Kid Flash To Join Legends of Tomorrow

After much speculation, The Flash’s Wally West will be joining the Legends of Tomorrow team… at least for now.
Many fans have suggested that Keiynan Lonsdale’s Wally West from The Flash would make a good addition to the show’s cast, and now star Brandon Routh has effectively confirmed the character’s inclusion.
During last weekend’s DC in DC event, Routh said that Kid Flash will become a member of the team “for a little bit.” He has not been confirmed to be a permanent addition to the team.
In Legends’ midseason finale, the team obtained two newbies, John Constantine (Matt Ryan) and Citizen Cold (Wentworth Miller), but neither are a permanent fixture. However, it’s not known whether Wally will stick around or merely serve as another rotating cast member.
Legends of Tomorrow returns to The CW Feb. 12.