REVIEW: Once Upon A Time, Episode 702
Once Upon A Time is back again with the second episode of this requel entitled “A Pirate’s Life”, and in it, Emma Swan’s story was, unfortunately, wrapped up, in what I thought was a satisfying way.
In flashbacks, we saw a glimpse of young Henry about to leave home, and being trained by Hook so that he succeeds in all the adventure he puts himself into. Hook even gave him a little magic which turned out to be very useful. I am liking the fact they are setting young Henry to do these little introduction scenes, because it reminds me that the Henry we see in later flashbacks and also in Hyperion Heights, is the same one we have been seeing for the past 6 years, he simply grew up. Even though the two actors kind of look alike, it isn’t always easy to remember they are the same character, and, it may sound silly, but this helps.
In flashbacks to the new parallel world, the story continued very closely to where it left of, with Henry trying to find Cinderella. Before he was captured by Lady Tremaine, he managed to ask for the help of Regina, Hook and Emma. But, maybe because one Hook wasn’t enough to help Henry, another one followed, the Hook we saw in the eleventh episode of last season, the one from the world the Evil Queen created with her wish. For me, the weirdest part about him, was that he knew Tremaine already. I am sure we will find out how this came to be.
In what was a great twist, we found out Wish Hook has a daughter. In the scene in which he kind of described what happened: a girl in a prison guarded by a witch, it all screamed Rapunzel to me. And since we know Rapunzel is going to be on the show later on (if you didn’t know, you do now), I think maybe she could be it. It also made sense he came: he thought Emma could break the curse the witch put on him, preventing him from rescuing his daughter, so that he would have her back.
But let’s now get to what mattered in the episode: Emma. I think this was a great ending for her and for Captain Swan. I was a bit upset that the Hook from Hyperion Heights isn’t our Hook, but then I realized we could never have a happy ending for Captain Swan and also have our Hook in the new city at the same time. It was either one or the other, and I am glad they decided to end Emma’s story right. And it was even greater that she is pregnant. Of course, it would be better if Emma stayed, but they did the best they could in this circumstance and I am happy they didn’t ruin the happy beginning they got in the end of last season. They both went back to Storybrooke, leaving Wish Hook and Regina to help out Henry. It is just a shame we won’t see Emma and Hook raise their child, but maybe they will be back eventually.
In present day, Rodgers started working with Weaver, and we found out that from Rumple to Weaver, the only things which changed was the name and the closet, because everything else is still there: he is self-centric, manipulative, a powerful man… overall, he is Rumpelstiltskin, and that apparently will never change. I am glad Rodgers didn’t listen to much of what he said, and also didn’t frame Henry for some stupid bracelet theft. But of course that, even in failure, Weaver prevailed, and told Victoria he doesn’t work for her, like that was his plan all along.
In a much more pleasant storyline, I am definitely liking Henry and Jacinda/Cinderella, more and more. They really make a great couple, and they did evolve their relationship a little bit more in this episode. And apparently, I am not the only one shipping them, because, even though Henry denied it the best way he could, Sabine knows there is something between the two of them, and I hope she helps Lucy when she decides to play match maker, which I am sure she will.
In another storyline, Rodgers wanted answers about Emma, and Henry really couldn’t help out much about that. It felt weird his curiosity about Emma after we found out that wasn’t our Hook, but that was addressed in the final scene: Rodgers still remembers when Emma saved his life. He remembers it in his own version, of course, but he knows Emma was the woman who gave him a second chance, and for that he will forever be grateful. In the end, Roni, Rodgers and Henry decided to join forces and will now start to take Victorian Belfrey down. With these 3 working together now, she really doesn’t stand a chance.
Overall, this was a great episode. It was Jennifer Morrison’s last one, at least for a while, and of course I will miss her Emma, but it was a great ending for her story, as I said before. I am giving this episode an 8.6/10.
Episode 3 of this new season will air next week and it is entitled “The Garden of The Forking Paths”. The promo really reminded me of the fifth episode of the first season, when Henry went in the mines, because apparently Lucy will also risk her life to make her father believe everything she says is true. I hope the episode brings something refreshing and new, instead of making a copy of that episode with different characters. My fingers are crossed, but I don’t think they would do that.