REVIEW: Midnight, Texas, Episode 110
Midnight, Texas returns one last time (at least this year), with the tenth and final episode of the season entitled “The Virgin Sacrifice” and in it, the so feared and anticipated Colconnar finally arrives to Midnight.
After surrendering herself to Colconnar’s minions, Fiji goes back to Midnight where she learns that the demon will rise at night, and until then, she must get ready. With nothing but wraiths in Midnight, Fiji has no choice but to obey.
Meanwhile, after realizing what she did, the team heads to Midnight to do whatever they can to save Fiji. They prepare some holly water and consecrated weapons to fight the wraiths, and divide in two teams: Bobo, Olivia and Creek went to find Fiji, while Manfred, Joe, Lemuel and Reverend Emilio went to Bobo’s pawn shop to find a way to kill Colconnar once and for all. “To kill evil, you must know evil”. This is what Catori whispered to Manfred’s ear in the end of last episode, and it now feels a bit disappointing because they these words don’t mean anything to us, the audience, so why did the writers made him whisper them? He could have perfectly said it out loud, since it isn’t exactly a secret, giving us something to chew while waiting for the finale. But anyway, knowing evil is precisely what Manfred attempts to do in Bobo’s shop.
Pawn shops are known to have all sorts of things from all kinds of places, and, if you believe the legends, some of those things may be even cursed. Of course that Manfred definitely believes it, since he can hear the spirits and the demons trapped inside the objects. After making sure Emilio is trapped in the cellar, Manfred calls out all the demons inside the objects he gathered, in an effort to use their power against Colconnar. I was very reluctant about this idea because it seems very dangerous and I really didn’t know if he would be able to not let all those demons control him, but in the end everything turned out well, because shortly after Colconnar ascended, Manfred started fighting him and brought him down. I was a bit disappointed by this. The showdown was great, but that is not what I mean. We have been hearing that a demon will rise since episode 2, I think, and when he did he was immediately brought down. Of course this is great for the Midnighters, I am just trying to say that it would have been cool seeing Colconnar bring some despair and destruction before he was killed for good.
Back at Fiji’s house, after everyone was able to enter safely, Olivia, who stayed behind to make sure everyone was able to get to the house, got hurt on the way there. Because she wasn’t able to heal her, Fiji told Creek to take her to a hospital. I am glad this happened because apocalyptical Midnight is no place for Creek because she doesn’t really know how to protect herself. At least this way she was more useful than she ever would have been if she had stayed. Alone in the house, Fiji tells Bobo about her past (at least the most important parts we saw in the previous episode), and tells him that she intends to do to Colconnar what she did to Jeremy, which really sounds like a very bad idea. Sure she would probably be able to kill any person she wanted, but Colconnar is a demon, and I think there is a big chance that wasn’t going to work on him. Fortunately, Bobo had a much better idea: if Colconnar wanted Fiji because she was a virgin, then all they needed to do was make sure she wasn’t one anymore.
With the apocalypse looming over Midnight, love was definitely in the air and I am sure in the end of the episode Emilio felt like a candelabra. Creek and Manfred shared their first I love you’s and got back together, Bobo and Fiji finally accepted the fact that they belong together, Joe and Chuy can finally be reunited again (since the vail is closed) and, in an unexpected turn, Olivia and Lemuel got married. I really didn’t see this coming. At first I thought Emilio was just being the hope speech deliverer, but then we found out that was a wedding. I am definitely very happy for these two, since they are my favorite couple of this show.
As usually happens with season finales, there was a twist in the end, but definitely not one I expected. I thought maybe we would have a glimpse of the next supernatural threat, but instead we learned that an old hotel is going to be restored, making tourists want to go to Midnight. This definitely feels like something that is far from good because this means that normal people with no idea about the supernatural will arrive, and that will complicate things if they need to fight another supernatural creature (which I am sure they will).
This was a good episode but I was kind of hoping for it to be a bit better. The twist in the end didn’t help much because it didn’t really seem like a season finale twist, but more of a twist that said “see you next week”. But the episode as whole was good and intense, and the scene of the battle between Manfred and Colconnar was really great to watch, and for that, I am giving this episode an 8.9/10.
It is now time to say goodbye, hopefully not forever but at least for a while because if Midnight, Texas comes back (Which I hope it does), it will probably only be next summer. This show definitely still has a lot of story to go through and can be developed a lot more, so I hope the writers have the chance to. Next season seems like it may focus a bit more on Olivia’s family, since we learned in this episode that Madonna is working for her father, so he already knows where she is. Now all we need to do is keep our fingers crossed and hope that NBC will renew this show (which I think it will).