REVIEW: Once Upon A Time in Wonderland, Episode 102
After an episode of questions (a pilot episode tends to do that) it is nice having an episode of answers. In “Trust Me” we find out what Jafar and the Red Queen are up to: they want to gather 3 genies in order to change the laws of magic. It also doesn’t take long to know what these laws are because Cyrus explains them to Alice in a flashback. Cyrus says he can’t kill people (this is only a genie rule and not a law of magic), can’t bring back the dead, can’t change the past (this one is not so strict anymore as you might remember from season 3B of “Once Upon A Time”) and can’t make people fall in love. These are the 3 rules these villains want to be free of, each for their own personal reasons, I’m sure, and those reasons won’t probably take long to be revealed to us.
What is interesting in a villain team up is that they are all constantly trying to be the leader and that is why they usually fail. In the beginning of the episode it is clear that Jafar is the most powerful one and that the Red Queen is just a pawn in his game. He is simply using her to find Cyrus’ genie bottle, making her promises along the way he doesn’t intend to keep. After all, as the Red Queen says, “promises were made to be broken”. But Jafar underestimated the Queen of Wonderland and it doesn’t take long for her to make a stand. She sends Jafar on a wild goose chase, while she and the Rabbit (who she has an upper hand on) go to where the bottle is actually buried, making herself now much more than a pawn in the chess game that is starting to take place.
But Jafar is not the only one making planes, because Alice also makes some of her own. She wants to make 3 harmless wishes (since magic, wishes included, always comes with a price) and then Cyrus will be back to his bottle, which she intends to have by then. But most planes are made to be tossed to the trash and this one is no different. First Alice and Will find a very big lake and, needing help to get through it (since Will can’t swim), they call a fairy, Silvermist. But she isn’t very willing to help (given her past with Will, which she is not as “move on” from as she said) and eventually throws them both into the lake. As luck would have it, they landed close to a little island (convenient, right?) where they rested while trying to come up with something that would allow them to continue their journey. But turned out that they hadn’t used all the luck they had for that day, and the island they were in wasn’t really an island and more of a gigantic turtle. Alice not being one of subtlety, demands the turtle to take them to their destination.
But turned out Alice simply wanted to see who they were up against, because the place they go to wasn’t where the bottle was buried. After finding Jafar digging, Alice and Will go to the place the bottle was actually buried but only find a hole in the ground. The bottle had been taken already. And that is when a message from Cyrus arrives. Cyrus asks Alice to leave Wonderland while she still can’t, but he didn’t have to bother because everyone knew (maybe even Cyrus) that she would never do that. Instead Alice sends him another message: “I’m coming for you”.
This episode also introduced two mysterious character: Anastasia (who is “a tale of heartbreak” for Will) and another prisoner that is trapped in the same dungeon as Cyrus. Keep them in mind because they will be important as the story develops.
I feel like in this episode, in contrary to the previous one, the flashbacks were a little pointless and didn’t add much to the story (not only this episode’s story, but the entire season’s). The only thing that could be called “relevant” we learned in the flashbacks were what the laws of magic are, but that could be easily explained in the present. This being said, I’m glad there weren’t a lot of flashback scenes. They are important and very explanatory in some episodes, but not in this one.
But it was still a good episode and I will give a 7.5/10.
Also keep in mind that Alice isn’t the only one “coming for you”. I will too, so don’t forget to check my upcoming review of episode 103, “Forget Me Not”.