REVIEW: Midnight, Texas, Episode 109
Midnight, Texas returns for its second episode this week, this one being the ninth of this first season, and it has “Riders on the Storm” as its title. It is definitely safe to say that this was a very Fiji episode.
The episode had some flashbacks to Fiji’s early days in Midnight and these were very enlightening, not just to Fiji’s past, but to witches and magic in general. Flashbacks begin with Fiji’s arrival in this strange town where she went to stay with her aunt, Mildred. This aunt definitely had dug into Fiji’s past and that allowed her to say with some certainty that Fiji is a witch, just like her. Throughout the flashback scenes, Mildred trained Fiji to control her magic, which comes from emotions, while Fiji found a love interest, Jeremy. Mildred warned Fiji to be careful about this little crush, because she is too powerful and so she most protect her heart from strong emotions. Fiji didn’t listen, which led to her accidently killing Jeremy when they were about to have sex. This totally explains why Fiji doesn’t want to be with Bobo. She has been trying to protect him from herself.
In present day, Colconnar’s rise is closer and closer, so he sends a spirit to make Fiji surrender to him willingly. This spirit brought with him a sandstorm which made everyone evacuate. It was later revealed that the spirit was in fact the Jeremy from the flashbacks, and that was definitely a great choice, because he reminds Fiji that no one is safe around her. Today she is protecting everyone, but tomorrow she might accidently hurt them all (and she almost did).
Meanwhile, Joe and Manfred keep working on a plan to close the vail. Knowing that that isn’t the first time the vail opened and that once a man named Catori was able to close it, these two, with the help of Revered Emilio, go dig up the body to try to find out how he did it. Unfortunately, all they found was a bag of nothing, and when they came out of the cellar, the storm had already arrived.
After making sure that everyone, including Creek, had evacuated Midnight, the heroes of this small town used the vampire bus, featured in the third episode, to escape, leaving only Manfred behind, while he searched for Mr. Snuggly. I really have to say that this was definitely not the brightest idea they had, because there were wraiths everywhere and he couldn’t get to a car. Fortunately, Creek was smart enough to not listen to him, and so she came back to see if they needed help, giving Manfred and Mr. Snuggly a much needed ride.
After Manfred and Creek caught up with everyone else on the bus, they realized that they would never be able to escape the sandstorm because it was following them, or more specifically, it was following Fiji. They stopped in a building with no windows to try to work out on what to do next, and that was when we all learned why Colconnar is after Fiji specifically: she is a virgin witch, those are very powerful, and power is what this demon is after. Of course we later started understanding the reason why Fiji is a virgin: after what happened to Jeremy she was probably never able to start seeing anyone again, until Bobo of course.
In an effort to find out how to stop the upcoming apocalypse, Manfred and Fiji put together two ancient spells from both their ancestors, forming a new very dark spell. But of course magic, especially dark magic, comes with a price and this new spell required a life. This is the part where I was starting to grow very concerned, since I didn’t want anyone in that room to die. After Reverend Emilio volunteered, Mr. Snuggly decided to step up instead and gave himself to the spell. It was very nice seeing that everyone was just as surprised as I was (or maybe even a bit more) to find out that the cat talks. Glad to know I am not alone.
But apparently Snuggly wasn’t good enough for a sacrifice (not sure why), and the spell took Manfred instead. In the afterlife, the psychic was able to speak to Catori and he told Manfred what he needs to do. Or at least I hope he did, because we didn’t hear him saying much, since, even though there was no one around, Catori whispered it to Manfred’s ear. Right after this, he woke up.
But of course no one knew Manfred’s death wasn’t a permanent thing and, seeing that Colconnar was right, everyone around Fiji dies, she surrendered herself to him in an effort to save everyone else’s life.
This was definitely a great episode. It was very intense, the action moved quickly and, as I said, the flashbacks gave us a very important glance into Fiji’s life. This is, in my opinion, the best episode so far and so I am giving it an 8.8/10.
What isn’t as amazing is that the season is very close to the end. Episode 10, which will air next Monday, is the season finale and it is entitled “The Virgin Sacrifice”. Even though I said this episode was the best, I am expecting the finale to be even better, so I hope I don’t come out disappointed.