REVIEW: Dead of Summer, Episode 106
Dead of Summer continues the season with episode 6, entitled “How to Stay Alive in the Woods”, and what a great episode this was, and that is exactly what this show needed at this point, because even though the previous episodes were good, maybe not as good to make the audience always keep watching, definitely one of the reasons why it got cancelled.
In flashbacks, we saw a lot of Deb’s past and we found out that she is, like everyone else, a woman with secrets, but maybe in contrary to what some people may believe, her secrets have nothing to do with the major mystery that has been looming over Stillwater. Deb is simply a woman who had once a great summer, and so she thought some great and magical things would follow, but turned out very disappointed. We saw that she was happy (not the happiest, but happy) when she was collecting signatures for charity, but it was clear that when she started working in the law firm with her partner/boyfriend, she was far from happiness (unless when she was reading Keith’s postcards). This was the most clearer when her boyfriend, Fred, proposed and Deb’s answer was simply “sure”, like that moment was a mundane thing. No surprise, no “Oh my God, of course I do”, no joking around a bit, just “sure”. Deb clearly is far from happy with her life in that moment, and, almost as it was always meant to be, by chance, she found Keith. The two of them talked, and that is when Deb realized that that summer back in 1970 is as good as her life will get. We later found out that Keith isn’t also exactly doing well. Even though he might have been happy when he was writing poetry for some magazines, when he found Deb he hadn’t written in a while, so he definitely agreed with her. Ready to go find their time capsule, Deb later went to Keith’s motel room, where she found him dead, killed by an overdose. That is how much Keith needed memories from that summer.
In present day, Deb blames herself for what happened to Cricket, because she realized that if she wasn’t so stuck in the past, if she didn’t want so hard to bring back some memories, Cricket would still be alive. Of course she is being a little hard at herself, it obviously wasn’t her fault, and that was exactly what Keith came back to tell her. In the beginning we might have thought that he popped by because he learned Deb had reopened the camp, so he wanted to see her and it again, but things got a lot creepier when we find out that Keith was dead. And exactly because he was dead, he had to go back to wherever he came from. But before he left, he told Deb that bad things are coming. Maybe Deb wasn’t able to save the world, but she might now be able to save all those kids at the camp.
Meanwhile, Blair is far from OK with Cricket’s death and he wants to find out what really happened to her, because he realized that her death doesn’t make sense, since she knew the woods very well. But with Cricket dead, there is no way that isn’t creepy to talk to her, so he prepares a spirit session using an Ouija board. The session scene was really amazing to watch, and my heart was definitely beating really fast because I had no idea what was going on. Cricket possessed Amy, but then so did Holyoke, and while in her body he tried to cut her throat. The session ended with Jessie’s arm drawing a skull. This was the moment in which Jessie started to believe there is definitely something very wrong going on.
At the same time, Sykes continued to investigate the lake’s history and he found a file number in the cufflink he had found last episode. Inside the file was his father’s research about the lake and cults related to it. Later on, Jessie found him and they realized that what she drew, when put on top of the map Sykes had found earlier in the series, shows the spot where the cult is burying things for the ritual. But someone already knew that Sykes knows where to find the buried things, so they moved it.
After Keith left, Deb decided to gather everyone and make a time capsule for Cricket, in which someone put something that had some kind of meaning to her. I found this scene a really great one, and this idea was really good so everyone would get some closure.
Right in the final scene, we saw someone in a mask burying Blotter’s head, making sure that there are no doubts that he is actually dead.
This was really a great episode, the best one so far. I really liked Deb’s back story because it felt so real. There is always a moment in time in which we would all like to go back to. Sometimes we try to recreate it, but succeeding is very very rare. The episode also really focused on the main mystery and that is definitely a plus, since there aren’t many episodes left. I am giving this episode a 9.4/10.
Episode 7 is entitled ”Townie” and, as the name suggests, it will focus on Garrett, so don’t miss my review.