushes it off and Malcolm finally tells Jessica that he wants Jessica to actually train him as a PI and he wants 25% of each cases payout. Jessica counters his offer with 20% and they both reach an agreement. Later on, Jeri goes to see her doctor without an appointment and they talk about alternative options for medication. Jeri wants a faster, painless and may be an illegal process to cure her ALS. The doctor doesn’t budge and Jeri walks out of the doctor’s office. Back at Trish’s apartment, Jessica and Trish are talking about the info they got and come across someone named Inez Green who was a nurse at IGH. Green is now homeless and they two set off to find her in an abandoned neighbourhood where the homeless are. They find a homeless man who tells them that Green is in a building nearby and to watch out because she sent someone to the ER just for looking at her wrong. Jessica and Trish go into the building and find someone who attacks Jessica on the upper level while Trish is below and uses the same inhaler that Simpson used. Trish goes upstairs and uses a taser on the woman and knocks her out. Meanwhile, Someone breaks into Alias and steals all of the IGH info and Malcolm walks in at the last minute to discover this. We cut too Jeri on a Russia website buying a cure that is worth a lot of money. Meanwhile, Jessica and Trish interrogate Green about IGH and they find out she was a nurse and Hansen scarred her and broke her physically. Meanwhile, The guy who stole all of Jessica’s files is about the go back to his van when we find out that it is someone from Chang who is trying to one-up Jessica on her case. Hansen jumps down and beats up the guy and Chang calls 911. We then cut to Jessica and Trish driving away with Green in the back when they reach the crime scene where we see what Hansen left behind and Jessica is then arrested right on the spot.
This episode was another great episode and I’m starting to like Season 2 more than Season 1. Season 1 may have had Kilgrave but this Season is telling a more personal and focused story on Jessica that it’s very compelling to watch unfold.
The acting in this episode was also great and is on point with the rest of the episodes so far. The only downside is the stuff with Jeri. I know she is dying and we are supposed to feel bad for her but, it just feels like extra drama tacked on, and it just isn’t doing much or it just doesn’t feel compelling at all. I feel bad for Jeri but if the meds she bought works for her then yay.
I like how Trish used Simpsons Inhaler and this could be the point that Trish develops her own powers and maybe by the end of the season she will become Hellcat. I also really liked how Malcolm is finally stepping up and wanting to have a bigger role in this season. This is great for Malcolm’s character because I really like him and I want to see him do more. He isn’t just the annoying little brother (His exact words) to Jessica and he wants to prove he can be useful.
I also like how Hansen is the main villain of the season right now and she only shows up at the end to make Jessica’s day even worse. It goes to show that they are using her very sparingly but, I would like to see more of her and maybe a little more development so we can know what her true plans are.
A lot happens in this episode and it really does feel like everything is coming together and it feels like something is about to go down and I can’t wait to watch more episodes.
The Verdict:
AKA God Help the Hobo is another great episode of this Season and it really does help put things into perspective. Jessica and Trish are getting closer to solving the whole IGH thing, Malcolm lays down his plans for Jessica and Chang shows just how far he is willing to go to screw over Jessica. I really like where the season is going and I can’t wait to watch more.
Next up, Episode 5