REVIEW: Stranger Things, Episode 104
Stranger Things continues with episode four, entitled “Chapter Four: The Body” but I think that “The Puppet” would probably be a more worthy name, since in the end that is what it was, but more on that later.
The episode started with a pretty amazing scene with Sheriff Hopper telling Joyce that they found Will’s body. It was really great to see that throughout that entire scene Hopper was really calm and just trying to comfort Joyce in the best way he could. Of course he didn’t believe anything she was saying about the monsters, and Will talking through the lights, but he still listened to it and tried to make sense of it. Hopper told Joyce she should go see the body, because he thought that making her see that Will was dead would make her stop talking crazy. But of course that nothing prepared him for what actually happened, because after seeing the body Joyce seemed to be even more convinced that Will is still alive somewhere, so she is now more than ever eager to find him.
Meanwhile, even though Mike is still hiding Eleven in his house, he isn’t talking to her anymore, which is of course understandable. But these two make amends early in the episode when Eleven catches Will singing in the Walkie-talkie, but they soon lose him again. Mike calls Dustin and Lucas and the team makes a plan to go to the school and try to contact him on the big transmitter. But of course that for this, they had to dress up Eleven, and it was so funny seeing three little boys dressing her up. While trying to sneak in, Mr. Clarke found them and said he would only let them near it, if they went to a meeting to honor Will. I have to say that this meeting thing seemed like a totally realistic and stupid thing at the same time. This is definitely the kind of thing any school would do to any student: gather everyone to say how great that person was, even if that person wasn’t great at all. The only thing schools try to show is that they care, but guess what? Now, it’s too late to care. Well, actually it isn’t in this case, since Will is still alive, but it definitely is too late in most cases. Without any doubt, the best thing about this meeting was the end, when Mike finally faced Troy and his stupid friend. Mike pushed Troy, and Eleven gave the final touch by making him pee himself in front of everyone. Who’s the loser now, Troy?
After that really satisfying scene, the gang makes their way to the room where the transmitter is and they were finally able to hear Will again, but Will couldn’t hear them, because at the same time we saw that he was talking to Joyce. This was definitely an amazing scene, and seeing four of the people who care most about Will finding out he is really alive at the same time, was great. Joyce was actually even able to see him through the wall, but it was just for a few moments, because then Will had to run away from the Demogorgon.
Meanwhile, Nancy continued to try to find Barb, and in this episode she officially became missing. But of course that the case is very different from Will’s, because I think Barb isn’t underage, so the police looks at it from a whole different perspective. Another thing really satisfying was seeing that Nancy finally started to realize that Steve is a jackass, because he would rather lie to the police about some things that happened at the party to save his own ass, than to tell the truth, since that would help Barb a lot more. Nancy noticed something weird in a photo Jonathan had taken, so she goes to him and together they realize that the thing in the picture is the monster Joyce said she saw trying to come out of the wall.
Finally, even though the investigation into Will’s disappearance is officially closed, Hopper continued to investigate, and asked some questions to the guy who found the body. Hopper soon realized that the place Will turned up in doesn’t belong to the state, but to a private company, so it is extremely weird the state handled the case. He broke into the place where Will’s body lies, opened it, and found nothing but cotton inside. There is definitely something very wrong happening in Hawkins, and in this episode everyone (or at least the characters who matter the most) finally started to realize it.
This was really an amazing episode, full of great badass scenes, but also some sad and shocking ones. Stranger Things is really a great show, and I am sure this is just the beginning, and stranger things are coming our way. I am giving this episode a 9.2/10.
The fifth episode is entitled “Chapter Five: The Flea and the Acrobat”, and everyone will start understanding a bit better what is going on, so don’t miss my review.