REVIEW: How to Get Away with Murder, Episode 402
How to Get Away with Murder returns for the second episode of this new season entitled “I’m Not Her” and this definitely felt like the show is back on track.
For some time now, this show, like all shows really, made a detour to what it was its first season, its origins, to put it differently. There were episodes that simply focused on the main story, and that is fine, but this one really seemed to bring Annalise back. Now that she is able to practice again, “The Queen” found her first case in Jasmine Bromelle. It was really great that it wasn’t some random stranger, but a woman we saw before. We didn’t know why she was in prison (at least if it was revealed, I don’t remember), but now we do: she was found with an illegal gun. Of course, the police didn’t really have an excuse for searching her, except for the fact that she is black, but that is a fact for a totally different conversation.
Later in the episode we found out this really wasn’t the only time she was wronged. When she was 13 she was caught by the police for prostitution, and the judge thought he was being fair simply by sealing the charges, when he did so much more for white girls in very similar circumstances. Sure it was different times, but he was a racist then and probably still is, so he would have continued to do the same thing if he wasn’t retired already. That speech Annalise gave in the end was so beautiful and true. I am glad the judge decided to do right by Jasmine and sealed all her records. The only thing I didn’t really like in this arc was the fact Annalise seemed to be almost sure Jasmine would later end up in the same situation. Of course it isn’t impossible, but people really do change and having hope she will have a good life and live the Happy Beginning the court gave her in a good and honest way, is definitely a nice way to think. I really believe everything will work out for her (call me an optimistic, but I can’t help it).
In a parallel arc, the Keating 4 had meetings with many law firms to try to find another job. Sure the firms were really looking for interns, but they accepted the 4, not because of their amazing skills (even though that is something they do have), but to know what it is like working for Annalise. Michaela really nailed the interviews, even in the questions which were supposed to take her down a bit. She was called back to 3 of the firms and managed to get a job. Asher was also called back, but he didn’t have Michaela’s luck and charm to take it to the end. Connor was the only one who didn’t get any call backs, but let’s be honest and say he didn’t really try that hard to get a job. Laurel is a whole new story. She is still very broken about Wes’ death and she doesn’t know what she wants anymore. She didn’t put a lot of effort in it, but she get one call back, which she didn’t show up to.
It was still really sad to hear that Laurel blames Connor for Wes’ death. This is so unfair to me, that I can’t even begin to describe it. Connor was trying to save his life the best way he could. He didn’t really know what he was doing, and it went the wrong way, but his intentions were good. I understand Laurel wants to blame someone, but she knows her father ordered Wes killed, so just blame him. Speaking of which, I am glad Laurel finally told someone (Michaela) the truth about her father. It seems now that the two will work together to bring him down, and I really am looking forward to that.
In another storyline, Bonnie and Nate started working together. At first Nate thought that was all a scheme Annalise put Bonnie through, and that they were still working together, but in the end, he realized the truth. I must say that I kind of liked seeing them together. I think Bonnie is still with Frank, but I like her more with Nate, even though this is a very recent thing.
In the most How to Get Away with Murder style, we found out someone died. No one talked about a body, but from what we saw in the elevator (at least I think that was an elevator), it sure looked that way. Also, they made it seem like Annalise had something to do with Laurel being drugged. Not sure how that is going to turn out, but I hope it isn’t true.
This was really an amazing episode. As I said, it really took me back to the origins and I loved it. Last episode was great, but this was greater, so I am giving it a 9.1/10.
Next episode will air next week, at the same time and on the same day and it is entitled “It’s for the Greater Good”, so don’t miss it, along with my review.