REVIEW: How to Get Away with Murder, Episode 406
How to Get Away with Murder is once again back, this time with episode 6 of season 4 entitled “Stay Strong Mama”. In it, we finally found out why Jorge Castillo killed Wes.
In a surprising turn, Laurel’s father showed up at Michaela’s new company, and organized a surprise meeting with the main attorneys, Tegan included. The writers decided to keep us in the dark for a little while longer, and we only found out what he was up to when he and Laurel gathered to have lunch. Jorge is preparing everything to make Antares Technologies go public. When this happens, he will make an amount of money which will be so big that the word “huge” does not begin to cover. When Wes threatened to reveal everything about Annalise, D.A. Denver and Jorge Castillo teamed up to shut him up, and maintain their public imagine, since Laurel would go down with everyone. But of course that knowing it and proving it are two very different things, and Michaela doesn’t seem to be very eager to put Tegan’s job on the line to help her friend.
Like I predicted in my last review, Asher is fully back, and demanding explanations. Unfortunately, Michaela continued lying to him, which led to Asher take matters into his own hands and plant a camera in Laurel’s apartment. By the end of the episode, Asher left Michaela in what was definitely a hard scene to watch. Of course, this is pretty much what Michaela was asking for when she started lying to her boyfriend. Sure they wanted to protect him, but they just made it worse. Also, Asher can totally look after himself, and I am sure he would be more than happy to help them, since this is about Wes.
In the meantime, and like we saw in the end of last episode, Annalise and Connor started a partnership, and a great one as it was expected. Once again, the D.A.’s office went a little bit over the edge, trying to take the home of Claudia’s mother and children, only because she signed the class action lawsuit. The two new partners spent the episode finding a way to force a judge to make the D.A.’s office back up, and fortunately, they succeeded, by making Claudia’s son go on TV and tell everyone what was happening. That was such a great scene: the speech the kid gave was really beautiful, and we even got to see everyone’s reaction while they were watching it. Hopefully this win will make more people want to sign Annalise’s petition, giving her again the number she needs to start actually doing something. Yes, that’s right, because unlike some people said during the episode, Annalise is the perfect person to do this.
While all this is going on, Isaac starts to question his ability to be impartial around Annalise, adding to the fact that, like he said in a previous episode, she might be triggering some dark demons inside him. Like Annalise, Isaac too lost his child. Even though he had the chance to be around her a lot more than Annalise was able to be around her child, that doesn’t make it hurt any less. Hearing Annalise talk about it seems to be awakening his wishes to hurt himself, and his ex-wife says he needs to step out of it. Nevertheless, Isaac continued to be her therapist for the episode, and this is really starting to make more and more progress. I loved that scene in which Annalise says that everyone counts on her, but she can’t please anyone, because she can’t be strong all the time. Of course, she always tries her best, but even the court badass needs to feel vulnerable and weak sometimes, so she can thrive and win on all the other occasions.
In flash forwards, we managed to see a glimpse of Annalise in the shower, washing up blood, which means that, as usual, she is somehow involved in all this craziness that is going be happening. These events are starting to be closer and closer, so eventually all this will make sense.
Overall, and as usual, this was a great episode. I loved most of Annalise’s scenes, and now we finally know the reason why Wes was murdered, putting everyone one step closer to exposing Jorge. I am giving this one an 8.8/10.
Next episode is entitled “Nobody Roots for Goliath” and in it Annalise will gain an unlikely ally for her class action law suit. Keep in mind that this next episode is the last one before the winter finale, so things promise to get heated.