Solo: A Star Wars Story Teaser Trailer Is Here At Last
Well, in the midst of the Super Bowl hype, we have finally gotten a first look at Solo: A Star Wars Story!
The teaser has been released during a commercial break from the 2018 Super Bowl game. Fans, at long last, get a glimpse as to how Han Solo (Alden Ehrenreich) came into possession of the “fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy.”
Though yes, it was just a teaser, fans can now breathe knowing the trailer is coming. (cue sigh of relief) The full trailer is set to be released tomorrow morning during Good Morning America.
For those who could care less about football, here’s the trailer teaser! If you saw it during the commercial, check it out again to catch any details you may have missed.
Solo: A Star Wars Story is set to be released May 25, which was specially chosen because it is the 41st anniversary of Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope, in which Harrison Ford originated the role of Han Solo.