HOLY SNAP, The New ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Trailer Looks EPIC
“What were you the God of, again?”
This year’s San Diego Comic-Con has brought us all kinds of awesome, but this new trailer for Marvel’s Thor: Ragnarok has probably won the con.
Yes, that’s right, I said it, this trailer looks absolutely epic. Everything from Cate Blanchett’s magnificent Hela, to Hulk talking, Loki’s return (has he ever left tho?), Valkyrie in action, Thor: the freaking god of thunder… It looks amazing.
The question now is: have they shown too much? Is there going to be anything else to show in the movie? I guess we’ll wait and see.
For now, let’s freak out together:
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ue80QwXMRHg[/embedyt]