REVIEW: The Flash Episode 404
The Flash continues its season with this fourth episode of this fourth season, entitled “Elongated Journey into Night”, and in it we met another one of the 12 new metahumans who found themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time.
After finding out the two metahumans they have faced so far weren’t the only ones, and that there are still ten more out there, team Flash started trying to find out the identities of these people, which lead them to Ralph Dibny, an ex-police officer who definitely did not have Barry Allen has a personal fan. It was discovered that he was the lead detective in one of Barry’s first cases, and he planted evidence which lead to a suspect’s arrest. Barry was the one who found out about this, which made Dibny get fired. I thought it was interesting that Barry kind of started to identify himself in Dibny, later in the episode. Lately, Barry has also just arrested criminals basing only pretty much on his own morals. I thought it was also interesting they didn’t reveal if the husband was the actual killer or not, leaving what the ex-detective did as still a good or a bad thing.
It didn’t take long for Barry and Joe to find out Dibny actually was on the bus that day, and after that be became the Elongated Man. It was great seeing that Caitlin took a special interest in this guy, because she kind of identified herself in him, with just one difference: no one believed in him, like they used to believe in her. And this was what made her help him.
Dibny continued to be a little bit of a jerk after he got control over his powers, but it was good to see that in the end he turned to the good side of things. Unlike most of the episodes of this show, this time the real villain wasn’t the newly discovered metahuman, but someone who should have as their duty to always protect people: the Mayor. Dibny had a few incriminating pictures of him with another woman, and let’s just say he didn’t like that very much, to the point he wanted to kill, not only Dibny, but also Barry and Joe. In end of the episode, Dibny helped Barry save Joe, and that seems to be the beginning of a partnership, because these two are now friends, and maybe even teacher and student. I hope we get to see Dibny again.
In the meantime, while Barry was busy with all of this, Cisco had some bigger issues to worry about: Gypsy’s father came to our Earth for another chapter of what could definitely be a book he had written, “How to be Super Overprotective When It Comes to Your Daughter”. Apparently, he doesn’t really like the idea of his daughter dating, and he even killed a previous boyfriend of hers. Entering the family tradition, Cisco had to run from Gypsy’s father for 24 hours, in what definitely was a very cat and mouse game, with several ups and downs. In the end, Breacher realized Cisco might just be good enough for his daughter. Glad he caught up with the rest of us. In this episode, we even found out Gypsy’s real name: Cynthia.
What I liked least about this episode was the fact that Cecile is pregnant was pretty much ignored. We didn’t even got to see her in any part of the episode, and this was only mentioned once, and also in a very weird way, in my opinion. I really didn’t like how they handled the pregnancy in this episode, and I am hoping they start to make it matter more in upcoming episodes. After all, this is a big deal, because the family is growing more and more.
Overall, this was a good episode. The Cisco storyline was really funny, and I also liked Dibny’s character, and, as I said, I hope we see him again, because after all that was what we were promised. I am giving this episode an 8.7/10.
The fifth episode of the season is entitled “Girls Night Out”, and in it the Killer Frost storyline will finally be resumed. Not to mention that Felicity is going to pay Iris a visit, so don’t miss it.