ANNOUNCEMENT: Road to Infinity War Review Challenge
After the smash hit that is Black Panther slashed the box office last weekend, it got us thinking. The next movie in the MCU is gonna be the biggest of them all, you know which one I’m talking about…

Now with all the buzz surrounding Infinity War, Papi Chulo RADIO would like to announce that we will be doing the Road to Infinity War challenge!
This means that we will be going back and watching all the MCU movies (Including The Incredible Hulk) and doing reviews for every single one of them. Starting of course with, Iron Man, the famous start to the MCU. Be sure to look out for that and all the other reviews coming soon!!
For now, here is the Infinity War trailer to help hype you up!
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZfuNTqbHE8[/embedyt]