REVIEW: The Flash, Episode 402
After the season premiere last week, The Flash returns once again with another episode, this one entitled “Mixed Signals”, and in it we met another metahuman, one who can control technology.
We all probably already heard someone say that technology would one day turn against us, but in the latest episode of The Flash that was probably much more literal than everyone was expecting. In the first scene of the episode, we saw a guy getting killed by an elevator (I am guessing that was a first), and when the Flash Team went to investigate, they found out it was hacked. But that poor man was just the beginning, because the meta went after another guy, hacking his car. Luckily for him, the Flash managed to save his life, but barely actually, because Barry thought he could do everything by himself (more on that latter). After finding out a connection between these two targets, Team Flash found the killer, and that was when technology really started failing the Team. All those great attributes Cisco added to the suit, literally turned against Barry. I guess the latest model would have worked just fine. Barry decided to trust Iris this time, and he did what she told him to, which probably saved his life.
It was after they put Ramsey Deacon behind bars that questions started popping up. Ramsey was nowhere near Central City when the particle accelerator exploded, so he gained his powers in a whole new way. Maybe that has something to do with The Thinker? Could be, since he seemed interested in these new metahumans in the end of the episode. To be honest, it kind of looks like they are trying to stall The Thinker storyline a little bit. Even though he was in both these episodes, he was only in the last minute of each one. I hope we will find out more about him or his plan soon, because it wouldn’t be that interesting to see Barry fight some random metahumans for most of the season, when there seems to be a much better villain in Central City.
It was really nice seeing Barry happy in the beginning of the episode. We usually see him so worried about saving everyone, and having to fight the bad guys, that he usually doesn’t even get to enjoy life as Barry Allen. Because of all this, it was really great seeing him singing and dancing while making breakfast, and even catching up on TV at flash speed. But of course things can’t only be bright, and that was why Iris decided to go to couple’s therapy. The first session was a total failure, but the second one was much more productive. Even though I don’t agree with Iris very often, she was totally right in this one, because Barry really did bail on her. I always thought the last season finale was a bit weird and there were a few things which didn’t add up, and this was totally one of them. Barry really did run away from everyone. He simply told them a few last words, and left, without any idea if he would ever get back or not. Finally, he decided to face that, and told Iris he didn’t want her to stop him. That kind of makes sense, but also doesn’t really at the same time. He could have totally tried to find another way before giving himself in. But controversial matters aside, I was glad Barry and Iris ended the episode happy and with their wedding plans still intact.
Another couple that ended the episode happy was Cisco and Gypsy. That’s right, Gypsy is back. I really like her and the relationship between her and Cisco. They are so funny and great together. This time, Gypsy came to celebrate day 111 (whatever that is; maybe a different version of Valentine’s day?), but Cisco didn’t know about it, so he cancelled their date to go catch the bad guy. It was so funny seeing that Gypsy did care about her world’s tradition, but she was pretending she didn’t, so that she wouldn’t sound sentimental. They ended up celebrating the day 112 instead, which probably lead to the same.
Overall, this was a good episode, better than the premiere in my opinion. It felt a little bit like going back to the beginning of the show, when they were all fighting to live another day. I am giving this episode an 8.5/10.
Next episode is entitled “Luck Be a Lady”, and luck will definitely play a major part in it, since there will be a new metahuman who gives people bad luck. And, to make things better, Harry Wells is coming back, so you really shouldn’t miss it.