REVIEW: Once Upon A Time in Wonderland, Episode 108
Once Upon A Time in Wonderland returns with episode 8, “Home”, and with the winter finale upon us, everyone wants to be the first to find Cyrus.
In flashbacks we saw Alice and Cyrus and learned a few things more about these two. I never get tired of seeing Alice kicking ass, and especially everyone’s face when they find out she can fight, and so it was very amusing watching that first scene. What wasn’t so amusing was seeing her injured. Luckily it was nothing Mrs. Rabbit couldn’t fix, but the Rabbit is right to point out that she may not be this lucky next time. One thing is true however: even though Alice didn’t choose to fall in love with Cyrus, she chose the life she was having, she chose to be with him, and she knew the consequences of that decision. And she would rather die a premature death on Cyrus’ arms than live years and years apart from him. And that is exactly what true love is all about. But even considering all this, it is obviously still nice having a place to call Home, somewhere to go to when things get tough and, with the help of the Caterpillar, Cyrus was able to build it.
And it is to their Home that Alice believed Cyrus was going to. But before getting there, she wanted to make a stop at the Rabbit’s place so that he would help them escape from Wonderland. Unfortunately, the Rabbit isn’t very keen on helping them, since the Red Queen kidnaped his family. With Will’s help (he knows Anastasia better than anyone) they manage to find them, and these 3 head to the Outlands.
Meanwhile, Jafar enlists the help of one of the Queen’s Tweedles to get Cyrus’s bottle. With this, all he needs is for Alice to make her last wish, and he will have everything he ever wanted. But he soon realized that the Queen was much smarter than he thought, and the bottle he was given was fake. So he gets mad as he had never gotten before and destroys the Queen’s castle after taking one of her hairs. The Queen’s castle was definitely a very beautiful and original castle, definitely one fitted to a beautiful queen such as Anastasia.
At the same time, after learning that Cyrus was caught in one of her traps, Anastasia goes to get him. They make a stop to go get the real bottle and, after convincing Cyrus to tell her where he was going to, they also make way to the Outlands. Obviously Anastasia never trusted Jafar, but when he got the fake bottle was probably the moment she realized Jafar didn’t need her for the spell, and that she was simply the means to an end.
Alice was the first getting there and after she couldn’t find Cyrus she started making all sorts of other plans to search for him again. It was a bit weird that she didn’t think that the reason why Cyrus wasn’t there was simply because he hadn’t arrived yet. But it was still nice seeing that Alice didn’t lose hope that she would find him, I think she simply thought they wouldn’t reunite that day, but she was wrong. After 8 episodes apart, Cyrus and Alice were reunited at last, and it was just as beautiful as we had imagined. But the sweet nothings soon came to an end when Alice saw who Cyrus’ travel companion was.
It is finally in this scene that we realized what Anastasia was trying to get: she wanted to travel back in time and stop herself from accepting the King’s offer to become queen, so that she would continue living with Will. She probably thought she didn’t have many chances of getting him back in present day, so a trip to the past was her only option. Anastasia begged everyone to leave Wonderland immediately but anyone trusted her at first, and I definitely don’t blame them after everything she put them through.
Wanting to get rid of the Red Queen, Jafar performs a spell to kill her. Anastasia is able to dodge it, but the lightning strikes Will. Because of the first wish Alice made, they both find themselves dying, and Alice doesn’t want to make a wish because that will take Cyrus back to the bottle and Jafar will have what he wanted from the beginning. But what she didn’t remember was that she had promised Will a wish, and so he wished to “end Alice’s suffering”. As wishes go, this was kind of a smart one, since I don’t think anyone can take back wishes, and so, for Alice to stop suffering, Will would have to stop too. But what no one remembered was that physical suffering isn’t the only kind of pain, and thanks to Will, Cyrus is no longer a genie. But wishes come with a price, and Will payed his by taking Cyrus’ place in the bottle.
This was certainly an amazing episode, and that twist in the end was an incredible one that I definitely did not see coming. I am giving this episode a 9.0/10.
I will be back soon with my review of episode 9 entitled “Nothing to Fear”, where we will find out who Will’s first master will be.