REVIEW: Guardians of the Galaxy (Road to Infinity War)
Alright, let us continue The Papi Chulo RADIO Road to Infinity War (RTIW for short) review event with the tenth movie in the lineup, Guardians of the Galaxy
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d96cjJhvlMA[/embedyt]
After Captain America: The Winter Soldier proved to be a massive hit, Marvel wanted to do something different this time. They wanted to take a bunch of unknowns and make them known. Well, did the gamble pay off or are the Guardians best left forgotten?
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Before we get into it, it should be said that there will be spoilers if you haven’t seen it yet (Although since it’s 4 years old, you should have seen it already).
The story takes us into space when we meet our new hero, Peter Quill (Chris Pratt). After seeing a flashback to the death of his mother, we cut to him entering a temple to retrieve a mysterious orb. Once Peter gets the orb, he is ambushed by a bunch of Kree soldiers who are looking for the same item. A fight/chase goes down with Peter escaping with the orb in the end. After this, Peter gets a call from Yondu (Michael Rooker), who wants Peter to give the orb over to the Ravagers so they can sell the orb and spilt the money. However, Peter tries to cut the Ravagers out of the deal and Yondu places a bounty on Peter’s head. Peter then arrives on Zandar to sell the orb to the buyer. When the buyer learns that Ronan The Accuser (Lee Pace), is also after the orb, he backs out and kicks Peter out of his shop. When Gamora (Zoe Saldana), is sent to retrieve the orb for Thanos (Josh Brolin). She intercepts Peter when he is kicked out and tries to steal the orb. However, Rocket (Bradley Cooper), and his friend Groot (Vin Diesel) are trying to capture Peter for the Bounty. This all ends with everyone getting arrested by the Nova Corps and being sent to prison. While in the prison, we meet Drax (Dave Bautista), who wants to kill Gamora for being connected with Thanos. However, once everyone calms down, they devise a plan to escape and bring the orb to someone known as The Collector (Benicio Del Toro). While there, they discover that the orb was hiding an Infinity Stone which powers cause the Collectors Vault to be destroyed. The Guardians leave the vault and they agree to give the stone to the Nova Corps. Before they can do that, they are ambushed by Ronan and his crew who steal the stone and leave the Guardians defeated. Once the Guardians pull themselves together, they go where Ronan’s ship is headed too in order to stop him. Everything leads to an all-out battle on Zandar where the Guardians defeat Ronan and give the stone to the Nova Corps so they can protect it. After this, the Guardians have all of their criminal records dropped and are free to roam the galaxy for their next mission.
The acting in this movie is absolutely stellar. The entire cast of the movie is absolutely perfect and they all have chemistry with each other and have so much fun with their roles that you can tell a lot of fun went into this movie. Of course, the villain of the movie is forgettable because they once again meet their doom while the good guys survive. This trend of killing off their villains is really starting to become a problem because they only good villain that has survived is Loki.
The CGI is out of this world as well. all the sets and planets come to life in a great way and gives the cosmic side of the MCU its own unique identity in the MCU. You have the Kree, Zarnians and other forms of life that all look really awesome and really give a sense of life and density to the film and universe that makes saving Zandar all the more satisfying in the end.
Marvel really does know how to keep the hits coming. Everyone was excepting this movie to fail but the fact that Marvel back it 100% shows that if you show the director and characters some love, anything can be possible (Looking at you Warner Bros. and the DCEU).
The Verdict:
Wow, this movie is awesome. I never thought that a movie with a talking Raccoon and Tree would ever be this damn good. Guardians of the Galaxy is a prime example of how to take a forgotten comic book franchise, and turn it into one of the most marketable and entertaining movies that Marvel has ever made. Although it’s not perfect, Guardians of the Galaxy does enough elements right that in the end so it’s truly out of this world.
Next up, we take a look at another mixed bag of a movie. the long-awaited sequel to the first Avengers, Avengers: Age of Ultron.